Bon Koo

Bon Koo
Associate Professor
Location: CPH 4327
Phone: 519-888-4567 x37843


Bon Koo is an Associate Professor in the Department of Management Sciences at the University of Waterloo.
His principal areas of research include the economics of R&D and intellectual property rights, management of technology, science and technology policy, and the economics of biotechnology.
Dr. Koo is affiliated with the International Science & Technology Practice & Policy (InSTePP) at the University of Minnesota. He has published several reports, journals, and articles on topics such as intellectual property rights policies, R&D and innovation, technology standards, conservation of genetic resources and biotechnology.

Research Interests

  • Technology management and innovation, Economics of intellectual property rights, Licensing and contracts in technology, open source innovation, Economics of biotechnology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, R&D and Innovation Incentive, Intellectual Property Rights, Licensing and Contracts, Green Technology


  • 1998, Doctorate Agricultural and resource economics, University of California, Berkeley, U.S.A.
  • 1996, Master's Agricultural and resource economics, University of California, Berkeley, U.S.A.
  • 1991, Master's Economics, Yonsei University, S. Korea
  • 1989, Bachelor's Economics, Yonsei University, S. Korea


  • 2001 Outstanding paper on plant genetic resources awarded by the Crop Science Society of America.


  • MSE 261 - Engineering Economics: Financial Management for Engineers
    • Taught in 2024

* Only courses taught in the past 5 years are displayed.

Selected/Recent Publications

  • Cozzarin, Brian Weonseek Kim Bonwoo Koo, Does Organizational Innovation Moderate Technical Innovation Directly or Indirectly?, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, , 0000
  • Pardey, Philip and Koo, Bonwoo and Drew, Jennifer and Horwich, Jeffrey and Nottenburg, Carol, The evolving landscape of plant varietal rights in the United States, 1930-2008, Nature biotechnology, 25, 2013
  • Kim, Teakdong and Koo, Bonwoo and Park, Minsoo, Role of financial regulation and innovation in the financial crisis, Journal of Financial stability, 662, 2013
  • , , , , 2013
  • , , , , 2013
  • Kim, Weonseek and Koo, Bonwoo, A Patent System with a Contingent Delegation Fee under Asymmetric Information, The BE Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, , 2012
  • Narayanan, Meyyappan and Koo, Bonwoo and Cozzarin, Brian Paul, Fear of fraud and Internet purchasing, Applied Economics Letters, 1615, 2012
  • Koo, Bonwoo and Mantin, Benny and O'Connor, Peter, Online distribution of airline tickets: Should airlines adopt a single or a multi-channel approach?, Tourism Management, 69, 2011
  • Koo, Bonwoo and Wright, Brian D, Dynamic effects of patent policy on sequential innovation, Journal of Economics \\& Management Strategy, 489, 2010
  • , , , , 2010

Graduate studies