In partnership with Organizational and Human Development (OHD), Enterprise Change Management at Waterloo offers Change Management focused workshops hosted in person or virtually using Microsoft Teams.
Workshops are open to University of Waterloo employees or offered as custom sessions to your group.
To see our upcoming offerings and register for a workshop, please log into Portal. Upon completion of the workshop, the employee learning record will be updated in Workday.
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Strategies for Successfully Navigating Change
Duration: 150 min online or in person workshop and facilitated discussion
Target audience: Employees in non-supervisory roles
Description: Change is constant and happens all the time. Every day we change in small ways – our morning routine, our route to work, our daily activities. We adapt quickly to these small changes, seamlessly adjusting our ways. It’s the big changes however that can cause an emotional reaction and discomfort. Understanding and addressing why we react to change, the impact the change has on us and whether we are motivated to embrace a change, is important and can directly influence outcomes. This course will provide learners with an overview of how and why individuals react to change. Through interactive exercises, participants will discover the value in considering the people side of change. In addition, individuals will have an opportunity to learn new strategies they can apply to real change situations.
Successfully Leading and Managing Change
Duration: 150 min online or in person workshop and facilitated discussion
Target audience: Leaders and those in people management
Description: In this interactive workshop, we’ll discover the value in considering the people side of change, covering how and why individuals react to change. Participants will focus on the critical role the manager plays in supporting team members through change and, by way of application of the change management steps, we’ll learn new strategies to apply to real change situations.
Change Management for projects
Duration: 150 min in person workshop and facilitated discussion
Target audience: Leaders and those in people management
Description: For a change to succeed, the project must consider change management techniques to effectively support those impacted.
This workshop will introduce the complementary functions in project management and change management. Through shared experiences and the application of tools, attendees will learn the importance of planning and integrating change management techniques into the project to increase user adoption.
Pre-requisite: Completion of a change management workshop or an understanding of the change curve and the Prosci® ADKAR model AND project experience or completion of ITPD Introduction to Project Management
Custom Change Management workshops
Customized change management workshops are the ideal solution for instances where specific areas are experiencing significant change. Workshops are designed to meet the unique needs of the team / department or unit.
To request a customized workshop, please complete and submit the Custom Workshop Request form. Thank you.
Attendee quotes
The workshop provided us with tools that can be applied to almost any situation.
Helpful, insightful, upbeat workshop experience supported by great resources. We all learned something about ourselves and our teams!
Very thorough, engaging and applicable workshop on managing change. It included discussion, activities and UW specific examples of recent change.
On-line delivery combined several interactive tools to give an almost in-person experience.