Cross-appointed to School of Environment, Resources, and Sustainability (Faculty of Environment)
BRLS, MA (Brock)
PhD (Carleton)
Contact information
Office: B.C. Matthews Hall 2113
Phone: 519-888-4567, ext. 32612

Research interests
- Geographies of nature-based travel, tourism, outdoor recreation, and leisure
- Indigenous-Settler relations
- Tourism ethics and environmental responsibility
- Arctic tourism and northern landscapes
- Qualitative inquiry
- Experiential education and outdoor learning
Selected publications
- Grimwood, B. S. R., Muldoon, M., & Stevens, Z. (2019). Indigenous cultures and settler stories within the tourism promotional landscape of Ontario, Canada. Journal of Heritage Tourism, 14(3), 233-248.
- Grimwood, B. S. R., Caton, K., & Cooke, L. (2018). New moral natures in tourism. New York, NY: Routledge.
- Grimwood, B. S. R., Mair, H., Caton, K., & Muldoon, M. (2018). Tourism and wellness: Travel for the good of all? Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
- Grimwood, B. S. R., & Caton, K. (2017). Pausing at the intersections of tourism moralities and mobilities: Some neighbourhood history and a traffic report. Tourist Studies, 17(1), 3-16.
- Grimwood, B. S. R. (2017). An ecofeminist narrative of urban nature connection. Leisure Sciences, 39(6), 506-523.
- Yudina, O., & Grimwood, B. S. R. (2016). Situating the wildlife spectacle: Ecofeminism, representation, and polar bear tourism. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 24(5), 715-734.
- Grimwood, B. S. R., Yudina, O., Muldoon, M., & Qiu, J. (2015). Responsibility in tourism: A discourse analysis. Annals of Tourism Research, 50, 22-38.
Grimwood, B. S. R. (2015). Advancing tourism’s moral morphology: Relational metaphors for just and sustainable Arctic tourism. Tourist Studies, 15(1)3-26.
- Grimwood, B. S. R., & Doubleday, N. C. (2013). Illuminating traces: Enactments of responsibility in practices of Arctic river tourists and inhabitants. Journal of Ecotourism, 12(2), 53-74.
- Grimwood, B. S. R., & Doubleday, N. C. (2013). From river trails to adaptive co-management: Learning and relating with Inuit inhabitants of the Thelon River, Canada. Indigenous Policy Journal, 23(4), 1-18.
Grimwood, B. S. R., Doubleday, N. C., Laidler, G. J., Donaldson, S. G., & Blangy, S. (2012). Engaged acclimatization: Towards responsible community-based research in Nunavut. The Canadian Geographer, 56(2), 211-230
Grimwood, B. S. R. (2011). “Thinking outside the gunnels”: Considering natures and the moral terrains of recreational canoe travel. Leisure/Loisir: The Journal of the Canadian Association of Leisure Studies, 35(1), 49-69.