The Real-time Embedded Software Group concentrates on research on real-time embedded software systems at the intersection of software technology, embedded networking, and applied formal methods. Real-time embedded systems are characterized by their interaction with the environment through sensors and actuators, their resource constraint platforms, and non-functional properties. Successful research in this area focusses on providing concepts, methods, and tools to build better systems more easily as well as on development of precise analytical methods for characterizing non-functional system properties and timing.
Word Cloud for Current Publications

Industrial sponsors
The research group heavily interacts with industry through industrial collaborations. The list of current and past research partners in alphabetical order include: AMD, ARM, Alcohol Countermeasures System, Center for Integration of Medicine and Innovative Technology, Denso, Google, IBM, Intelligent Mechatronics Systems , Leggett & Platt, Lixar, MIS Electronics, Magna, Magna Group (multiple divisions), NRC, Pratt&Whitney Canada, Pravala Networks, QNX Software Systems, Renesas, Rogers, Spacelabs Healthcare, Telus, Tyco Electronics Canada, XYZ Interactive Technologies.