DIESEL at the Ontario Biomechanics Conference

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Members of DIESEL will be travelling to the Ontario Biomechanics Conference (OBC) at the Nottawasaga Inn in Alliston, Ontario on March 10-12th to present some of their recent research to fellow biomechanics undergraduate and graduate students. Now in it's 14th year, OBC is organized to provide an opportunity for Ontario biomechanics students to network and present their work in a casual and nurturing environment.

Several members of the lab were awarded podium presentations based on their submitted abstracts. On Saturday morning, Alan Cudlip will report on his research entitled "Push-up plus variants alter upper extremity muscle demand", while Carmen Liang will present her data from her MSc work, "The influence of body mass index on functional and isometric joint strength".

Archana Kunesegaram, one of DIESEL's undergraduate students, will present her research on "Assessing upper extremity muscle demands while operating a manual pill crushing device" on Saturday afternoon.

Finishing up the conference on Sunday will be two of our research assistants, Rachel Whittaker and Joshua Dlugokecki. Rachel will report on her MSc findings entitled "Directional changes in thoracohumeral elevation are associated with muscle fatigue during a repetitive task", while Josh will be presenting "Shoulder muscle response to rotator cuff fatigue in individuals with varying endurance capabilities".

Good luck to all of our presenters!