Carol Lu
Secretary to the Committee
May 28, 2020
Present: Steven Bourque, Don Duff-McCracken, Erick Engelke, Paul Miskovsky, Trevor Bain, Bill Baer, Andrew McAlorum, Andrea Chappell, Jason Testart, Dave Kibble, Lori Paniak, Pratik Patel
Regrets: Daryl Dore, Greg Smith, Adam Savage, Robyn Landers
- Chair’s remarks [5 min.]
- Approval of the minutes of the meetings of Thursday May 14, 2020 [5 min.]
- Use of O365 tools for teaching and learning (Andrea Chappell) [15 min.]
- Increase in incorrect Proofpoint filtering (Lori Paniak) [5 min.]
- Changes to Campus Telephony and pricing (Andrew McAlorum) [15 min.]
- Student Computing Labs in the Fall term (Dave Kibble) [10 min.]
- Other Business [10 min.]
- Roundtable discussion – all [20 min.]
- Next CTSC Meeting [Will be held Thursday June 11 at 1:30 p.m.]
Chair's Remarks (Steve Bourque)
- Microsoft Teams has added new features, including 3x3 video gallery, a 'raise hand' function, and pop-out windows for chats and meetings
Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
The previous meeting’s minutes were accepted as distributed.
Use of O365 tools for teaching and learning (Andrea Chappell)
- Andrea gave a presentation on the Use of O365 tools for teaching and learning
- There is interest in using Teams and other O365 tools for teaching and learning
- Would like to get feedback from CTSC about different scenarios where these tools would work and where they would not work
Comments and discussion
- Arts has hired 57 Online Learning Assistants working in 8 teams of 5-8 people, would their feedback/experience be helpful?
- Yes, this feedback would be useful
- How does Teams compare to Google Drive?
- Missing rostering functionality in Teams would be an issue
- Hard to join teams; it is difficult to discover what teams already exist
- Teams can be identified easily on the back-end with IST's team naming conventions
Increase in incorrect Proofpoint filtering (Lori Paniak)
- Computer Science emails are being marked as 'imposter' by ProofPoint and disappearing
- Mail from the CS mail server is forwarded to a uwaterloo email address and getting marked as an imposter email; students never end up receiving these emails
Comments and discussion
If an email doesn't go through Connect, ProofPoint thinks the email is being spoofed
The ProofPoint spoofing protection was working as intended by blocking emails for accounts in Connect that were sourcing from external servers using a email address
- IST has made changes to the ProofPoint imposter algorithm/whitelisting today
- The imposter list gets moderated on a regular basis
- ProofPoint does not send imposter-labelled emails to users
- Computer Science domain has been whitelisted
- Should ProofPoint be labelling mail that originates from campus as 'imposter'?
- Students on campus would be able to spoof and send spam
- Showing users imposter emails poses a risk; users may be more likely to respond to spam emails
- AHS has also run into this issue
- Users using Mailchimp to email both internal an external mailing lists
- If you are sending an email from a University of Waterloo email address but not sending the email from a University server, the message will not be sent
Changes to Campus Telephony and pricing (Andrew McAlorum)
- Andrew gave an updated presentation on the changes to campus telephony and pricing
- The focus of the telephony discussion is on the design and implementation from an IT perspective
- Executive Officers and UCIST are reveiwing the financial aspect of these changes
Comments and discussion
- Arts has purchased headsets from the W store
- A discount is given for quantities 10+
- CTSC members appreciate that IST is aiming to be more transparent with telephony billing
- Current billing system is outdated
- There has been a double billing issue in the past
- The system has been upgraded to prevent double billing; this will be corrected after the next billing cycle
- It is recommended that users limit call forwarding during this transition period
- Arkadin could potentially be replaced by Teams
- Headset costs could be high upfront
- Engineering is in favour of this transition
- Department is 3/4 using headsets 1/4 using handsets
- Hardware recommendations have not been determined yet
- IST will provide setup documentation for recommended hardware
- Will this transition require more set up from the faculties?
- Handsets might require more setup
- What is the expected lifespan of the hardware?
- Would like headsets to last ideally until 2025
- WUSA is now using Yealink instead of Polycom
- Tested with Teams but campus phones have private IPs; Teams requires public IPs
- Looking to eventually eliminate all phones
- Project timing is not ideal since 15% budget reduction has already been submitted; did not anticipate that headsets needed to be purchased
- Environment is installing phone lines in semi-public places (e.g. grad offices)
- Arts saw a 20% uptake in the four departments that transitioned to Skype for Business
Student Computing Labs in the Fall term (Dave Kibble)
- Dave circulated an email yesterday with considerations for student computing lab access
- Would like to collect feedback from CTSC members by end of June
- Final numbers for total students on campus in the Fall are not available yet
Comments and feedback
- Engineering has ~1000 workstations available for students but there is not enough staff capacity to clean all the workstations
- Regular supplies get stolen from student labs, how do we prevent sanitizer/wipes from being stolen?
- Some labs have Microsoft surface tablets which are slightly easier to clean than full desktop machines
- Dave to establish a small brainstorming group to further discuss
- Interested members: Erick, Paul, Don, Trevor, Adam, Bill, Lori
- IST is investigating Azure virtual desktops
- Included in the A3 license
- Due to reduced student capacity, some lab instructors may not want to teach additional sessions
Other Business
No other business.
Client Services, IST (Andrew)
- IST is expanding the use of Kanopy for Media Resources streaming to support online teaching
- Microsoft Teams was used to host the President's Town Hall, University Senate meeting, and Board of Governors meeting
- Teams will also be used to host the University's Wellness Day conference and Waterloo Innovation Summit in July
- The Jira Service Desk pilot will be expanding; Arts Computing Office to start using Jira Service Desk
Engineering (Erick)
- How can we repurpose new lab equipment that was recently purchased before the pandemic?
- CTSC to discuss in a future meeting
AHS (Trevor)
- Advised users to update their password after the last round of phishing simulations
Comments and discussion
Faculties can provide users with further education on phishing (e.g. what you should do, how you can tell this is a phish)
Grad student response rate was ~6%; staff response rate was 6-10%
Spam assassin flagged the simulated phish as spam
Computer Science (Lori)
- For hybrid lectures: if a student online has a question, is there a way for the prof to be notified that someone has a question during the lecture?
Environment (Don)
- Focusing on getting instructors trained to use WebEx
- Inviting an IT staff member to each WebEx meeting to troubleshoot
- Contact Don if interested in learning more about the process
WUSA (Pratik)
- Microsoft Lists is expected to be released soon; similar application to Planner and Airtable