PhD Seminar - Main Memory Energy Efficiency in Database Systems

Wednesday, September 14, 2016 12:30 pm - 12:30 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)
Speaker: Alexey Karyakin
Abstract: Most research on computer systems energy efficiency has been focused on the CPU. CPU power management features such as power states and frequency scaling has been used by operating systems and applications to optimize energy use. However, with increasing amount of main memory installed in servers, its contribution to total server energy footprint may become significant. In this talk, I will analyze the factors that determine memory consumption and how to optimize it for database workloads. In particular, I will present a strategy of physical memory allocation that maximizes its residency in low power states. Using this strategy for a database buffer pool allocation reduces power consumption of memory devices which are not used for database pages. We will also discuss methods of estimating and measuring memory power consumption in simulated and real world settings.