The decision support system - GMCR II

GMCR II (Graph Model for Conflict Resolution, Decision Support System II) effectively and efficiently examines strategic conflicts that take place in many areas of human endeavour.

As demonstrated by many real world applications, GMCR II can provide decision makers and analysts with decision advice, structural insights and answers to what-if questions. With this enhanced understanding, analysts can better explain strategic relationships and assist decision makers, who may have the opportunity to direct the evolution of the conflict toward more favourable results.

To request access to GMCR II for research purposes please click this link and complete the 'Research User of the Decision Support System GMCR II ' form and submit it to Prof. Fang at:

Another available Decision Support System for conflict analysis is GMCR+. This program operationalizes the Graph Model for Conflict Resolution, and has advanced analytic and visualization functions. GMCR+ can be found at the following link : GMCR+