I am an interdisciplinary scholar interested in the complex and myriad inter-linkages between the environment, the economy and society. I employ both conceptual and analytical tools in understanding best management practices in sustaining natural resources and human well-being from local, regional and global scales. I am currently working on adaptation governance portfolios in Atlantic Canada and the Caribbean region under the Partnership for Canada-Caribbean Community Climate Change Adaptation (ParCA) project. Prior to this, I was a research fellow with United Nations Environment Programme-International Ecosystem Management Partnership (UNEP-IEMP) in Beijing. My main contribution was the design and implementation of UNEP's ecosystem-based adaptation flagship program in Seychelles and to the governance of ecosystem services in the upper Nile in East Africa. I have also worked on fisheries management issues in Canada (BC, NL and NS) as well as in the Gulf of Guinea in West Africa. My research has been published as book chapters, policy briefs and articles in journals such as Ambio, Bioeconomics, Fisheries Research, Marine Policy and Science.