Getting Started with Generative AI (Waterloo Womxn + Nonbinary Wednesdays)
Waterloo Womxn + Nonbinary Wednesdays
W3+ (Waterloo Womxn + Nonbinary Wednesdays) is a community of womxn and nonbinary grad students, post-docs, staff, and faculty that meets (usually) on the last Wednesday of the month.
Getting Started with Generative AI: A Friendly Guide to ChatGPT & Copilot
Join this engaging 45-minute introduction to generative AI, perfect for anyone curious about using tools like ChatGPT (Free & Premium) and Copilot (Waterloo-approved vs. Embedded 365). In a friendly, accessible format, we’ll break down the essentials of prompt crafting, managing conversations, and simple use cases to begin. Learn simple security and privacy practices, gain insight into how large language models (LLMs) work, and briefly discuss ethical considerations in AI use. There will be 15 minutes Q& A afterwards.
Hosted on Teams, this workshop requires no prior experience—just bring your curiosity and get ready to explore how AI can be useful in your work and personal life. Please have signed up for a ChatGPT account at openai.com and be signed into your Microsoft365 account, where you will find the Copilot icon.
Angela Pause is the senior writer in the Faculty of Engineering, and Central Advancement. She has always loved artificial intelligence and is thrilled that this technology allows the non-technical people like herself use it easily. She presents free workshops to anyone who wants to learn because she’s bridging the digital divide and tired of bro culture in tech.
About W3+
W3+ (Waterloo Womxn + Nonbinary Wednesdays) is a community of womxn and nonbinary grad students, post-docs, staff and faculty. We aim to foster a social and support network among womxn and nonbinary members of the UW community. The group offers a supportive space to discuss issues, provides a place to present university research, and raises awareness about gender and sexuality at the university both as a workplace and as a place for intellectual engagement.
All womxn and nonbinary grad students, post-docs, staff, and faculty affiliated with UW are welcome to participate in W3+ through our Teams channels, and through virtual and in-person events.
How to attend
Join this virtual event in the W3+ Team on Microsoft Teams or email w3plus@uwaterloo.ca for an invitation.
Location Information