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Ghobad Amini
Post Doctoral Fellow
Beant Kaur Billing
Post Doctoral Fellow

I am a post doctorate fellow joined September 2022 in Prof Xianguo Li’s Green Energy and Fuel Cell Lab at University of Waterloo, Ontario. As part of CUTRIC (Canadian Urban Transit & Research Consortium) and NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada) funded project, I am currently stationed at Ballard Power Systems, Burnaby, BC to support advanced fuel cell catalyst development for enhanced performance and durability. I obtained my PhD degree in 2019 from Indian Institute of Technology Ropar specialized in nanomaterials (carbon nanotube, graphene, metal nanoparticles) synthesis, functionalization, characterization and electrochemistry. Then, I spent short time at CSIR-IMTECH Chandigarh to work on bio electrochemical sensors. Before moving to Canada, I was a Research Assistant Professor at Chandigarh University where my research was mainly focused on fuel cell development.
Yongxin Wang
Post Doctoral Fellow

Jack Zhang
Post Doctoral Fellow

Shi Cheng
PhD Candidate

Abbas Ghasemi
PhD Candidate

Yanzhou Qin
PhD Candidate

Kaushik Saha
PhD Candidate

Andy Shen
PhD Candidate
Grant Unsworth
Lab Administrator, PhD Candidate

Jingyi Wang
PhD Candidate
Kevin Chen
MASc Candidate

Mark Lim
MASc Candidate

I was born in Redwood City, California, USA and spent most of my childhood near Vancouver, BC, Canada. I completed my undergraduate studies at the University of British Columbia (UBC), earning a Bachelor of Applied Science in Mechanical Engineering in 2020. During my studies at UBC, I undertook a one-year internship at Ballard Power Systems, a major manufacturer of hydrogen fuel cell products and systems, where I worked in the Stack Test Engineering team. This experience exposed me to the commercialization of clean/renewable energy technologies and grew my interest in working in this sector. In my senior year, I contributed to a capstone project designing a dual-axis solar tracking system and completed a small research project about microneedle injections. After graduating from UBC, I decided to pursue a Master’s degree at the University of Waterloo, where I can continue working towards a career in fuel cell technology and/or renewable energy systems.
Sogol Roohparvarzadeh
MASc Candidate