Epp, Frank H. -- 29. Clubs

Classification scheme:

Hist. Mss. 1.26.1

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29 Clubs

29 - g - General, 1967? 1971 - Includes Frank Epp's speech to the Mennonite World Conference (1967?). See also, 90 - PSR - 1967 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous (1), where this file is referred to.

29 - g - SPA Small Peoples Anonymous1972-1978

29 - As Associations, 1957-1959, 1969-1972

29 - As - YMCA Young Men's Christian Association, 1957-1959, 1969 

29 - Ag Agriculture, 1950s? - Includes a 4-H Club Leader's Guide, from the 1950s?

29 - B Boys (Clubs), 1957-1958

29 - CA Church Activities, 1962-1963 - Includes the text of an address by Franklin H. Littell, Prof. of Church History, "Ministry of the Laity" Dec. 2, 1963 to the National Council of Churches.

29 - CA - AMAS American Mennonite Aid Society, 1961-1966 - Includes "A Sermon Outline on Christian Mutual Aid" by Howard D. raid, Bluffton College, for the Board of Christian Service.

29 - CA - FOR Fellowship of Reconciliation, 1965-1967 - Includes includes a statement of purpose for the organization and 2 articles from the journal Communio Viatorium Theological Quarterly Czechoslovakia, 1965: Brewster Keen, "Can United States Action by Explained?" and Adolfo Ham, "Towards a Theological Interpretation of the Latin American Social Revolution." 

29 - CA - GS German Society, 1953-1958

29 - CA - MM Mennonite Men, 1964

29 - CA - MDS Mennonite Disaster Service, 1955-1966 - Includes minutes, annual reports and meeting registration lists from various MDS meetings as well as a brochure from the 1960s which includes background information about MDS and its constitution.

29 - CA - PEF Pastor's Evangelical Fellowship, 1965-1966 - Includes a mailing list of members in Manitoba from 1966.

29 - CA - TSG Theological Study Group, 1957-1965 - Includes papers presented at: TSG meetings in 1957 and 1959 and the Mennonite Graduate Fellowship meeting in 1959 as well as some correspondence related to meetings of these groups. Also includes a "Draft comment on definitions underlying MCC Peace Section Church-State Study" by J. H. Yoder, Dec. 15, 1964. 

29 - Ci Civic (Clubs), 1958-1963, 1984 - Includes booklet "The Story of Kinsmenship" from the Association of Kinsmen Clubs(1958) and the constitution of the Altona and District Jaycees (1950s?). 

29 - Ci - Ki Kiwanis Club, 1969-1971 - Includes a copy of the The Kiwanis Magazine (Summer 1971)

29 - Ed Educational - This file contained only ads which were removed.

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29 - Ed - HS Educational - Home and School, 1965-1966

29 - Ed - ISCF Inter-School Christian Fellowship, 1962? 1964

29 - Ed - WPIRG Waterloo Public Interest Research Group, 1982

29 - Fr Fraternities, 1958

29 - Fr - Lo Lodges, 1956, 1960 - Includes booklet by James G. Manz, "No Other gods! The Story of a Christian and the Lodge" (1956); paper by David Schroeder, "The General Conference and Secret Societies"; paper by Rev. Abe Neufeld of New Westminster, "Unsere Stellung zu den Geheimen Logen" ("Our position on the secret societies").

29 - Fr - Sh Shriners, 1956-1958

29 - G Girls (Clubs), 1957

29 - GCC Global Community Centre, 1974-1976, 1982-1984 - A selection of their quarterly newsletter was retained in this file. 

29 - L Literary and Study (Clubs), 1963

29 - L - AG Altona Great Books Discussion Group, 1961

29 - L - Bo Book Clubs, 1950s? - This file contained approximately half a dozen book club ads which were removed.

29 - L - CS Church State, 1964-1965 - Includes: "A Summary Statement on the Work of the MCC Church-State Relations Study Group" (Wpg., 1965) and "MCC Church-State Study Newsletter #2" (Dec. 15, 1964). 

29 - L - MBC Mennonite Book Club, 1970s?

29 - L - MGF Mennonite Graduate Fellowship, 1958-1965. Academic papers moved to Hist.Mss.14. One paper remains in file: "Die Einstellung der Urgemeinde und Unsere Gegenwaertige Einstellung Zum Staat"  / Reinhard H. Vogt. - presented at a meeting of pastors and deacons in Springstein, Manitoba, Dec 1962.

29 - L - 0 Ottawa Study Club, 1968 - Includes an address by Marcel Rioux, "Youth in the Contemporary World and in Quebec" (1965); an article by John and Margaret Rowntree, "The Political Economy of Youth"; an essay by Michael Cassidy of Ottawa, "Student Power" (1968).    

29 - L - Re Record Clubs, 1960-1964 - Includes "Records" A Special Section of The Canadian Mennonite, Vol. 1, No. 1, Nov. 24, 1964, 8p. Approximately 30 ads for recordings were removed from this file.

29 - L - RBC Religious Book Club - This file contained only 1 ad (the Religious Book Club Bulletin, Vol. 41, No. 5) which was removed. 

29 - M - LO Men - Laymen Overseas, 1968-1969 - Includes copies of their newsletter and promotional literature. 

29 - NO Nudist organization, 1954-1959

29 - O Orders and Brotherhoods, 1939, 1955, 1963-1964 - Includes address by P. R. Schroeder, "Christianity and the Religion of the Lodge" (1939) and information about the Elks lodge.

29 - O - CBMC Christian Business Men Committee, 1961-1963

29 - O - JB John Birch Society, 1960-1962

29 - VA Voluntary Agencies, 1965-1967, 1984 - Includes a listing of American Council of Voluntary Agencies for Foreign Service Member Agencies and Countries of Program Operations (1965), 92p. 

29 - VA - Gr Greenpeace, 1984

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