Classification scheme:
Hist. Mss. 1.26.1
41 Education
41 - g General, 1952-1979 - Includes "General Conference Mennonite Students" information booklet (1955-56); Transferred to CGUC Library: General Conference Mennonite Church "Educational News Bulletin" (1964).
41 - g - CSSR Canadian Society for the Study of Religion, 1974-1977. Includes: Frank H. Epp's membership in this society in 1976; "A Brief history of the Canadian theological students' conference" Jan. 1978; "Letter to the members of the theological community of Canada," Oct. 1977.
41 - g - Co Counselling, 1956-1958, 1971- Includes a radio sermon by Frank H. Epp, "Advice to Youth: Go Back to School" (1958).
41 - g - Hi History, 1957
41 - g - IRSS Int'l. Reformed Scientific Studies, 1960s - Includes information about the organization; articles: "The Christian Student in the Modern University," "The Necessity of Christian Universities," "Integral Christian Scholarship."
41 - g - Ma Manitoba Education, 1958-1959 - Includes "Memorandum re Defects in Proposed School Divisions and Some Suggestions for Improvement" by Andrew Moore (1959).
41 - g - Pe Periodicals, 1973
41 - g - Ph Philosophy, 1952-1958, 1960s - Includes reprint of article by Arthur E. Bestor,Jr., "`Life-Adjustment' Education: A Critique" (1952); a copy of the journal United Evangelical Action (June 15, 1958).
41 - g - Ph - AM Albert Meyer Study, 1967-1968 - Includes 2 presentations & report by Albert Meyer; 2 reports on Messiah College.
41 - g - Pu Publications, 1961 - Includes 2 copies of journal Christian School Guide; The Canadian Administrator, University of Alberta.
41 - g - REA Religious Education Association, 1975.
41 - A Administration, 1953-1964
41 - A - Di Discipline, 1957-1964
41 - A - Po Policies, 1959 - Includes article: "Educational Effects of Dormitory Living" University of Minnesota..
41 - Ad Adult Classes, 1957-1964, 1979 - Includes paper by Helmut Harder, "Perspectives on Adult Education for our Conference Churches" presented to education conference, 1964.
41 - BG Building Grounds, 1958, 1971
41 - C Character, 1954-1963, 1982 - Includes 2 radio sermons from 1958 by Frank H. Epp, "Be More Than Average, Learn To Say No" & "Habit A Maker or a Breaker"; booklet by Norman Vincent Peale, "Why Everyone Likes A Real Person" (1959).
41 - C - Co Conscience, 1958-1961, 1970
41 - C - Er Error, 1958
41 - C - Lu Luxury, 1957
41 - C - N Nonconformity, 1970-1971
41 - C - Pe Personality, 1960 - Includes booklet by Norman Vincent Peale, "Three Steps For Improving Your Personality."
41 - C - Re Reputation, 1957-1961
41 - C - Se Secrets, 1960
41 - C - Sm Small Things, 1958-1985
41 - Co Contests, 1957
41 - CS Correspondence Schools, 1960s
41 - Cu Curriculum, 1956-1969, 1985 - Includes "Lehrplan fuer Deutsch und Religion"Manitoba, 1957.
41 - Cu - Dr Dramatics, 1955
41 - Cu - Peace, 1983
41 - Cu - Te Texts, 1970-1971
41 - D Degrees, 1957-1971, 1979 - Includes journal: University of Manitoba, Faculty of Education Research Bulletin No. 21, Dec. 1957.
41 - F Federal and State Aid, 1960, 1985
41 - Fi Financing Education, 1957-1961
41 - Fi - RC Roman Catholic, 1985
41 - IC Colleges, 1958-1978, 1982-1984 - Includes materials from the following colleges: Messiah, Bluffton, Bethel, Freeman Jr., Concordia Seminary, Canadian Mennonite Bible College, Conrad Grebel College, Pacific, Rosthern Junior, Mennonite Brethren Bible, Richmond (Toronto).
Also includes: GCMC College Plans Survey for 1958-1976 by Maynard Shelley; report by Heinz Epp, "Die Mennoniten Hoehere Bildung und die Universitaet zu Waterloo" (1959); report of J. J. Thiessen, "Die Jahressitzung der Collegebehoerde" (1962); essay by Waldemar Janzen, "The Basic Educational Philosophy for Canadian Mennonite Bible College" (1963),12 p., similar to one later published by the college; essay by David Schroeder, "A Survey of Development toward Higher Education" (1965), 10 p., prepared for meeting to consider establishing a christian liberal arts or residential college in Manitoba; speech given at CMBC opening celebration by Waldemar Janzen, "Ziel und Aufgabe Unseres Colleges" (1965); Chapel address by Myron S. Augsburger at Eastern Mennonite College (1969); April 1974 issue of Intercollegiate Peace Fellowship.
