We are seeking potential graduate students for opportunities to study various aspects of the ecology of bats in Canada. Programs will involve fieldwork in Ontario and Atlantic Canada. If interested please reach out to Hugh Broders with a cover letter, CV and a copy of your transcripts.
If you are interested in pursuing an undergraduate thesis (UW undergraduate students) or a graduate program in our lab, here are some things to consider:
- I expect students in our lab to be hard-working, self-starters. To have a successful program, students must have a passion for the work. For graduate students, if you are considering a graduate program because there is nothing better to do, such a venture might not be appropriate for you.
- Good marks are required, excellent marks are not an absolute requirement. However, excellent marks are certainly advantageous and makes one more competitive for scholarships.
- Financial resources are often and unfortunately the most limiting resource to research. If you already have funding (e.g., NSERC) this is advantageous, however other funds may be available.
Still interested in what we do and think you fit this description? UW undergraduate students interested in a thesis project should contact Dr. Broders as early as possible in your program. For those interested in graduate studies, contact Dr. Broders via email (hugh.broders@uwaterloo.ca) with a copy of your CV and transcripts and let us know your specific interests and qualifications.
The University of Waterloo has progressive policies to advance equity, diversity, and inclusivity goals in our workplace and resources to support these initiatives (e.g., https://uwaterloo.ca/human-rights-equity-inclusion/resources). Our lab is supportive of these initiatives.