Cooperative & Adaptive Mechatronic Systems Lab (CAMS-Lab), lead by Baris Fidan, studies cooperative and adaptive approaches to control, optimization, and parametric identification of dynamic mechatronic systems. Ongoing projects focus on distributed motion planning and coordination of mobile robot and autonomous vehicle networks, adaptive and learning based motion planning and maneuver control for collaborative driving and intelligent transportation, distributed parameter identification and adaptive control of intelligent vehicle systems and mobile robotic platforms, localization and mapping via autonomous vehicle networks, UAV navigation and stability control, filtering and control design for biomedical and human assistive robotic applications.
Key Research Topics: system identification and adaptive control, autonomous vehicle navigation control and coordination, cooperative target localization and tracking, terrain surveillance and mapping, robotic motion and service coverage planning.
Baris Fidan is a professor in Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering, with cross appointment in System Design Engineering and Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of Waterloo. He is a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). He has been the principal investigator (PI) for the NSERC discovery programs`Cooperative and Adaptive Mechatronic Systems: Identification, Control, and Optimization’ and ‘Distributed Geometric Coordination of Autonomous Vehicle Networks Moving in Three Dimensions’. He has also been the PI or co-PI of various CRD projects, including `Extended UAV-based Sensing for Mapping in Support of Ground Vehicles’, `Autonomous Driving Strategies for Urban and Highway Environments’, `Development of New Technologies for Design and Popularization of Urban Vehicles’.