Epp, Frank H. -- 40. Economics

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Hist. Mss. 1.26.1

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40 Economics

40 - g General, 1957-1972 - Includes copies of articles by John Kenneth Galbraith, 1966.

40 - g - Ca Canadian, 1963, 1979

40 - g - Ca Canadian, 1963-1971, 1979, 1984 - Complements the above file, includes news clippings only.

40 - g - Is Islam, 1984

40 - g - Pe Peace, 1984

40 - g - Re Religion, 1962, 1982,1985

40 - A Agricultural, 1963, 1969, 1975 - Includes a speech of Henry C. Pauls, Ontario Food Council, 1975 

40 - A - In India, 1962 - Includes a booklet "India Tradition in Transition"

40 - B Bankruptcies and Failures, 1962-1964

40 - BD Booms and Depressions, 1957-1963, 1979

40 - CI Consumers' Information, 1962, 1972

40 - Co Cooperatives, 1951 - Includes a MB government booklet: "The Theory and Practice of Co-operation" by F. W. Ransom and R. D. Chase.

40 - Co - Mu Mutual Aid, 1958 - Includes J. Winfield Fretz's Introduction to meditations on mutual aid & address of Edwin T. Dahlberg, pres. of National Council of Churches" "Mutual Aid: A Program of Massive Reconciliation."

40 - CS Collective Systems, 1969-1972

40 - E - Wo Employment - Workforce, 1984 

40 - E - WS Work Sharing, 1984

40 - F Free Enterprise System, 1958-1960, 1970-1973

40 - F - S Strengths, 1967

40 - F - W Weaknesses, 1967

40 - FA - Ca Foreign Aid - Canada, 1967-1969, 1985

40 - FC Foreign Commerce, 1966-1979 

40 - I Incomes, 1964, 1971

40 - IE International Economics, 1961-1979 - Includes 2 presentations on "Rich and Poor Nations" from World Council of Churches meeting 1968.

40 - IE - CIBA Church Industry and Business Association, 1975 - Includes correspondence regarding membership and meetings (some jointly with MEDA, see file below) of the Church Industry and Business Association, as well as its links to CGC, July to Nov. 1975. Removed: Mennonite Industry and Business Associates Newsletter, March and June 1979; The Marketplace, Tenth Year/Fourth Issue/June 1980, 16p. and Vol.10, Issue Five (July 1980), 1p. 

40 - IE - CIDA Canadian International Development Agency, 1967-1968, 1985

40 - IE - MEDA Mennonite Economic Development Associates, 1974-1979, 1984-1985 - Includes reports for 1974, 1979, 1984. See also, 40 - IE - CIBA Church Industry and Business Association, 1975, above.

40 - Im Imperialism - This file contained only a copied version of a supplement to the New York Times 1984 entitled: "The Three Centres of Present -Day Imperialism: U.S.A., E.E.C. Japan" which was removed.

40 - In Industrial, 1968

40 - L Labour Relations, 1953-1972, 1983-1984 - Includes a radio sermon by Frank H. Epp, "A Labor Day Message, Beyond Bread and Butter" (1958); Interm Report, Committee on Labour Concerns MCC British Columbia, 1965; booklet of presentations at the government sponsored Labour-Management Conference in Nfld., 1967.  

40 - L Labour Relations, 1958-1972, 1983-1984 - Complements the above file, includes news clippings only.

40 - L - CLAC Christian Labour Association of Canada, 1969-1971 - Includes a copy of their constitution and by-laws, 1960; 2 issues of their journal, the Guide (1969).

40 - L - GI Guaranteed Income, 1969

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40 - LM Loans and Mortgages, 1960-1961, 1979, 1984

40 - LM - De Deficits, 1984

40 - M Money, 1942, 1958-1963, 1971 - Includes booklet on the history of money in the USA (1942).

40 - M - Ev Money isn't Everything, 1958-1959

40 - MT Monopolies and Trusts, 1957, 1966

40 - O Ownership of Land, 1961, 1983

40 - O - Et Ethics, 1982 - Includes journal of the Lutheran World Federation on "Christian Ethics and the Question of Property"

40 - R Resources, 1956-1959, 1967, 1976 - Includes booklet of papers by Reinhold Niebuhr and Leland Gordon on "Your Christian Conscience and American Abundance (1956); 2 booklets from the Science Council of Canada "Conserver Society" (1976)

40 - R - Wa Waste, 1958-1962

40 - S Supply and Demand Production, 1960 

40 - S - WS Wheat Surplus, 1959-1960, 1969

40 - So Socialism - This file contained only a note: "see article on new socialism in 40-F-Ca" which was removed.

40 - T Taxation, 1957-1969, 1975? 1984 - Includes unpublished paper by Leo Driedger, "Our Taxes Support War" (1962); "Proposals for Tax Reform" submitted to the House of Commons, 1969; unpublished paper by Willard Swartley, "The Christian and Payment of War Taxes" (1975?) 

40 - T - Ch Church Property Taxes, 1960s? - Includes query by John A. Lapp, "Church Institutions and the Collection of Taxes (War)"

40 - T - Ch Church Property Taxes, 1960-1971 - Complements the above file, includes news clippings only.

40 - T - IT Income Tax, 1959-1962, 1970, 1978 - Includes article by Frank H. Epp, "Protesting the Tax" written for the March 7 issue of Focus on Christian Concerns; the Feb. & July 1978 issues of the newsletter God and Caesar, sharing information on war taxes.

40 - US United States, 1960, 1970, 1984

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