Impact Biomechanics

Active Research


IMMC Impact Biomechanics

The field of Impact Biomechanics seeks to understand the response of the human body to high-rate loading, and the prediction of injury potential, leading to the development of improved protection for the human body. Tools used in this research include advanced human numerical models, experimental testing and high-rate materials characterization.

Applications include occupant simulation for automotive crashworthiness and the improvement of sports and other protection devices. Collaborations include both industry and government.

Skeleton that shows the head and neck

Human Body Modeling (HBM)

The University of Waterloo is the Neck Model Center of Expertise (COE) for the Global Human Body Models Consortium (GHBMC).

Diagram to show the side impact of a crash

Vehicle Crashworthiness

Investigations into side impact and vehicle rollover.

Diagram to illustrate a blast

Blast Injury Protection

Long history of blast injury research including: landmine protection, thorax blast exposure protection, head protection from blast.

Diagram to show the Ballistic Protection

Ballistic Protection

Advanced modeling capabilities to link ballistic protection with advanced human models.

GHBMC 50th Percentile Male Model

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Cervical Spine Motion Segment Model Development

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Axial Compression and Fracture Segment Simulation

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Coupled Vehicle-Human Side Impact Crash Simulation

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