41 - IC - BC Bethel College, 1964, 1970-1981.
41 - IC - CGC Conrad Grebel College, 1960-1984 - Includes "Ontario Peace Churches and Higher Education at the University of Waterloo Study Committee Report" (1960?); President's Annual Report to the Board by Frank H. Epp (1978). Withdrawal sheets in the file.
41 - IC - CGC Conrad Grebel College, 1976 - Complements the above file; includes a copy of CG Bulletin, March 8, 1976.
41 - IC - CGC - 20CV 20th Century Values, 1958-1976 - Includes address of Harold E. Stassen to the United Christian Missionary Society (1966); essay by York University Prof. F.H. Knelman, "The Technology of War and Peace" 38 p.; items from Conrad Grebel College, 1975-76.
41 - IC - CGC - G Graduate Students, 1981.
41 - IC - CGC -'72-'84 Conrad Grebel College 1972-1985 - Includes: some correspondence of Frank H. Epp as Faculty Council representative for the Grebelspeaks student newsletter (1981-1984) & with Walter Klaassen in regard to writing for the Conrad Grebel Review (June 1985), other administrative correspondence. Withdrawal sheets regarding the contents of the 11 binders and 2 boxes which contained minutes and documents from: Faculty, Faculty Council, Board of Governors & Administrative Team meetings, the majority of which were duplicate files or routine correspondence.
See smaller (grey) box for the following files:
41- IC - CGC - Ad Administration, 1980-1982. Includes internal college correspondence regarding Frank H. Epp's teaching responsibilities.
41- IC - CGC - Ad Administration, 1983. Includes internal college correspondence regarding Frank H. Epp's teaching responsibilities.
41- IC - CGC - Ad Administration, 1984-1985. Includes internal college correspondence regarding Frank H. Epp's teaching responsibilities. Also includes correspondence with the Mennonite Historical Society of Canada, March to May 1984.
41 - IC - CGC - Co Courses, 1972-1985. Includes course outlines, discussion topics and examinations for the courses taught by Frank H. Epp at Conrad Grebel College and the University of Waterloo from the Winter/Spring term of 1972 to the Winter term of 1985. Originally they were in a separate binder that was not part of these files.
41 - IC - CGC - Co - Arts200G, 1975-1977. Includes: correspondence with guest speakers and course summary for this course, Issues in Mass Communication.
41 - IC - CGC - Co - H245G, 1977-1983. Included in the course materials are: "A History of Canadian Minorities Courses at CGC (A personal perspective)" by Frank H. Epp, Oct. 1981, 3p.; House of Commons Debates, Oct. 8, 1971, pp.8580-8585; "The Constitution and the Rights of Minorities" address of the Minister for External Relations, 1982. Removed: bibliographic lists and catalogues; articles on immigrants to Canada from 1983 "Metro Mosaic" series in the "Life" section of Toronto Star, July 28 on Poles, Sept. 15 on Italians, Sept. 22 on ethnic variety;Sunday Star article on Italian-Canadians, July 3, 1983, p.H2.
41 - IC - CGC - Co - H245G, 1974, 1982-1984. Complements the above file, news clippings only.
41 - IC - CGC - Co - H246G, 1977-1982. Includes correspondence for Canadian Minorities courses taught by Epp at CGC.
41 - IC - CGC - Co - H247 Correspondence, 1982-1985. Includes correspondence and course materials.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Cassette tape from University of Waterloo Correspondence Program, History 247 (G85) Lectures 7 & 8.
41 - IC - CGC - Co - H247 Handouts, 1965, 1980-1982. Included in the course materials and notes for this Mennonite History I course are: Frank H. Epp, "National Socialism Among Canadian Mennonites in the 1930s" Paper for Mennonite Educational and Cultural Problems Conference, Bluffton College, Ohio, June 1965, 10p.
Note: See 8 - g - Pe - EFH Universities, Waterloo, 1979-1981, above for a description in the 1980-81 University of Waterloo calendar of History 247 and 248.
Removed: copy of Frank H. Epp, "The Struggle for Recognition" (Chapter 16?), pp. 167-173, early 1970s.
41 - IC - CGC - Co - H248, 1978-1983. Includes course materials for Mennonite History II taught by Frank H. Epp. Includes: course summary for Winter 1978 course; student evaluations for Summer 1980; John H. Redekop, "Mennonites And Politics In Canada And The United States, The State of the Analysis" draft copy of paper given at the Conference on Mennonite Studies in North America, 1982, 29p.; Minutes of Conference of Sommerfeld Church of Manitoba, held Nov. 1982. See 8 - g - Pe - EFH Universities, Waterloo, 1979-1981, above for a description in the 1980-81 University of Waterloo calendar of History 247 and 248.
