Originally from Halifax, Nova Scotia, I received my undergraduate degree in engineering chemistry from Queen’s University in 2016, during which my thesis research was focused on polymer chemistry. After graduating I spent four years working as a bicycle touring guide, leading multi-day bicycle trips in Canada and abroad, including places such as Spain, Ireland, Norway and Costa Rica. I joined the Fuel Cell and Green Energy lab in September 2021 as a MASc student and am working on fuel cell catalyst layer structural characterization and pore-scale modeling. During my free time, I enjoy rock climbing, cycling or cooking up new recipes for dinner!
My project:
Catalyst Layer Reconstruction:
Reconstruction of the 3D catalyst layer microstructure from 2D SEM images using stochastic methods. Random walk algorithm for obtaining the effective Knudsen diffusion coefficient from 3D reconstructed structure. Experimental characterization of catalyst layer structural properties such as pore size distribution, surface area, and effective transport coefficients. Modeling of mass transport in reconstructed structure using a pore-network approach and finite-volume method.