Networked Feminisims Speaker Series: Networked Digital Identities and Communities

Thursday, February 17, 2022 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

Networked Feminisms book cover
Join us for a series of feminist dialogues on networked intersectional feminist practices, community-building, and resistance that cut across disciplines, practices, and experiences with contributors from Networked Feminisms

This second session explores networked digital identities and communities focusing on the roles of digital counterpublics and artifacts for fostering solidarity.

About the book

Meet our speakers

Ace J. Eckstein received an MA in Rhetoric and Culture from the University of Colorado Boulder. He currently works as the teacher librarian at Peak to Peak Charter School in Lafayette, CO.

Adan Jerreat-Poole is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the School of Disability Studies at X University. They are a white settler in Canada who lives with chronic pain, depression, and anxiety. They study disability, digital media, and popular culture. Their work has appeared in Feminist Media Studies, a/b: Auto/Biography Studies, and Game Studies.

Elizabeth Nathanson is Associate Professor of Media & Communication at Muhlenberg College. She is the author of Television and Postfeminist Housekeeping: No Time for Mother (Routledge, 2013). Her scholarship on postfeminism, “women’s work,” and popular American media has appeared in such journals as Celebrity Studies and Television and New Media, in the anthologies Cupcakes, Pinterest and Ladyporn (University of Illinois Press, 2015) and Gendering the Recession (Duke University Press, 2014) and in online publications, Flow, Antenna and Cinema Journal/Teaching Media.

Meet our hosts

Shana MacDonald
Shana MacDonald is Associate Professor in Communication Arts and the current President of the Film Studies Association of Canada.

Brianna Weins
Brianna I. Wiens (she/her) is a postdoctoral researcher in Communication Arts at the University of Waterloo.

Dr. MacDonald and Dr. Wiens are co-directors of the qcollaborative (qLab), a feminist design lab dedicated to developing new forms of relationality through technologies of public performance.

Follow @aesthetic.resistance on Instagram

Future events

Save the date for the next speaker event:

  • March 14: Digital Activism in Practice