41 - IC - CGC - Co - H267G, 1972-1979. Includes: correspondence with students, student evaluations, course summaries, outlines and assignments for this History course on Canadian Minorities taught by Frank H. Epp at CGC; reading list for History 267G and 268G, with letter of Nov. 3, 1972; course summary, Winter 1978.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
41 - IC - CGC - Co - H267G, 1978-1979. Complements the above file, news clippings only.
Located in Series 3: Miscellaneous files.
41 - IC - CGC - Co - H268G, 1974-1979. Includes: correspondence with guest speakers, course outlines and assignments for this History of Canadian Minorities course taught by Frank H. Epp for several years; 2 student papers: "The Naming of a city" and "The Historical and cultural influence of German-Canadians in Kitchener."
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
41 - IC - CGC - Co - H268G, Lecture 5, Hutterite Community, 1970s. Includes: typed pages from Chapter IV "Hutterite Colonies," pp. 150-190; handwritten notes of Frank H. Epp; Frank H. Epp, "Canada and the American Draft-Dofger in World War I) (A Paper prepared for 51st annual meeting of the Canadian Historical Association, Montreal, June 6-9, 1972), see in particular p. 11.
41 - IC - CGC - Co - H345, 1981-1984. Includes: course materials and notes for History 345, Minorities In International Perspective; paper by student, J. Robert Williams, "The Maronite Christians of Lebanon," April 1984, 32p. Removed: 20 of 30 news clippings on minorities such as the Armenians, the Kurds and the Bahai. File below includes clippings that were kept.
41 - IC - CGC - Co - H345, 1980-1985. Complements the above file, news clippings only.
41 - IC - CGC - Co - H226 - g. Removed: lists of audio visual aids on the Middle East; catalogue from Princeton University Press (1983); NYT Oral History Program catalogue, published by the Microfilming Corporation of America. Thesis outline of James J. Kafieh was transferred to Mid East course file. File withdrawn.
41 - IC - CGC - Co - H226 Mid East, 1969-1985. Includes: Frank H. Epp's dated lecture notes for H226 as well as notes for various presentations; correspondence with guest speakers for the course and notes from their presentations; 2 student papers, "The Lebanese Problems Resulting From Colonization" by Marlene Whittingham, Dec. 1982 & "British Promises and the Palestinian Problem" by Dwight Olney, Dec. 1982. Also includes: The Path to Peace Arab-Israeli Peace and the United States, Report of a Study Mission to the Middle East, A Seven Springs Report, Oct. 1981, 50p. Removed: "Civil war in Lebanon: the anatomy of a crisis" in International Perspectives Jan/Feb 1976p.p.14f.
41 - IC - CGC - Co - H226 Mid East, 1970s, 1980s. Undated notes of Frank H. Epp on the Middle East, mainly for H226.
41 - IC - CGC - Co - H374G, 1974-1978. Includes course outlines for The Middle East Conflict, correspondence from students and with guest lecturers for the course.
41 - IC - CGC - Co - H374G, 1972-1978. Includes: some audio visual materials and bibliographic lists for The Middle East Conflict course. Removed: the Nov/Dec 1972 & Special Issue 1977 of The Link, published by Americans for Middle East Understanding, which contained lists of books and films on the Middle East; visual education catalogues, bibliographic lists.
41 - IC - CGC - Co - CM Canadian Minorities - The following series of files, originally labelled 60. History - CM Canadian Minorities, relate to Frank H. Epp's courses on this topic. They include correspondence with presenters and guest speakers, student papers, related materials and notes. See also, 41 - IC - CGC - Co Courses, 1972-1985, for information on his courses on Canadian Minorities. They are located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
41 - IC - CGC - Co - CM - A Arabs, 1976. Includes: correspondence of Frank H. Epp with Ibrahim Hayani and materials which Hayani sent Epp which include, Ibrahim Hayani , “Canadian Arab community: The Legacy, the image and the realities,” presented to, Canadian Minorities History Class, Conrad Grebel College and Ibrahim Hayani, “Wanted: more trade with Arab countries,” in Canadian Business, Dec. 1974; Frank H. Epp, “Arabs in Canada,” handwritten notes; Middle East Research and Information Project Reports, No. 41, issue, “Arabs in Israel, No. 41 (1976?); “The Difficulties of being a Canadian of Arab origin,” sheets of information from the Canadian Arab Federation, 1976?
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
41 - IC - CGC - Co - CM - Bi Bibliography, 1970s. Includes: Frank H. Epp’s copy of the bibliography for the history of Canadian Minorities course, H268G that he taught at Conrad Grebel College in the 1970s, which was put on reserve in the library.
Located in Series 3: Miscellaneous files.
41 - IC - CGC - Co - CM - C Chinese, 1970. Includes one item: Sik Ling Fung, “Chinatowns in North America,” Dec. 1970, paper for Dr. M. Shimpo, Sociology 368:A3, 11p.
