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Michael Abebe

Graduate student
photo of Michael Abebe
Location: DC 2118

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisor: Khuzaima Daudjee

Link to personal webpage: Michael Abebe

Fadhil Abubaker

Master's graduate
photo of Fadhil Abubaker

Degree: Master’s

Supervisor: Khuzaima Daudjee

Link to personal webpage: Fadhil Abubaker

Mofetoluwa Adeyemi

Graduate student

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisor: Jimmy Lin

Tamal Adhikary

Graduate student

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisors: Khuzaima Daudjee and Semih Salihoglu

Rishav Agarwal

MMath alumni
Location: Davis Centre

Degree: MMath

Supervisor: Lukasz Golab

Link to personal webpage: Rishav Agarwal

Kerem Akillioglu

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: M. Tamer Özsu

Link to personal webpage: Kerem Akillioglu

Solaiappan Alagappan

Graduate student
photo of Solaiappan Alagappan
Location: DC 3301

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Maura R. Grossman

Link to personal webpage: Solaiappan Alagappan

Khaled Ammar

Graduate student
Location: DC 3314

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisor: Tamer Özsu

Link to personal webpage: Khaled Ammar

Nafisa Anzum

Graduate student
photo of Nafisa Anzum
Location: DC 3301

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisor: Semih Salihoglu

Link to personal webpage: Nafisa Anzum

Negar Arabzadah

Graduate student

Degree: PhD candidate
: Charles Clarke

Negar Arabzadehghahyazi

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisor: Charles Clarke

Omar Attia

Graduate student
photo of Omar Attia

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Ihab Ilyas

Alternate email address:

Link to personal webpage: Omar Attia

Catalin (Alex) Avram

Doctoral alumni

Degree: PhD

Supervisor: Ken Salem

Gaurav Baruah

Postdoctoral fellow
Link to personal webpage: Gaurav Baruah

Shai Ben-David

Affiliated faculty
519-888-4567, ext. 37523
Location: Davis Centre (DC) 1311
Link to personal webpage: Shai Ben-David

Harsh Bindra

Graduate student

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Khuzaima Daudjee

Abhinav Bora

Graduate student

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Lukasz Golab

Oluwaaseun Cardoso

Graduate student
Location: DC 2550

Degree: Master's candidate
Maura R. Grossman

Anurag Chakraborty

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: Master’s candidate
Semih Salihoglu

Anup Chalamalla

Graduate student
519-888-4567, ext. 38394
Location: DC 3314

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Ihab Ilyas

Link to personal webpage: Anup Chalamalla

Houmaan Chamani

Graduate student
Location: CPH 3626

Degree: Master's candidate
: Mark Smucker

Dahlia Chehata

Graduate student

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Charles Clarke

Shirley Chen

Graduate student

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Khuzaima Daudjee

Xu Chu

Assistant professor, School of Computer Science, Georgia Institute of Technology

Degree: PhD

Supervisor: Ihab Ilyas

Xu Chu is assistant professor in the School of Computer Science at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He completed his PhD in the Data Systems Lab at the University of Waterloo in 2017.
Link to personal webpage: Xu Chu

Charlie Clarke

519-888-4567, ext. 35241
Location: Davis Centre (DC) 2506
Link to personal webpage: Charlie Clarke

Gordon V. Cormack

Professor Emeritus
519-888-4567, ext. 34450
Location: Davis Centre (DC) 2502
Link to personal webpage: Gordon V. Cormack

Matthew Crane

Postdoctoral alumni

Supervisor: Jimmy Lin

Link to personal webpage: Matthew Crane

Vargha Dadvar

Graduate student
photo of Vargha Dadvar
Location: DC 3301

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Lukasz Golab

Link to personal webpage: Vargha Dadvar

Arman Davoodi

Graduate student

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: M. Tamer Özsu

Mohammad Dehghan

Graduate student

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Lukasz Golab

Link to personal webpage: Mohammad Dehghan

Mark Dodds

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Khuzaima Daudjee

Ahmed El-Roby

Doctoral alumni

Degree: PhD

Supervisor: Aboulnaga

Link to personal webpage: Ahmed El-Roby

Xiyang Fang

Graduate student

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Semih Salihoglu

Mina Farid

Doctoral alumni
Location: Davis Centre (DC) 3301

Degree: PhD

Supervisor: Ilyas

Lasantha Fernando

Graduate student
photo of Lasantha Fernando

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisor: Khuzaima Daudjee

Link to personal webpage: Lasantha Fernando

Chang Ge

Graduate student
photo of Chang Ge
Location: DC 3301

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisor: Ihab Ilyas

Link to personal webpage: Chang Ge

Kamyar Ghajar

Graduate student
photo of Kamyar Ghajar
Location: DC 3301

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisors: Charles Clarke and Mark Smucker

