I am currently teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in computational physics, analytic mechanics, electromagnetics and mathematical physics. Previously I taught principally undergraduate computational physics at different levels and undergraduate and graduate optical communications and semiconductor device physics.
Computational physics textbooks designed over the last 10 years consist of our original C++ text which focuses on the practical implementation of the C++ language in scientific and engineering programming contexts and unifies many disparate issues that are central to scientific programming. These include software engineering principles (UML), numerical analysis, scientific graphics programming, the Standard Template Library (STL), Monte-Carlo methods including the Metropolis and multicanonical techniques, partial differential equation solvers, calling Fortran from C++ and C++ program optimization. Numerous useful programming tools are collected in an accompanying CD and are meticulously documented in the text. A survey book that includes relevant and partially revised sections of our previous C++ book together with new material that summarizes Octave, Java and introduces additional numerical methods was additionally published in 2012. Most recently, a 462 page text, suitable for review for individual undergraduate courses, GRE and graduate entrance examination and graduate comprehensive examinations summarizes undergraduate physics and applied mathematics in a particuarly compact format.