Located in Series 3: Miscellaneous files.
41 - IC - CGC - Co - CM - D Doukhobors, 1925, 1942, 1957-1962, 1971-1976. Includes: letter describing the formation and activities of “The Young People’s Movement of the Society of Doukhobers,” 1925, 3p.; article in the Calgary Herald, July 7, 1942, discussing the problem of the Doukhobors, one of the “pacifist sects in Alberta” and their war service; letter from the Mennonite Relief and Immigration Committee of B.C., Dec. 10, 1962, regarding the march of the Sons of Freedom; Prof. Dr. Z. Pohorecky, “The Doukhobor Saga - Spirit-Fighters of Canada,” for Anthropology 333B, April 1971, 28p.; bibliographies, 1973, 1975; Koozma J. Tarasoff, “Highlights of the first Canadian conference on Multiculturalism,” Ottawa, Ont., Oct. 15-16 (which was moved to this file from the Immigration Advisory Board materials of Frank H. Epp in, 92. Sociology); Koozma J. Tarasoff, “A Summary sketch with questions,” Prepared as background information for a color slide presentation on the Doukhobors, to Frank H. Epp’s class in Canadian Minorities (H268G) at Conrad Grebel College, Feb. 8, 1977 (a duplicate copy dated Mar. 2, 1976 was removed from the file); Koozma J. Tarasoff, “Doukhobors in the context of political conflict,” Outline of colored-slide lecture presented to Frank H. Epp’s history class on Canadian Minorities (267G) at Conrad Grebel College, Nov. 8, 1977 (with some duplication to the Feb. 8, 1977 “Summary sketch”; Jim Popoff, “Interview with Koozma J. Tarasoff,” July 25, 1975, 29p.; Koozma J. Tarasoff, “Biographical sketch,” Jan. 1976; Koozma J. Tarasoff, “Traditional Doukhobor folkways - An Ethnographic and biographic record of prescribed behavior,” Report prepared for the Canadian Centre for the Folk Culture Studies, National Museum of Man, National Museums of Canada, Ottawa, March 1976, “Introduction,” pp.xvii-xxvi and Chapter XIII: “Persistence of Doukhobor Ideology,” pp.305-334 and Chapter XIV: General trends - a discussion,” pp.335-361.
Removed: The 1-W Mirror, No.1, Vol.6, Jan. 1, 1958, p.2; A. C. Forrest, “B.C.’s Doukhobor problem,” in The United Church Observer, Nov. 15, 1958, p.8f.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
41 - IC - CGC - Co - CM - D Doukhobors, 1958-1962, 1972-1976. Complements the above file, news clippings only.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
41 - IC - CGC - Co - CM - D Doukhobors, 1970s. Includes: handwritten course notes of Frank H. Epp for the course "Independents" such as the Doukhobors; several book chapters? (typed and double spaced), as follows: Chapter VI "The Doukhobor school controversies in Saskatchewan and British Columbia," pp. 268-320, including footnotes; part 4 of a chapter, entitled: "Doukhobor background and migration to Canada," pp. 21-42; Chapter III "The Doukhobor Community," pp. 100-149, including footnotes; Frank H. Epp, "The Struggle for Recognition," pp. 167-173, journal article or book chapter? 1970s.
Removed: pages 1-4, with the same title and content as: Koozma J. Tarasoff, “A Summary sketch with questions,” Prepared as background information for a color slide presentation on the Doukhobors, to Frank H. Epp’s class in Canadian Minorities (H268G) at Conrad Grebel College, Feb. 8, 1977.
See also 41 - IC - CGC - Co - H268G, 1974-1979, above for Epp's course on Canadian Minorities.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
41 - IC - CGC - Co - CM - I Italians, 1976. Chris Parisi, “Italians in Canada,” for History 268G, April 13, 1976, student paper.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
41 - IC - CGC - Co - CM - J Japanese, 1972-1976. Includes: a few handwritten notes of Frank H. Epp from the Hagey lecture given by Suzuki at the University of Waterloo, 1972; bibliographies; handwritten notes of Frank H. Epp with the heading “Prof. Shimpo,” Jan. 21, 1973; 2 articles by Patricia E. Roy: “Educating the `East’: British Columbia and the oriental question in the interwar years,” in BC Studies, No.18 (Summer 1973) and “British Columbia’s campaign for a `White Canada’: The Oriental question in the interwar years” (1970s?); handwritten notes of Frank H. Epp with the heading, “Mr. Victor Chan – Chinese minority,” Feb. 4/75; handwritten (lecture?) notes of Frank H. Epp on “The Japanese minority”; letter from the Japanese Canadian Citizens Association Toronto Chapter, Jan. 14, 1976, responding to Frank H. Epp’s inquiry; 2 student papers, annotated bibliographies on Japanese-Canadians for History 268G.
