
Change is constant. Understanding and strategically addressing the impact change has on an individual, a team or an organization can directly influence change initiative outcomes.

The University of Waterloo offers a campus wide streamlined approach to managing change initiatives and is committed to supporting employees as they navigate through change.

Managers leading change have access to a variety of services, equipping them with the necessary skills and tools to support their team members, anticipate areas of resistance and proactively address concerns to optimize change results.

Services offered include: consultation with Change Management Prosci certified representatives and access to tools and templates.

Supports and Services


The CMA is responsible for supporting University-wide strategic change initiatives. Special requests outside of these criteria will be assessed on a need and resource availability basis. To submit a request please fill out our online form

For a given change initiative, the CMA will perform one of two possible roles: they will offer consulting services, or they will be designated as the change leader for the project.

Services provided by the Change Management Advisor include:

Service Change Leader Change Consultant
Provide advice and guidance on the implementation of the change X X
Define the Change Management Strategy and create a Change Management Plan X  
Support and guide sponsors, leaders of change, or change project team members through the given change initiative X X
Prepare the Change Management Team X  
Collect and analyze feedback, diagnose gaps, manage resistance and implement corrective action plans as needed X  
Offer a Change Management Health Check (CMHC) service X X
Report on the success of each phase of the change initiative X  


At the Faculty, unit and department level, the Human Resource Partner’s (HRP) are Change Management certified and apply Change Management techniques as part of their ongoing support of managers across campus.

Please contact your HRP to discuss your change initiative.


The PMO provides PM support to campus. In addition to overseeing the given project, a number of Project Managers within the PMO are also versed in CM methodologies and can provide ongoing support for IT related projects.