Analysis of faculty course evaluation data - January 2013

Monday, September 8, 2014
by Kathy Becker

Student course evaluations in University of Waterloo Engineering are a long-standing joint venture between the Faculty and EngSoc. The data is routinely used by individual instructors to identify potential areas for change in course design and delivery and by the Faculty in annual performance reviews and Tenure and Promotion decisions.

The 2012 Annual Report of the Office of the Auditor General of Ontario (PDF) included the recommendation that undergraduate student course evaluation data be  aggregated to support the analysis of best practices and identification of teaching quality trends. In this session, findings from preliminary analysis of 2003-2012 data was presented and opportunities for making more use of this rich data set were discussed.

January 2013 Teaching Development Working Group (TDWG) abstract (PDF)

January 2013 Teaching Development Working Group (TDWG) presentation Stubley (PDF)