Removed: Rikka Vol.4, No.2 (Summer 1977), A Special centennial issue to commemorate the arrival of the first Japanese immigrant to Canada 100 years ago.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
41 - IC - CGC - Co - CM - JC Jewish Community, 1971-1976. Includes: letter to Jack Cowan of the Canadian Jewish Outlook, Nov. 17, 1971; handwritten notes of Frank H. Epp from guest lecture of Dr. Grete Mecenseffy of Austria on Jews in that country (Mar. 8); A. J. Arnold, “Jewish immigration in the era of Macdonald and Laurier,” Revised manuscript, Mar. 17, 1972, 47p.; 2 sets of handwritten notes of Frank H. Epp with the heading “Rabbi Rosenzweig,” Feb. 5 and 7, 1973 (guest lecturer?); Michel Brown, “France, the Catholic Church, French Canadians and Jews before 1914,” Paper requested from Michel Brown at Vanier College, York University, June 1976 (see attached letter); Emanuel Vomberg, “Adrien Arc and Canadian Jewish Immigration 1930-40,” for History 268G, Mar. 1977, student paper; handwritten notes, “The Jewish Minority”; bibliographic information.
Removed: Gerald David Enchin, “A Location analysis of the Kitchener-Waterloo Jewish community,” for Geography 490, Dept. of Geography, Waterloo Lutheran 490, University, Waterloo, Canada, 1971.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
41 - IC - CGC - Co - CM - JC, 1972-1977. Complements the above file, news clippings only.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
41 - IC - CGC - Co - CM - JC Lecture 19 “Origin and background of Jews in Canada,” 1972. It includes: handwritten notes of Frank H. Epp for this lecture in his course, History of Canadian Minorities 268; take-home exam question for History 268, Spring 1972; Frank Bitonte, “Annotated bibliography,” Assignment #1, student paper.
Located in Series 3: Miscellaneous files.
41 - IC - CGC - Co - CM - JC Lecture 20 “Jews and political freedom,” 1972. It includes: handwritten notes of Frank H. Epp for this lecture in his course, History of Canadian Minorities 268.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
41 - IC - CGC - Co - CM - JC Lecture 21 “Jews in Canada and Zionism,” 1972. It includes: handwritten notes of Frank H. Epp for this lecture in his course, History of Canadian Minorities 268; 2 news clippings.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
41 - IC - CGC - Co - CM - M Mennonites, 1959, 1967. Includes: Cornelius Krahn and Melvin Gingerich, The Mennonites A Brief guide to information (Newton, KS: Faith and Life Press, 1967), revised and enlarged edition; notice about the Mennonitisches Lexikon, newly completed in 1967; news clipping from 1959.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
41 - IC - CGC - Co - CM - MC Multiculturalism, 1977. Includes: copies of Larry A. Cornies, “Leamington’s Multiculturalism,” A ten-part series from the Leamington Post, Jan. 26 to Mar. 30, 1977.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
41 - IC - CGC - Co - CM - N Negroes, 1973-1974. Includes: James W. St. G. Walker, “The Establishment of a free black community in Nova Scotia, 1783-1840,” (for publication in Harvard Studies in the African Diaspora, 1973), to be presented at the faculty colloquium, Feb. 7, 1973, 41p.; handwritten notes with the heading, “Blacks in Canada” Jim Walker, Jan. 22, 1974, 3p.; bibliography “Negroes in Canada,” 12p.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
41 - IC - CGC - Co - CM - N, 1971-1978. Complements the above file, news clippings only.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
41 - IC - CGC - Co - CM - P Poles, 1971-1975. Includes: handwritten notes of Frank H. Epp on “Poles as a minority” Miss Mary Novah, Feb. 10, 1972 and on “The Polish people: Prof. Adam Bromke” March 18, 1975; “The Road of the Mennonites to reconciliation with Poland,” Znak (the author?), May 1975, 9p.; Bruce Gorecki, “The Poles in Canada,” for History 268G, Feb. 1976, student paper.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
41 - IC - CGC - Co - CM - Port Portuguese, 1973-1978. Includes: letter from Grace Anderson to Frank H. Epp regarding her guest lecture in his History of Canadian Minorities class on Mar. 14, 1978 and her curriculum vitae; Juanne Clarke and Grace M. Anderson, “Double-hyphenated Canadians: Spanish-speaking immigrants of German background in the Kitchener-Waterloo urban area of Ontario,” Paper presented to the Canadian Sociological Association, May 31, 1973, 16p.; Grace M. Anderson, “A Bibliography of Portuguese Immigration to Canada,” to be presented to the North Eastern Anthropological Association, April 1974; “Selected bibliography on ‘Spanish-speaking’ immigrants in Canada, 1500-1977,” Compiled by Joyce Lorimer and Grace Anderson for Canadian Identities Program, Office of the Secretary of State, Nov. 1977; handwritten notes by Frank H. Epp, “The Portuguese: A Migration people,” by Grace M. Anderson, Mar. 11, 1975.
