Baugh Research Lab Blog
New paper published as a Letter in Physical Review A

New paper out! It is on designing controls for spin qubits that are robust to 1/f charge noise. Congrats to PhD student Bohdan Khromets for getting these results published in PRA as a Letter, which was also chosen as an Editor's Suggestion. Here is a link to the paper.

Bohdan also attended the Silicon Quantum Electronics workshop in Davos, Switzerland in September, where he presented a poster on the same work.
New paper published in Nanotechnology
New paper out! Lead by PhD student Zach Merino, this paper demonstrates enhanced photoresponse of InGaAs infrared photodetectors using plasmonic semiconductor nanocrystals. The work was in collaboration with the group of Pavle Radovanovic in Chemistry, lead by his PhD student Gyorgy Jaics.

New Master’s graduates
Congratulations to Fiona Thompson, Andrija Paurevic and Camille Lacroix for successfully defending their Master’s theses in September. All three defences went very smoothly, were well received and generated interesting discussions. Grateful for their contributions to our group's research. Thesis titles are given below:
Fiona Thompson: "Proximity Superconductivity in Indium Arsenide Two-Dimensional Electron Gas Devices"
Andrija Paurevic: "Automated Tuning and Optimal Control of Spin Qubits in Quantum Dot Devices"
Camille Lacroix: "Development and Electronic Characterization of Graphene-Based Hall Effect Devices"