Classification scheme:
Hist. Mss. 1.26.1
7 Bibliography
7 - g General, 1958-1966, 1972, 1983
7 - g - Ca Catalogues, 1962, 1966, 1983
7 - g - Ca - HP Herald Press - 3 catalogues withdrawn, 1966-1969.
7 - g - Re Reference Books, 1950s, 1961, 1968, 1970
7 - C - Children's Literature, 1958-1967
7 - D Dramas, Plays, Pageants, 1953-1973 - Includes a script from the Sunday School program of the Ottawa Mennonite Church (Dec.1967); a Low German script by Mrs. G. Peters, a draft of "These People Mine" by Merle Good; "As a Thief in the Night" by Rev. P.J. Dick. Transferred to Milton Good Library: "Thou that Judgest: a Drama in Three Acts" by Hugo Jantz, Apr 1953.
7 - Go Government - CBC Canadian Broadcasting Corp., 1967
7 - Go - Un Unesco, 1966
7 - Go - US United States, 1965
7 - HL Hate Literature, etc., 1950, 1963-1969, 1976
7 - I Index, 1957? 1958-1959
7 - L Library Science,1959, 1965, 1971
7 - L - Ch Church, 1960s
7 - L - En Encyclopedia, 1960s
7 - M Mennonite, 1964-1964 - Includes bibliographic lists for research on Mennonites.
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7 - MN Magazines/Newspapers, 1953, 1960-1972, 1984
7 - MN Accord - 2 issues withdrawn, 1983, 1984
7 - MN Action, 1971-1973
7 - MN A1 Fajr, 1985
7 - MN Alive, 1974?
7 - MN Amex, 1970 - Includes a review of Frank H. Epp's edited book: "I Would Like to dodge the Draft-Dodgers But...," p.41
7 - MN ANERA, 1975-1981 - The Jan.-Mar. 1971 issue includes a Mennonite Central Committee photo of a Palestinian woman sewing.
7 - MN Anti-Defamation League, 1970
7 - MN The Arab, 1974? - Includes article by Frank H. Epp, "The Miracles of the Middle East", pp. 1-4; he may be in a photo on p.8.
7 - MN Arab Canada, 1969-1976 - Includes review (in English & French) of Frank H. Epp's book: "Whose Land is Palestine" in Sept. 1971 issues. Two issues of the newspaper version Arab-Canada, Vol.1, No.1, Sept. 22, 1969 and Vol.1, No.13, Mar. 16, 1970 were removed.
7 - MN Arab Dawn, 1984
7 - MN Arab News And Views, 1967-1969
7 - MN Arab Report, 1984-1985
7 - MN Arab Review, 1976-1978 - Includes review of Frank H. Epp's book: "The Palestinians" in Autumn 1976, p.7-8.
7 - MN The Arab World, 1968-1972
7 - MN Around Europe, 1982-1985
7 - MN Asiaweek, 1983
7 - MN Atlantic, 1969
7 - MN Balai, 1981-1983
7 - MN Bergthaler Gemeindeblatt, 1969? - Includes article "Constitution of the Bergthaler Mennonite Church of Manitoba"
7 - MN Between Lines, 1970
7 - MN Bibel and Pflug, 1969 - 9 issues from 1968-1971 withdrawn.
7 - MN Der Bote, 1971 - Includes an article about Frank H. Epp's book "Whose Land is Palestine" May 18, 1971, p.2.
7 - MN The Broadside, 1983
7 - MN Bulletin, Conference of Mennonites in Canada, 1967?
- Includes index for 1966-1967; March 2, 1971 issue withdrawn.
7 - MN Bulletin UNA (Quarterly of the United Nations Association), 1983-1985
7 - MN Canadian Arab Review, 1976
7 - MN Canadian Friend - Dec. 1971/Jan. 1972 withdrawn.
7 - MN Canadian Jewish News, 1970, 1971, 1984, 1985
7 - MN Canadian Jewish Outlook, 1971-1972, 1985
7 - MN Canadian Spectrum, 1985
7 - MN The Canadian Student, 1983
7 - MN Century and Peace - issues from 1970, 1971, 1973, 1974 withdrawn.
7 - MN The Charlatan, 1972
7 - MN Christian Century, 1978
7 - MN Christian Communications, 1973-1975
7 - MN Christians Concerned for Israel, 1971
7 - MN Christian Crusade, 1969
7 - MN Christian Leader - May 23, 1978 withdrawn.
