Dr. Harrigan is the director of the Knowledge Translation Stream and contact person for the Gambling Research Lab. His primary research interest is in gambling addictions with a focus on why so many slot machine gamblers become addicted. In Ontario, 60% of slot machine revenue is derived from problem gamblers. Kevin’s area of expertise is computer science and math/statistics as it relates to the design and implementation of slot machine games. Topics of interest include: gaming regulations, self-exclusion policies, limitations of random number generators (RNGs), PAR Sheets, near misses, and computer algorithms used to misrepresentation slot machine game outcomes.
Professor Harrigan is a member of the University of Waterloo’s Digital Arts Communication (DAC) program where he teaches courses in multimedia and computer game design. He is a founding member of the uWaterloo Games Institute (gamesinstitute.ca) and a Theme Leader in the SSHRC-funded $2.5m IMMERSe program (immersecanada.com).
He has been a technical Expert Witness regarding the programming of Electronic Gaming Machines (EGMs) including slot machines, video slots, and video poker:
- Expert Witness for the legal firms Fancy Barrister and Adair Morse regarding the design of slot machines. Intended class action suit for Dennis and Noble vs Ontario Lottery and Gaming. Court File No.: CV-08-00356378-0000.
- Expert Witness for Ches Crosbie Barristers for the plaintiffs regarding the design of slot machine games and video poker games on Video Lottery Terminals (VLT). Estate of Susan Piercey vs Atlantic Lottery Corp. In the Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Labrador: Trial Division.
- Expert Witness for the legal firm Fancy Barristers regarding the design of “Blazing 7’s” slot machines and the potential of the misrepresentations of the machines regarding gambling addictions especially as it relates to medication for Parkinson’s Disease. Treyes v. Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corp.
- Expert Witness for the legal firm Boies, Schiller, and Flexner LLP regarding the computer programming of electronic Slot Machines and Video Poker machines. Bois, Schiller, and Flexner represented the appelants in United States District Court of Nevada, Poulos et. al. (plaintiffs) vs Ceasar’s World et. al. (defendants), CV-S-94-1126-RLH (RJJ) (Base File).
- Expert Witness for Zues Yaghi, Defendant and Plaintiff by Counterclaim, regarding the computer programming of Video Poker machines. Action Number 003 03707, WMS Gaming vs Zues Yaghi, in the Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta, Jurisdiction of Edmonton.