Advancing tools to predict the effects of contaminants in municipal wastewater
Multiple stressors, such as urbanization, habitat destruction, and pollution negatively impact the aquatic environment. Their combined effects can significantly alter the services they provide to society, including clean water and habitat for wildlife. Understanding and predicting how numerous stressors interact to impact ecosystem function is a major challenge.
In the Linking Multiple Stressors to Adverse Ecological Responses Across Watersheds project, researchers aimed to improve the ability to predict environmental risk associated with cumulative effects of multiple stressors. The team developed contaminant fate models to predict exposure to contaminants associated with municipal wastewater outfalls in the Grand River, Ontario. By integrating contaminant fate modeling with observed biological effects in the river, the team gained new insights into the impact of various stressors and natural variability on aquatic ecosystems.
The Region of Waterloo is the largest urban area within the Grand River watershed and is home to 13 municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Studies focused on the two largest plants located in Kitchener and Waterloo as these discharges were known to contain a complex mixture of contaminants that were impairing the health of fish the Grand River. Significant investments were made to upgrade the WWTPs over the last 15 years, aimed at improving water quality. This offered us an opportunity to document and model the ecosystem response to these major remedial measures.
Link exposure to effects in aquatic ecosystems
The ecology of rivers can change rapidly in response to natural and anthropogenic stressors (including wastewater treatment plant effluents), making it difficult to isolate and assess the harm of specific contaminants or stressors.
We combined the opportunity associated with the infrastructure upgrades with detailed historical data on aquatic ecosystem responses in the Grand River watershed to model how contaminant exposure changed, and ecosystems recovered. This was assessed over time before and after the upgrades. We established relationships between specific contaminants such as estrogens and their impact on a sentinel fish species like the rainbow darter under controlled lab conditions as well as in the river. We also explored how key responses to contaminants are altered in the presence of additional stressors to better understand and predict potential cumulative effects across watersheds.
The WWTP upgrades immediately benefitted the environment. They reduced contaminant exposure including to estrogens, resulting in the rapid recovery of fish health, such as their reproductive performance. This data was then used in an integrated fate and exposure model to reliably predict the responses in fish downstream of the wastewater outfalls, such whether there was the presence of eggs in male testes. The validated models allowed researchers to simulate how environmental change and management actions influence ecosystems in the future. More specifically, the models were applied to:
improve spatial and temporal estimates of contaminant exposure levels for biota within aquatic ecosystems;
support effluent targets for environmental protection;
predict how future population growth and treatment scenarios may impact biological responses in fish; and
explore how multiple stressors can interact to impact biological responses in watersheds.

Principal Investigator:
Mark Servos, Professor, Canada Research Chair in Water Quality Protection, Department of Biology
Co-investigators from UW:
Wayne Parker, Paul Craig
Project duration:
GWF funding support:
Key messages for government agencies (e.g., environment, infrastructure, health)
- Major investments in infrastructure upgrades to wastewater facilities in the Grand River watershed led to a reduction in environmental exposure to contaminants of concern.
- Adverse responses in fish linked to contaminants of concern declined rapidly with the implementation of new treatment technology.
- Some compounds, such as antidepressants, remain persistent in the river despite advanced treatment and these may continue to negatively impact biota downstream of wastewater outfalls.
- Models can be powerful tools for testing scenarios related to future environmental change and remediation.
Assessment of potential interactions among stressors is improving but predicting the cumulative effects across watersheds remains a challenge.
Key publications and research outputs
Collaboration in the Grand River.
Nikel, K. E., Tetreault, G. R., Marjan, P., Hicks, K. A., Fuzzen, M. L. M., Srikanthan, N., McCann, E. K., Dhiyebi, H., Bragg, L. M., Law, P., Celmer-Repin, D., Kleywegt, S., Cunningham, J., Clark, T., McMaster, M. E., & Servos, M. R. (2023). Wild fish responses to wastewater treatment plant upgrades in the Grand River, Ontario. Aquatic Toxicology, 255, 106375.
Hicks, K. A., Fuzzen, M. L. M., Dhiyebi, H., Bragg, L. M., Marjan, P., Cunningham, J., Srikanthan, N., McMaster, M. E., & Servos, M. R. (2023). Intersex manifestation in the rainbow darter (Etheostoma caeruleum): are adult male fish susceptible to developing and recovering from intersex after exposure to endocrine active compounds? Aquatic Toxicology, 261, 106636.
Arlos, M. J., Parker, W. J., Bicudo, J. R., Law, P., Hicks, K. A., Fuzzen, M. L. M., Andrews, S. A., & Servos, M. R. (2018). Modeling the exposure of wild fish to endocrine active chemicals: Potential linkages of total estrogenicity to field-observed intersex. Water Research, 139, 187–197.
Arlos, M. J., Parker, W. J., Bicudo, J. R., Law, P., Marjan, P., Andrews, S. A., & Servos, M. R. (2018). Multi-year prediction of estrogenicity in municipal wastewater effluents. Science of The Total Environment, 610–611, 1103–1112.
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