Returning biomonitoring results in Deline, NT

Friday, February 9, 2018

Hello Délįne!

Mylène Ratelle, Kelly Skinner, and Danielle Brandow from Professor Brian Laird’s research team will be in Délįne from February 2 to 9, 2018.

In 2017, Professor Brian Laird and his team visited Délįne. We are here to return lab results to community members who took part in the study.

For those who provided us biological samples (hair, blood, or urine), please feel free to stop by to pick up your lab results.

We will do a public meeting on Tuesday at the Arena at 3 pm, and will be available to meet participants during one-to-one meeting on Wednesday (9 to 6 PM), Thursday (9 to 6 PM) and Friday (9 to 12 PM), at the Arena.

Also, you will have the opportunity to participate in a 1 hour interview about health messages and contaminants (compensation of a 40$ gift card from the Coop).

Thank you for participating in our study, we look forward to seeing you soon.

If you have any questions about the project or the results, feel free to ask our research team.
Mahsi cho!