Removed: the following papers and publications by Grace M. Anderson: “The Educational ladder and success,” inThe Journal of the American Portuguese Cultural Society (Summer Fall 1971), pp.13-18; “Institutionally-oriented networks,” Paper for presentation in Mexico City, Annual meetings of the American Anthropological Association, Nov. 21, 1974; “Channels of employment: the Portuguese in Toronto,” Paper presented to the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association Annual Meeting, June 1971, Reprinted 1977 Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, 25p.; “Illegal immigration: a sociologically unexplored field,” Paper presented to the American Sociological Association, Sept. 1971, Reprinted 1977 Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, 42p.; Spanish-speaking immigrants in selected Canadian cities ([s.l.: s.n.], 1977), 83p.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
41 - IC - CGC - Co - CM - U Ukrainians, 1971-1977. Includes: “Bilingualism and multiculturalism: What do the Ukrainians want and why?” Address by Dr. Manoly R. Lupul, to the National Convention of the Ukrainian self-reliance league, Sask. July 3, 1971, 13p.; Don Reesor, “Annotated bibliography on Ukrainians,” for History 268G, Winter term, 1976, student paper; Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies Newsletter (Feb.-Mar. 1977); handwritten notes of Frank H. Epp on “Ukrainians,” Prof. Shelest, Feb. 9, 1973; article on Kurelek the artist in Weekend Magazine, Kitchener-Waterloo Record, July 6,1974, pp. 2f.; souvenir booklet, "Ukrainian Week in Ottawa" (1976); Canadian Institute of Ukranian Studies (Feb. - Mar. 1977).
Removed: article with photos on Ukrainians in, Weekend Magazine, Winnipeg Free Press, Sept. 22, 1973, pp.1-4.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
41 - IC - CGC - Co - CM - U, 1972-1974. Complements the above file, news clippings only.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
41 - IC - CGC - Co - CM - U Lecture 12 “Ukrainian origins,” 1970s. Includes: handwritten notes of Frank H. Epp for this lecture in his course, Canadian Minorities 268G.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
41 - IC - CGC - Co - CM - U Lecture 13 “Ukrainian achievements,” 1970s. Includes: handwritten notes of Frank H. Epp for this lecture in his course, Canadian Minorities 268G.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
41 - IC - CGC - Co - CM - U Lecture 14 “Ukrainian organization,” 1970s. Includes: handwritten notes of Frank H. Epp for this lecture in his course, Canadian Minorities 268G.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
41 - IC - CGC - Co - CM - U Lecture 15 “Ukrainian survival,” 1970s. Includes: handwritten notes of Frank H. Epp for this lecture in his course, Canadian Minorities 268G. Also includes: “Notes for remarks by the Prime Minister to the Ukrainian-Canadian Congress,” Winnipeg, Manitoba, Oct. 9, 1971, Press Release of the Office of the Prime Minister.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
41 - IC - CGC - Co - PAP4861, Government Responses, 1969. Includes Frank H. Epp's correspondence with government departments for his Public Information course in the Dept. of Public Administration at the University of Ottawa, Fall 1969.
41 - IC - CGC - Co - PAP4861, 1969-1971. Includes: dated and undated lecture notes of Frank H. Epp for his Public Information course at the University of Ottawa, Fall 1969; student paper, "Film As A Linguistic Entity of Communication."
41 - IC - CGC - Co - Ma Co So Mass Communication Sociology, 1971-1974. Includes: materials for courses in the Sociology of Mass Communication taught by Frank H. Epp, at St. Paul University in Ottawa, Winter 1971 and at the University of Waterloo starting in the Fall 1971.
41 - IC - CGC - Co - Ma Co So, 1970s. Includes: undated lecture notes of Frank H. Epp, for his course on Mass Communication.
41 - IC - CGC - Co - Ma Co So, 1973-1974. Complements the above file. Includes the news clippings that were kept.
41 - IC - CGC - IU - UW Inter-University - University of Waterloo, 1978-1985. Includes: minutes, memos and correspondence with the University of Waterloo History Dept. Removed: "Instructional Development at Waterloo, The Newsletter of the Teaching Resource Office, University of Waterloo, Mar. 17, 1984; Report of the President 1981-1984, University of Waterloo; "Ontario Universities: Options and Futures" The Commission on the Future Development of the Universities of Ontario, Dec. 1984; "Planning for the Fourth Decade" in UW Gazette, Mar. 27, 1985; University of Waterloo Arts Faculty Council Meeting materials for Oct. 8, 1985, 105p. & Nov. 12, 1985, 35p.
41- IC - CGC - J Journal, 1981-1983. Includes correspondence and materials for establishing the Conrad Grebel Review Journal.
