Maggie MacNeil

PhD Student

Maggie MacNeil
Maggie MacNeil completed her PhD under the supervision of Professor Paul Stolee. Maggie received a B.A. (with distinction) from Concordia University in Montreal with a joint specialization in sociology and anthropology and minor in urban studies. She completed her Masters in Public Policy and Public Administration at Concordia University. Her masters research was a comparison of age-friendly advocacy efforts in two Canadian cities. Between 2013 and 2015, Maggie worked as a policy analyst for the Senior’s Policy and Minister of State Support Unit within the department of Employment and Social Development Canada. Maggie brings policy experience to contribute to a project under the Canadian Network of Excellence funded project, AGEWELL(Aging Gracefully across Environments using Technology to Support Wellness, Engagement and Long Life). The project will focus on the policy and regulatory issues in enabling technological innovation. 

Maggie is a former varsity hockey player for the Concordia Stingers and has volunteered with her dog as a friendly visitor to residents in a long-term care facility.