Through the power of his own story and the inspiration he’s found in others, Rick Hansen shares his vision and inspires audiences to join his journey to create an accessible, healthy and inclusive world, where people of all abilities can fully participate and contribute.
By reflecting on our own actions and beliefs, we can challenge existing standards and dream up new ones – ones that foster hope, inspiration and acceptance. Hansen encourages us all to fight for accessibility as a human right.
Anything is possible if we have the courage to try.
Speaker: Rick Hansen
Rick Hansen, C.C., O.B.C., is a Canadian icon who has dedicated his life to awakening the world to the potential of people with disabilities. He is best known as the “Man In Motion” for undertaking an epic 26-month, 40,000 km journey around the world in his wheelchair.
Hansen is also a three-time world champion, nine-time Pan Am gold medalist and six-time Paralympic medalist. He is the founder of the Rick Hansen Foundation, an organization committed to creating an inclusive world where people with disabilities are living to their full potential.
For more than three decades, Hansen and his team have been focused on the removal of barriers. Currently, Hansen and the Foundation are rethinking how people of all ages and abilities access spaces where we live, work, learn and play. The Rick Hansen Foundation Accessibility Certification™ (RHFAC) is the only program that rates, certifies and showcases accessible buildings based on their level of meaningful access for persons with mobility, vision and hearing disabilities. To date, more than 1,915 sites across Canada have been rated through the program.
Rick Hansen will receive an Honorary Doctorate at the University of Waterloo Faculty of Health convocation ceremony on June 11.
In person and live stream
This event is presented both in person and via live stream. For details, schedule and to register, visit the Rick Hansen Hallman Lecture event page.