41 - IC - CGC - W Watfund, 1982. Includes a copy of the first issue of Watfund Futures, sent to Frank H. Epp; copy of June 24, 1982 memo regarding Watfund Project: Endowment for Research and Education Activity in Peace and Development.
41 - IC - CMBC Canadian Mennonite Bible College, 1973-1984 - Includes correspondence for CMBC alumni.
Note: See also, PF - CMBC Canadian Mennonite Bible College - Alumni, 1955-1961.
41 - IC - MSC Menno Simons College (1), 1977-1982 - Includes Frank H. Epp's paper, "Foundations for a Mennonite Liberal Arts College" Draft For Discussion Purposes, Dec. 1980, 5 p.; papers prepared for "A Symposium on Mennonite Higher Education," July 11, 1980.
41 - IC - MSC Menno Simons College (2), 1982 - Includes surveys done by Frank H. Epp and research materials for his essay "A New College for a New Century, The Wisdom of the Ages for the Crises of our Time." See the essay in, 103 - Ar - 82 MSC Menno Simons College, 1982.
41 - IC - MSC Menno Simons College (3), 1983-1986 - Includes Frank H. Epp's paper, "Draft, A Brief pertaining to the development of An All-Mennonite College in Winnipeg" (Feb. 1983); paper prepared for Canadian Historical Assoc. meetings by Frank H. Epp assisted by Lyle Friesen, "Educational Institutions and Cultural Retention in Canada: The Mennonite Experience" (1978); Conference of Mennonites in Canada Task Force Report "The Church's Task in Education: An Approach for the 1980s"; essay by (Frank H. Epp) The Friends of Higher Learning, "First Draft An International University in Manitoba: An Exploration of the Possibility" (July 1985), 20 p.
41 - IC - MSC Menno Simons College (4), 1980s - Includes background materials on universities; essay by Prof. Marvin Wachman, "A New University for a New Century" (1981), 55 p.
41 - IC - United College, 1958-1959 - Includes news clippings regarding a dispute at United College, Winnipeg, Manitoba between Prof. Harry Crowe and the college.
41 - II Institutes, 1958-1979 - Includes materials from: Grace Bible Inst., Briercrest Bible Inst., Steinbach Bible Inst., Prairie Bible Inst., Swift Current Bible Inst., Elim Bible School (including two issues of Die Elim Quelle, Oct. 1953 and Jan. 1954), Bethany Bible Inst., Mennonite Brethren Bible Inst., MEI, Menno Bible Inst.; essay written forThe Canadian Mennonite newspaper by Frank H. Epp, "Can the Mennonite Collegiate Institute Survive? A Divided Constituency Makes future Uncertain, An Interpretative Report" (1964?).
41 - II - MCI Mennonite Collegiate Institute, 1962-1983 - Includes alumni news, correspondence and essay by Esther Epp, "Thoughts on Entering Grade XII" in alumni newsletter Ich Sende Euch (1972).
41 - II - MEI Mennonite Educational Institute, 1979-1980 - Includes 2 issues of "MEI Recall"
41 - II - PBI Prairie Bible Institute, 1960s - Includes Frank H. Epp's interview notes of men from PBI.
41 - II - RJC Rosthern Junior College, 1953, 1979, 1983 - Includes 4 copies of The Bulletin A publication of RJC alumni.
41 - II - RMS Rockway Mennonite School 71-72, Apr. 1971-Aug. 1972 - Includes materials from the Epps' parental & association involvements.
41 - II - RMS 72-73, Sept. 1972-June 1973 - Includes materials from the Epps' parental & association involvements.
41 - II - RMS 73-74, July 1973-Apr. 1974 - Includes materials from the Epps' parental & association involvements.
41 - II - RMS 74-85, June 1974-May 1985 - Includes materials from the Epps' parental & association involvements.
41 - II - UMEI United Mennonite Educational Institute, 1964-1980 - Includes alumni related correspondence.
41 - IS Seminaries, 1959-1971, 1982-1984
41 - IS - AMBS Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminaries, 1956-1959, 1980s - Includes "The Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminaries A Review of discussion and development with special relation to the future of Mennonite Biblical Seminary, for presentation to the General Conference Aug. 1956; Service of Dedication program, Sept. 28, 1958;catalogue for 1959-1960; promotional materials; brochure for the AMBS Master of Divinity Program, 1980s?;Mennonite Biblical Seminary (Member of Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminaries), Reprint, Apr. 1959 Mennonite Life, North Newton, Kansas, featuring articles on the seminary. See also, PF - TS Theological Seminaries.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Bulletin of the Mennonite Biblical Seminary, Vol.21, No.3 (July 1958).
Removed: Bulletin of the Mennonite Biblical Seminary, Vol.21, Nos. 1, 2 and 4, Jan. Apr. and Oct. 1958 and Vol.22, No.1 (Jan. 1959).
