We work with businesses, public agencies, and non-profit organizations to identify and thoroughly understand important problems, the first step in disruptive innovation. We offer our partners three possible methods of collaboration:
1. Strategic problem analyses
Partners identify large scale industry or corporate challenges and the Problem Lab conducts thorough problem analyses. Benefits include:
- Challenge long held assumptions and biases to address overlooked areas of a problem.
- Reveal new insights from parallel industries, utilizing Problem Lab expertise.
- Offload the proportionate effort required to analyze complex strategic problems.
- Obtain unbiased, meticulously researched, and sourced analyses.
2. Train an innovation team
The Problem Lab trains corporate and co-op innovation teams by providing background research and a thorough understanding of a specific employer problem. Benefits include:
- Discover new perspectives to explore the problem with briefing materials from the Problem Lab.
- Increase the team's solution effectiveness through a comprehensive understanding of the problem.
3. Corporate and co-op workshops
Attendees will be trained in rigorous problem analysis and learn how a deeper understanding of complex problems encourages more aggressive innovation. Benefits include:
- Differentiate how your organization views problems.
- Understand the Problem Lab’s methods through examples drawn from your specific industry.
Frequently Asked Questions
For more information, contact problemlab-research@uwaterloo.ca.
"Taking a wider view allows us to bring tangible value to collaborative legal innovation projects. Waterloo's Problem Lab, its co-op leadership, and its students are valued partners in our success."
— Sanjay Khanna, Director and Futurist of Whitespace Legal Collab