Link to personal webpage: Kamyar Ghajar

Shadi Ghasemitaheri

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Lukasz Golab

Link to personal webpage: Shadi Ghasemitaheri

Amira Ghenai

Doctoral alumni
Location: Davis Centre 3301

Degree: PhD

Supervisors: Charlie Clarke and Mark Smucker

Link to personal webpage: Amira Ghenai

Brad Glasbergen

Graduate student
Location: DC 2118

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisor: Khuzaima Daudjee

Link to personal webpage: Brad Glasbergen

Lukasz Golab

Professor, Management Science
519-888-4567, ext. 31383
Location: Carl A. Pollock Hall (CPH) 4350
Link to profile: Lukasz Golab
Link to personal webpage: Lukasz Golab

Kiarash Golzadeh

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: Master's candidate
Lukasz Golab

Maura Grossman

Research Professor
519-888-4567, ext. 37522
Location: Davis Centre (DC) 2501
Link to personal webpage: Maura Grossman

Runsheng (Benson) Guo

Graduate student
photo of Runsheng (Benson) Guo
Location: DC 3301

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisor: Khuzaima Daudjee 

Link to personal webpage: Runsheng (Benson) Guo

Enamul Haque

Graduate student
photo of Enamul Haque
Location: DC 3301

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisors: Grant Weddell and David Toman

Link to personal webpage: Enamul Haque

Xi He

Assistant Professor
photo of Professor Xi He
Location: DC 3347
Link to personal webpage: Xi He

Liam Hebert

Graduate student
photo of Liam Hebert

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisors: Robin Cohen and Lukasz Golab

Alireza Heidari

Postdoctoral researcher
photo of Alireza Heidari

Advisors: Ihab Ilyas and M. Tamer Özsu

Link to personal webpage: Alireza Heidari

Alireza Heidarikhazaei

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisor: Ihab Ilyas

Link to personal webpage: Alireza Heidarikhazaei

Xiao Hu

Assistant Professor
photo of Professor Xiao Hu


  • BE, Computer Software, Tsinghua University (2014)
  • Ph.D., Computer Science and Engineering, HKUST (2019)

Research interests

  • Fundamental problems in database theory and their implications to practical systems
  • Massively parallel query processing
  • Dynamic query processing
  • Oblivious query processing


Xiao Hu on Google Scholar

Siqing Huo

Graduate student

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Charles Clarke

Siqing Huo

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: Master's candidate
Charlie Clarke

Ihab F. Ilyas

519-888-4567, ext. 33145
Location: Davis Centre (DC) 3348
Link to personal webpage: Ihab F. Ilyas

Xiangru Jian

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: PhD candidate
Tamer Özsu

Guodong Jin

Postdoctoral researcher

Collaborates with Semih Salihoglu

Link to profile: Guodong Jin

Ehsan Kamalloo

Postdoctoral researcher
Location: DC 3626

Collaborates with Jimmy Lin

Chathura Kankanamge

Graduate student

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Semih Salihoglu

MohammadReza Karegar

MMath alumni

Degree: Master’s

Supervisor: Lukasz Golab

Alexey Karyakin

Graduate student
519-888-4567, ext. 38333
Location: DC 2531

Degree: PhD candidate
: Ken Salem

Tejasvi Kashi

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Ken Salem

Besat Kassaie

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisor: Frank Tompa

Kriti Kathuria

Graduate student
photo of Kriti Kathuria

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Ken Salem

Link to personal webpage: Kriti Kathuria

Taras Kinash

Graduate student
519-888-4567, ext. 33509
Location: DC 3509

Degree: Master’s candidate
: Grant Weddell

Oleksandra Kmet

Graduate student

Degree: Master's candidate
: Charles Clarke

Karl Knopf

Graduate student
photo of Karl Knopf
Location: DC 3301

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisor: Xi He

Link to personal webpage: Karl Knopf

Mustafa Korkmaz

Doctoral alumni
Location: Davis Centre (DC) 3301

Degree: PhD

Link to personal webpage: Mustafa Korkmaz

Zeynep Korkmaz

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: PhD candidate
: Tamer Özsu

