Tech+ S22 Mentorship Program Applications Open!

Monday, April 25, 2022 - Sunday, May 1, 2022 (all day)
Tech+ Mentorship description

Applications for the Tech+ Mentorship Program are now open!

Apply to be a Tech+ Mentor or Mentee for the Spring 2022 term! Our Mentorship Program connects newcomers to the tech scene with upper-year Mentors experienced in various tech domains for 1:1
support. Mentors will help their mentee(s) grow through guidance and advice, including resume/portfolio help, interview prep, and goal setting! Mentors will also be able to help mentees navigate academics and university life and connect with mentees as a safe space to talk without judgment.

Mentorship Program Benefits:

  • Community Workshops and Knowledge Sharing Events (both in-person and online this term!)
  • Exclusive Networking Opportunities

Socials and Group Study Sessions
As well, we are super excited to launch Portal for the first time this term! This will provide mentors and mentees with more opportunities to connect and chat with each other outside of their matches. If you’re interested in sharing your wisdom with eager tech students and are in or have completed your 2B academic term, sign up to be a Mentor!

All students are welcome to sign up as a Mentee, but we particularly encourage 1st and 2nd-year students as well as those in non-tech programs looking to transition or to learn something new about the world of tech!

Sign-up links: