Several of our DIESEL members are presenting their recent work at the International Shoulder Group 2018 Meeting in Rochester, Minnesota.
On August 12th, Alan Cudlip

is presenting his work, entitled "Anterior and posterior supraspinatus activation differences during tion tasks using indwelling EMG". The following day, Angie Lang will present "Scapular orientation estimation performance of the acromion marker cluster in a clinical population during arm elevation", followed by Tea Lulic, who will discuss the results of her work, entitled "Hand and plane movement influence shoulder muscle recruitment". Finally, Jackie Maciukiewicz will present "The influence of hand location and exertion direction on electromyographic signals in maximal efforts".
Dr. Clark Dickerson, our fearless leader, was also a co-author with Ronelle Calver on two papers presented at the conference. One was entitled "Contribution and activity patterns of sub-regions of supraspinatus and infraspinatus during isokinetic activities", while the other explored "relative activity of sub-regions of supraspinatus and infraspinatus during dynamic tasks performed with free weights".
Congratulations to everyone who had an abstract accepted for a podium presentation, and a special congratulations to Angie, whose work was recognized as one of the top student led research papers. We hope you have an educational few days learning about our beloved shoulder!