The Interdisciplinary Centre on Climate Change is pleased to be a sponsor for Waterlution's program, the Great Canoe Journey.

Waterlution’s purpose is to inspire pattern-making and pattern-breaking change towards a healthy and sustainable relationship with water. By engaging future young leaders, Waterlution is facilitating the development of powerful leadership skills, effective community building, and directing passion into focused and purposeful action.
Waterlution's Great Canoe Journey program engages school-aged youth (grades 3+), in all provinces and territories, in a youth-led initiative to contribute to their journey of reconciliation through indigenous education.

This is done by:
- Partnering with indigenous traditional canoe builders to create workshops for students to learn directly from builders.
- Brining passionate youth leaders into classrooms to mentor students.
- Bringing indigenous voices into the classroom via Canada-wide webinars.
- Providing classes with teacher-led activities that support students learning about local indigenous culture through canoes and water.
Visit Waterlution's website for more details on the Great Canoe Journey.