What is new?

We are very excited to announce some changes made with our group. Through a rebranding process we have decided to embrace Geriatric Health Systems (GHS) Research Group as the official title of our team. We feel this change better represents our current and future research priorities. This will serve as the umbrella identifier for our team which is necessary because we are involved in many projects beyond the scope of the original InfoRehab project. 

 This will be our last issue of the bulletin under the InfoRehab banner. We are excited to announce the launch of our new GHS website. The new design will combine our initiatives and incorporate all of the previous information regarding InfoRehab as well as team member information and student updates. Look forward to exciting information about our SHARP network and various other projects in the works currently.

To keep updated with these initatives, watch for information on our social media (Facebook and Twitter) and ensure that you are on our bulletin list. You can do this by completing the Contact Us form on the website.