Dhruv Kumar

MMath alumni
Location: Davis Centre

Degree: MMath

Supervisor: Lukasz Golab

Link to personal webpage: Dhruv Kumar

Chanaka Lakmal

Graduate student
Location: DC 2115

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Khuzaima Daudjee

Jian Li

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: PhD candidate
: Ihab Ilyas

Minghan Li

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisor: Jimmy Lin

Jimmy Lin

519-888-4567, ext. 31104
Location: Davis Centre (DC) 3601
Link to personal webpage: Jimmy Lin

Luyun (Aileen) Lin

Graduate student

Degree: Master's candidate

Supervisor: Jimmy Lin

Sheng-Chieh Lin

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisor: Jimmy Lin

Chang Liu

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisor: Semih Salihoglu

Link to personal webpage: Chang Liu

Jixiang Liu

Undergraduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: Undergrad research assistant

Supervisor: Xi He

Chengxi Luo

Graduate student

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Charles Clarke

Xueguang Ma

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Jimmy Lin

Sujaya Maiyya

Assistant Professor
photo of Professor Sujaya Maiyya


  • BE, Information Science, PESIT, Bangalore (2014)
  • MSc, Computer Science, University of California, Santa Barbara (2017)
  • PhD, Computer Science, University of California, Santa Barbara (2022) 

Research interests

  • Distributed data management, fault tolerance, data privacy & security
  • Designing, prototyping, and evaluating data management protocols that strike a balance between efficiency and security in both trusted and untrusted environments


Sujaya Maiyya on DBLP

Babar Memon

MMath alumni
Location: Davis Centre (DC) 3301

Degree: MMath

Supervisor: Ken Salem

Xiao Meng

Graduate student
Location: Davis Centre (DC) 2120

Degree: PhD
Lukasz Golab and Ihab Ilyas

Amine Mhedhbi

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisor: Semih Salihoglu

Link to personal webpage: Amine Mhedhbi

Renée J. Miller

Professor, Canada Excellence Research Chair in Data Intelligence
Location: DC 3354

Linh Nhi Phan Minh

Graduate student
photo of Linh Nhi Phan Minh
Location: DC 3301

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Mark Smucker

Link to personal webpage: Linh Nhi Phan Minh

Michael Mior

Graduate student
Location: Davis Centre (DC) 3301

Degree: PhD

Link to personal webpage: Michael Mior

Salman Mohammed

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Jimmy Lin

Ipsita Mohanty
Location: DC 3301

Degree: Master’s candidate
Tamer Özsu

Shubhankar Mohapatra

Graduate student
photo of Shubhankar Mohapatra

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisor: Xi He

Link to personal webpage: Shubhankar Mohapatra

Ian Munro

University Professor
519-888-4567, ext. 34433
Location: Davis Centre (DC) 2343
Link to personal webpage: Ian Munro

Syed Saad Naseem

MMath alumni

Degree: PhD

Supervisor: Lukasz Golab

Sobhan Niknamian

Graduate student

Degree: Master’s

Supervisor: Ihab Ilyas

Akintunde Oladipo

Graduate student

Degree: Master's candidate

Supervisor: Jimmy Lin

Tamer Ozsu

University Professor
519-888-4567, ext. 37609
Location: Davis Centre (DC) 3350
Link to personal webpage: Tamer Ozsu

Anıl Paçacı

Graduate student
photo of Anıl Paçacı
519-888-4567, ext. 32444
Location: Davis Centre 2115

Degree: PhD candidate
Tamer Özsu

Link to personal webpage: Anıl Paçacı

Wei Pang

Graduate student

Degree: Master’s candidate
 Semih Salihoglu

Wei Pang

Graduate student

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Semih Salihoglu

Himchan Park

Postdoctoral researcher
Location: DC 3342

Collobarates with M. Tamer Özsu

Ronak Pradeep

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisor: Jimmy Lin

Hasan Ammar Rafiq

Graduate student
519-888-4567, ext. 38333
Location: DC 2531

Degree: Master’s candidate
: Grant Weddell

Saira Rizvi

Graduate student

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Charles Clarke

Joel Rorseth

Graduate student

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Lukasz Golab

Mohamed Sabri

Graduate student
519-888-4567, ext. 38394
Location: DC 3314

Degree: PhD candidate
: Grant Weddell and David Toman

Link to personal webpage: Mohamed Sabri

Siddhartha Sahu

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: PhD candidate
: Semih Salihoglu

