Sarah McKone
Secretary to the Committee
July 14, 2022
Present: Andrew McAlorum,Erick Engelke, Greg Parks, Jason Testart, Lori Paniak, Paul Miskovsky, Pam Fluttert, Pratik Patel, Robyn Landers, Trevor Bain
Guests: Koorus Bookan
Regrets: Adam Savage, Bill Baer, Don Duff-McCracken, Greg Smith, Nick Springate, Steven Bourque,
Presentation: Video management and delivery platform project [20 min.]
Approval of the minutes from Thursday, June 30, 2022 [5 min.]
Other business and roundtable discussion – all [20 min.]
Next CTSC Meeting [Will be held Thursday, July 21, at 1:30 p.m.]
Presentation: Video management and delivery platform project (Koorus Bookan)
One comprehensive platform to manage created videos
Comments and discussion
What is the next step? Pre-COVID a committee struck, Koorus is looking to update this list to revitalize the committee to investigate and pilot with vendors.
There is a need to consider video management in the context of other data management (ex. Marketing purposes, interviews for a research, lectures). The is a challenge to find one solution for all use cases. If there could be integration that allows for single search across all platforms this would be beneficial.
A campaign to educate on the possibility of what is possible with the application may be necessary during implementation.
Categorizing the data, and classification is important from the start
General agreement that this should proceed.
If there are specific people that should be involved in this committee, please reach out to Pam or Koorus.
Other Business/Roundtable
Engineering, Erick Engelke
- Are any departments utilizing Amazon Web Services for students to create a cloud environment where students can program?
- There is demand from researchers to work in the cloud, but the status of these conversations is unknown. It is suspected that in the future a request for institutional support for this will come forward.
- Security measures to ensure an individual is not engaging in behaviour that would increase billing would be necessary (ex. Bit coin mining)
Health, Trevor
- Looking for an update on Adobe licensing.
- A decision will likely be made in the next couple of weeks. The feedback looks promising thus far, but formal IT governance and software licensing needs to be completed.
- There have been questions coming forward regarding pro-rating individual licensing. Additional conversations need to continue with the Adobe representative regarding this.
- Looking to have this completed by the end of August early September.
- A meeting will occur with Arts, Environment, Health and IST to discuss having a common image for Azure Virtual Desktop. Email Trevor if you are interested in joining.
- Health has consulted the undergraduate student association regarding the desired use for a lab. Students are looking for a mix of hub stations where they can bring their own devices and workstations. Are there any suggestions for hardware?
- Trevor to connect with Robyn to see what the Math faculty is using.
- There is an e-sports lab in Village 1 residence that allows students to bring their own CPU’s. Mike Hyunh from IST assisted with the set-up and can be contacted if interested.
IST, Andrew
- The R Drive migration project for academic support is beginning. If faculties that use R Drive are interested in migrating, they can connect with Dianna Timmermans or Andrew.
- Research Computing Services Directory: Vincent Gaudet, Director of Research Computing at the Office of Research, is going to co-lead with the Research Computing theme of the IT Review. The directory is an easy win to implement, to do it properly we need to consider website design, content review and consultation.
- Andrew is organizing a training session hosted by Microsoft for Azure Intune as part of the migration from SCCM. Andrew and Dave Hinton have developed a list of individuals who should be included and shared this in the meeting chat. Please email Andrew if anyone else should be included. This session will require a higher level of technical understanding. Andrew is hoping to include an hour open invitation on Intune more generally. The date is still being determined but will likely occur between mid to late August.
IST, Jason
- Having a group come up with security standards for campus network infrastructure. Jason is constituting a group and is still waiting for confirmation on who from TIS will be involved.
- Hopefully clarification on who can be a sponsor in WatIAM; some constraints on who can make people a sponsor other than themselves. May be looking at the onboarding role that was generously granted but is not highly used.
- Bill 88 that came out in the spring -- employers with 25+ employees need to have a policy on electronic monitoring (E.Digital footprint). Jason is leading a working group with privacy, HR, and University Relations to provide a guideline. The only reason for developing a guideline is because we are being told to, we are not going to change anything we have been doing (e.g., We are not doing this for performance management). Prior to guidelines being released, there will be engagement from the campus community.
IST, Pam
Digital learning strategy: All consultations of folks who have reached out are scheduled. Would like to bring together learnings as a summary and bring to CTSC for feedback. This will also be distributed to groups within IST. Hoping to do this for end of July/ early August