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In April 2021, IC3 partnered with Waterloo's Concept/Velocity, Problem Lab and TRANSFORM to offer students the Innovation Stream as part of the University's Waterloo Experience (WE) Accelerate program.

The WE Accelerate program was offered to undergraduate co-op students entering their first work term last spring. This optional program helped students earn a flexible work term credit and develop in-demand skills through content provided by industry partners and team-based project experiences.
The Innovation Stream was a uniquely designed student experience focused on tackling the complex issues of climate change by developing novel ideas and impactful solutions. The stream focused on three key themes: Business and Innovation Skill Development, Industry Experts and Startup Coaches, and Real-Life Impact. Throughout the term, student teams from across academic disciplines joined forces to identify a problem, develop a solution, and pitch their project to industry partners.
IC3 is pleased to present the three winners of the Concept Innovation Stream: Spring 2021.
1st Place: CliMate

CliMate is a browser extension that creates a sustainability score from 1-10 for online shopping based on six environmental and social factors, while providing discounts and coupons on eco-conscious purchases.
Student Team:
- Sophia Symons
- Ananya Bose
- Adora Johnson
- Timothy Manuel
- Rayeeda Afrida
2nd Place: B.E.A.N.S.

Canadian and American corn farmers lose money every time they use necessary nitrogen fertilizer because large amounts dissipate, harming the environment without helping crops. Our solution is to create multilayer fertilizer beads separated by layers of Chitosan nanoparticles to cut down on nitrogen loss in corn farming.
Student Team:
- Anthony Keen
- Joshua Dorotheo
- Brendan Wong
- Matthew Rowe
- Shibi Uthayakumaren
3rd Place: PURwater Initiative

Climate change is causing an increase in harmful cyanobacteria growth to infiltrate drinking water raising a threat to one's health. The use of Compost Waterless Toilet reduces the growth of cyanobacteria in rural India.
Student Team:
- Jennie Song
- Aliya Sinha
- Rhea Bhai