Epp, Frank H. -- 30. Communications

Classification scheme:

Hist. Mss. 1.26.1

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30 Communications

30 - g General, 1958-1982 - Includes report by Daniel Hertzler, "The Comprehension of Theological Language A report to participating churches." 

30 - g - Bi Bibliography, 1967 - Includes a select bibliography on "International Communications."

30 - g - BBG Board of Broadcast Governors, 1960-1970

30 - g - Ca Canadian - This file contained only a "Canadian Institute of Communications" booklet (late 1950s?) which was removed. 

30 - g - CC Christian Communication, 1965-1972

30 - g - CIC Chevron Investigation Commission, 1978-1980 - Includes the commission's report of Feb. 1978, written by Frank Epp (chair) and other members of the commission. 

30 - g - CIC Chevron Investigation Commission, 1977-1978 - Complements the above file. Includes copies of the Chevron newspaper. The Feb. 17, 1978, p.13 Chevron includes a photo on which Frank Epp is shown.

30 - g - CRTC Canadian Radio & Television Commission, 1985

30 - g - CSJ Carleton School of Journalism, 1968-1969

30 - g - Ep F. H. Epp, 1960-1963 - Includes material on promotional services of the National Council of Churches of Christ, USA (1960) and the Mennonite Central Committee Information Services Consultation (1963). Also includes Andrew R. Shelly's discussion paper for the MCC consultation.

30 - g - Hi History - This file contained only 1 article: "Group W" (Westinghouse Broadcasting Co.) in The New York Times Mar. 5, 1967, Section 12, which was removed.

30 - g - JCCC Joint Comm. on Church Communications1968-1970

30 - g - MC Mass Communications, 1962-1964, 1971-1975 - Includes course outlines on this subject, to be taught at MBBC & CMBC, Wpg. 

30 - g - NAB National Association of Broadcasters - This file contained only the NAB booklet "Awards and Citations in Radio and Television" (1961) which was removed.

30 - g - SPU St. Paul University, 1965-1969 - Includes an "Audience Appreciation" analysis of a film on the Gospel of St. Mathew, Ottawa, 1965

30 - Ma Magazines, 1968-1969

30 - MC Mennonite Council on Mass Communications, 1968-1980 - Includes text of address by Rudy A. Regehr, "Ferment in Education." Also includes a sample recording and script for "Choice: A Weekday Broadcast for the men of your community." 

30 - N Newspapers, 1959-1971, 1979-1982 - Includes a paper by Dr. C. Krahn of Bethel College, "Journalism and Mennonite Unity." 

30 - N Newspapers, 1960 - Complements the above file. Includes copies of 2 newspapers: The Minnesota DailyMay 12, 1960 & Vol.1, No.1 of Fester (campus news).

30 - N - BP Bad Practices, 1980-1984

30 - N - CB Circulation Boosting, 1959-1962, 1969

30 - N - Se Sex, 1985

30 - P Postal Service - This file contained only a Canada Post "Postal Information" booklet which was removed.

30 - Pro Propaganda - 1961

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30 - R Radio and Radar, 1948, 1952-1966, 1973 - Includes 2 booklets on religious radio from 1948.

30 - R - CBC Canadian Broadcasting Corp., 1959-1965, 1972

30 - R - CFAM CFAM (Altona, MB), 1960-1964

30 - RR Religious Radio, 1957-1976, 1982 

30 - RR Religious Radio, 1959 - Complements the above file. Includes a copy of the "Good News Broadcaster" the 20th anniversary issue of Back to the Bible Broadcast.

30 - RR - BFC Broadcasting Film Commission, 1959-1963 

30 - RR - FMR Foreign Missionary Radio, 1961

30 - RR - GL Gospel Light Hour, 1961

30 - RR - MB Mennonite Broadcasts Inc., 1961-1972 

30 - RR - MRM Mennonite Radio Mission, 1967-1972

30 - RR - RAV RAVEMCCO, 1956-1957, 1964 - Includes a 21 p. paper "RAVEMCCO Looks Ahead" A five-year plan for the Radio, Visual Education and Mass Communication Committee of the Division of Foreign Missions, National Council of Churches of Christ, USA 

30 - T Telegraph & Telephone, 1957- 1961, 1972

30 - Te Television, 1952-1970, 1978-1979 - Includes an issue of Liberty magazine, "TV in Canada" Feb. 1957. Approximately 1/4 of the newspaper and magazine articles in this file were removed, reducing the size of the file by one-half. 

30 - Te - Ed Educational, 1961-1962, 1971 - Includes a report from Brandeis University "One week of Educational Television May 21-27 1961"

30 - Te - Mn Mennonite, 1961-1962

30 - Te - Re Religious, 1957-1985

30 - Te - Vi Violence, 1968-1985

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