Mina Saleeb

Graduate student
519-888-4567, ext. 38627
Location: DC 3313

Degree: PhD candidate
: Ihab Ilyas

Link to personal webpage: Mina Saleeb

Kenneth Salem

Professor Emeritus
519-888-4567, ext. 33485
Location: Davis Centre (DC) 3512
Link to personal webpage: Kenneth Salem

Semih Salihoglu

Associate Professor
519-888-4567, ext. 37522
Location: Davis Centre (DC) 3349
Link to personal webpage: Semih Salihoglu

Veronica Salm

Graduate student

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Lukasz Golab

Hemant Saxena

Doctoral alumni
Location: Davis Centre (DC) 3301

Degree: PhD

Link to personal webpage: Hemant Saxena

Mahsa Seifikar

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Charles Clarke

Royal Sequiera

MMath alumni
Location: Davis Centre (DC) 3301

Degree: MMath

Udhav Sethi

Graduate student

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Ken Salem

Dahlia Shehata

Graduate student

Degree: PhD candidate
: Charles Clarke

Aida Sheshbolouki

Graduate student

Degree: PhD candidate
Tamer Özsu

Link to personal webpage: Aida Sheshbolouki

Anmol Singh

Graduate student

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Gordon Cormack

Harry Sivasubramaniam

Graduate student

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Xi He

Mark D. Smucker

Associate Professor
519-888-4567, ext. 38620
Location: Carl Pollock Hall (CPH) 3624
Link to personal webpage: Mark D. Smucker

Amir Vakili Tahami

Graduate student
photo of Amir Vakili Tahami

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisor: Mark Smucker

Link to personal webpage: Amir Vakili Tahami

Luchen Tan

Graduate student
Location: DC 3548F

Degree: PhD candidate
: Charles Clarke

David Toman

519-888-4567 x34447
Location: Davis Centre (DC) 3344
Link to personal webpage: David Toman

Frank Tompa

Distinguished Professor Emeritus
519-888-4567, ext. 34675
Location: Davis Centre (DC) 1313
Link to personal webpage: Frank Tompa

Arif Usta

Postdoctoral researcher
Location: DC 3517

Collaborates with Semih Salihoglu

Link to personal webpage: Arif Usta

Theo Vanderkooy

Graduate student

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Khuzaima Daudjee

Alireza Vezvaei

Graduate student
photo of Alireza Vezvaei
Location: DC 3301

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: Lukasz Golab

Link to personal webpage: Alireza Vezvaei

Alexandra Vtyurina

Graduate student
Location: DC 3546

Degree: PhD candidate
:Charles Clarke

Link to personal webpage: Alexandra Vtyurina

Mushi (Calvin) Wang

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: Master’s candidate
Semih Salihoglu

(Jean) Xue Jun Wang


Degree: Master’s

Supervisor: Maura R. Grossman

Graduation date: Fall 2021

Grant Weddell

Associate Professor
519-888-4567, ext. 34463
Location: Davis Centre (DC) 3146
Link to personal webpage: Grant Weddell

Ji Xin

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisors: Jimmy Lin and Yaoliang Yu

Link to personal webpage: Ji Xin

Nicole Yan

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisors: Charles Clarke and Mark Smucker

Link to personal webpage: Nicole Yan

Jheng-Hong Yang

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisor: Jimmy Lin

Andy Yu

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisor: Lukasz Golab

Chao Zhang

Postdoctoral researcher
Location: DC 3517

Collobarates with M. Tamer Özsu

Dake Zhang

Graduate student
photo of Dake Zhang
Location: DC 3301

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisor: Mark Smucker

Link to personal webpage: Dake Zhang

Haotian Zhang

Doctoral alumni
Location: Davis Centre (DC) 3548

Degree: PhD
Smucker & Cormack

Link to personal webpage: Haotian Zhang

Shufan Zhang

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisor: Xi He

Xiaofei Zhang

Postdoctoral alumni
519-888-4567, ext. 38217
Location: Davis Centre (DC) 3343

Xinyu Zhang

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisor: Jimmy Lin

Yan Zhang

Graduate student
519-888-4567, ext. 32444
Location: DC 2115

Degree: Master’s candidate

Supervisor: TamerÖzsu

Link to personal webpage: Yan Zhang

Wei Zhong

Graduate student
Location: DC 3301

Degree: PhD candidate

Supervisor: Jimmy Lin

Shi Zong

Postdoctoral researcher
Location: DC 3626

Collaborates with Jimmy Lin