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
41 - ISc Schools, 1959, 1964
41 - ISc - AIS Alternative and Independent Schools, 1982-1984 - Includes copy of article by Elmer J. Thiessen, "Religious Freedom and Educational Pluralism" in Family Choice in Schooling; submission to NDP education policy task force by Ont. Assoc. of Alternative & Independent Schools, 1983.
41 - IU Universities, 1957-1980 - Includes "Ontario Peace Churches and Higher Education at the University of Waterloo Study Committee Report" (1960?), 46 p.; address of John J. Deutsch, "The Universities Today and Tomorrow" (1973); presidential address at A.U.C.C. "The Role of the University in Post-Secondary Education" (1973).
41 - IU - AC American Professors in Canada, 1969-1971
41 - IU - Mi U of Minnesota, 1965, 1978, 1984
41 - IU - Mi U of Minnesota, 1980 - Complements the above file, includes a copy of the Murphy Reporter featuring Eric Sevareid.
41 - IU - Ot U of Ottawa, 1969
41 - IU - SP St. Paul's, 1970-1971 - Includes materials related to the course taught by Frank Epp at the Institute of Social Communications.
41 - IU - UW U of Waterloo, 1974-1984 - Includes Notes for Address given by Senator Tremblay at UW convocation May 1983; notice for the death of Rudolph A. Helling (1982), of the Dept. of Sociology at the University of Windsor, "friend of Mennonites" and leader in helping Mennonites from Mexico in Essex County. Also attached to the latter are articles about him and a note from his widow, Renee Helling, asking Frank H. Epp to put an announcement into the Mennonitische Post in memory of her husband. See also, 103 - B - M Mexico, 1971-1973, for files on Mexican Mennonites.
41 - IU - UW - MES Middle East Studies Group, 1984-1985 - Includes Draft Pamphlet of Middle East Studies Option at UN and WLU, Revised June 6, 1985
41 - IU - WLU Wilfrid Laurier University, 1973
41 - O Ontario, 1967-1968
41 - P Physical Education, 1957-1961
41 - R Religious, 1952-1976, 1982 - Includes report "General Conference Mennonite Students" compiled by the Board of Education and Publication, 1955-56.
41 - R - Ca Catechism, 1944 - Includes a copy of Catechism The United Church of Canada.
41 - R - Mn Mennonite, 1957-1960, 1972 - Includes booklet by E. Richert, "The Church School in a Democracy"; 3 briefs to the government of Manitoba in 1957 from: the Mennonite Churches of Manitoba, the Mennonite Collegiate Institute & the Manitoba Mennonite Educational Committee.
41 - R - Mn Mennonite, 1958 - Complements the above file, includes a copy of The Red River Valley Echo.
41 - R - Pr Private Schools, 1957-1961, 1971, 1979-1984
41 - R - Pu Public Schools, 1959-1973
41 - R - SS Sunday School, 1956-1969 - Includes the Konferenz-Jugendblatt der Mennoniten Bruedergemeinden in Kanada Vol.11, No.63 (Feb. 1956), Yarrow, B.C.
41 - S Safety, 1954-1965 - Includes tract by Billy Graham, "Highway Safety A Spiritual Problem"
41 - S - HR Hit and Run Drivers, 1960
41 - Se Sex, 1960-1972, 1982-1983
41 - Se - BC Birth Control, 1956-1974
41 - Se - BC Birth Control, 1958-1976 - Complements the above file, includes 24 newspaper articles (another 23 were removed).
41 - Se - GC Gay Concerns, 1981
41 - Se - PP Planned Parenthood, 1958-1960s, 1978-1982
41 - Se - PT Peeping Tom, 1959
41 - SF Scholarships and Fellowships, 1958-1966 - Includes a copy of Frank Epp's application to The Canada Council in 1963.
41 - SF - CC Canada Council, 1969
41 - SM Study Methods, 1959-1965
41 - St Students, 1962-1976
41 - St Students, 1961-1970 - Complements the above file, includes 15 newspaper articles (another 15 were removed).
41 - St - Pr Protests, 1968-1969 - Includes 12 newspaper articles (another 10 were removed) on student, worker & political protests.
41 - St - SSC Student Services Committee, 1959-1970
41 - SU Social Usage, 1957-1961 - Includes booklet "Good Manners for boys and girls" (St. Louis, Mo: Concordia Publishing House)
41 - SU - Ch Church Etiquette, 1959
41 - SU - So Society, 1959 - Includes Ladies Home Journal article "Society in America"
41 - T Techniques of Teaching, 1957
41 - T - Te Tests, 1957-1959
41 - V Visual and Audio Aids, 1972-1980 - Includes "Mennonite Central Committee Audiovisual Catalog" 1980
41 - Vo Vocational, 1964
41 - W Wages, 1957