Studying the intersection of human and environmental health

Our research group has studied the intersection of human and environmental health since 2013.

To this end, we champion the use of community-based approaches to examine contaminant exposures among Indigenous communities in the Canadian Arctic and subarctic. Additionally, we use bench-science techniques investigate the ways and means by which nutrients occasionally counter the health risks posed by contaminants.

We currently have several ongoing projects examining the balance between contaminant risks and nutritional benefits from the consumption of wild-harvested, traditional foods.


Our research group has published a new paper entitled "Biomarkers of poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in Sub-Arctic and Arctic communities in Canada" in the International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health. 

Thursday, November 12, 2020

New Research Published!

Our research group has published a new article describing the results of the Old Crow Biomonitoring Project.