Members of DIESEL are heading to Rochester, Minnesota for the 42nd annual American Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting. The work presented at this conference represents just some of the new research coming from our MSc, PhD and Post Doctoral fellow trainees. Congratulations to everyone for having your work accepted!
Jackie Maciukiewicz has a poster presen

tation detailing a project completed during her MSc studies in the DIESEL lab, entitled "Muscular demands associated with manual pallet wrapping". Angie Lang is also presenting a poster based on the results of some of her introductory PhD work, entitled "Relating functional task performance to rotator cuff pain in a breast cancer population".
Presenting their work in thematic poster sessions are Talia Alenabi (Postural influences on regional supraspinatus and infraspinatus activation in isometric arm elevation efforts), Rachel Whittaker (Maximal voluntary isometric prescription for supraspinatus and infraspinatus regions), and Alan Cudlip (Anterior/posterior supraspinatus indwelling EMG changes through shoulder motions).

Finally, Tea Lulic has a podium presentation summarizing her work, entitled "Breast cancer treatment type and post-treatment duration influence pectoralis major recruitment". Tea has been nominated for a Clinical Biomechanics award for her research. Congratulations and good luck, Tea!