Victor Mawutor Agbo

PhD Candidate, Recreation and Leisure Studies


Victor Mawutor Agbo

Victor Mawutor Agbo is a PhD candidate in the Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies at the University of Waterloo. He holds a Master of Environmental Studies (MES) in Geography from the Department of Geography and Environmental Management, University of Waterloo, and a Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Tourism Management from the University of Cape Coast, Ghana. In partial fulfilment of his MES degree, Mawutor explored the potential of community-based ecotourism as an ecologically based approach to Atewa Forest governance in Ghana. Much of his work has focused on ecotourism development, community advocacy, forest conservation and broadly, sustainability in tourism contexts.

Research interests

Tourism Education, (De)colonization in tourism contexts, Community-based tourism, human-nature relationships, tourism ethics and justice, critical theories 

As a critical tourism researcher, Mawutor's present research work focuses on tourism education and colonization relationships, interrogating how academic institutions operate either as sites of colonial reinforcement and/or resistance. He has also contributed to projects fostering tourism justice, ethics, and sustainability in community-based tourism contexts.