7 - MN Christian Living - May 1971 withdrawn
7 - MN Christianity and Crisis, 1979
7 - MN Columbia, 1970
7 - MN Commentary, 1967
7 - MN Commentator, 1967
7 - MN The Conflict, 1983-1984
7 - MN Congo Missionary Messenger - Apr./May 1970 withdrawn.
7 - MN Connections, 1979
7 - MN Council Communicator, 1970
7 - MN Cross and the Flag, 1970-1971
7 - MN The Daily Star, 1969
7 - MN De Novo,1985
7 - MN Decision,1967, 1970, 1973
7 - MN Dialogue, 1982 - March & June 1982 issues withdrawn.
7 - MN Dimension (Canadian) - Apr./May 1970, Jan./Feb.1971 issues withdrawn.
7 - MN The Economist, 1983
7 - MN Ecumenism, 1969-1970
7 - MN Ecumenical Press Service, 1971
7 - MN Enquirer, 1971
7 - MN Equinox - May/June 1984 issue withdrawn.
7 - MN Eternity, 1971
7 - MN Eurabia, 1975-1977
7 - MN External Affairs, 1967
7 - MN Facts, 1974, 1975
7 - MN Faith Alive - 3 issues from 1984 & 1985 withdrawn.
7 - MN Faith at Work, 1970
7 - MN Faith Today - Nov. 1977 issue withdrawn.
7 - MN Far East Economic Review, 1983
7 - MN Fateh, 1970, 1971
7 - MN Ferment, 1967-1969 - Includes article by Frank H. Epp, "The Mennonites-Doves of Hawks?" in March 1968 issue, p.16-19.
7 - MN Festival Quarterly, 1976-1977 - Includes article by Frank H. Epp, "God Needs a Faithful Minority," in Feb./Mar./Apr. 1976 issue, p.16 & 30 (also a photo of him at work) and letter of Frank H. Epp to Phyllis Good the importance of the magazine.
7 - MN Flash, 1971-1979
7 - MN Forum, 1980
7 - MN Friends Journal, 1971
7 - MN Globe and Mail, 1971-1973
7 - MN Globus, 1984-1985 - The Sept./Oct. 1984 issue includes an article on the Hutterites, pp.11-14.
7 - MN Gospel Tidings, 1974
7 - MN God and Caesar, 1980
7 - MN Guidelines for Today, 1970-1973
7 - MN Harper's, 1969, 1971
7 - MN I. F. Stone's Bi-Weekly, 1970, 1978, 1983
7 - MN Imam, 1982-1985
7 - MN The Independent, 1982-1984 - Includes a special section "Marking the 150th anniversary of the settlement of Wellesley township" June 29, 1982, pp.1A-16A.
7 - MN Information Services, 1967-1968
7 - MN Interchange, 1977
7 - MN Interchurch News, 1968
7 - MN Interface, 1976
7 - MN International Christian Broadcaster, 1970-1975
7 - MN International Issues, 1967-1969
7 - MN International Peace Studies Newsletter, 1983-1985
7 - MN Internationalist, 1984
7 - MN Iraq Today, 1978, 1979, 1982, 1984
7 - MN Israel Horizons, 1976
7 - MN Israel My Glory, 1976
7 - MN Israleft, 1975
7 - MN Issues (Quarterly journal of the American Council for Judaism), 1965, 1967
7 - MN Jerusalem Post, 1970, 1974
7 - MN The Jewish Times, 1984
7 - MN JIAS News, 1968, 1969, 1979, 1981
7 - MN Journal of Mennonite Studies, 1983
7 - MN Junior, 1968
7 - MN Kitchener-Waterloo Record, 1972, 1978 - Includes a Centennial Souvenir issue, Feb. 8, 1978.
7 - MN Lancaster Independent Press, 1970
7 - MN Last Post, 1970-1972
7 - MN Leviathan, 1969
7 - MN Liberation, 1970
7 - MN Link, 1968-1977
7 - MN Link, 1977-1984
7 - MN Look, 1971
7 - MN Maclean's, 1968
7 - MN The Maker, 1973
7 - MN Marketplace - 4 issues from 1981-1983 withdrawn; 2 issues of MIBA Newsletter from 1979 withdrawn.
7 - MN Mennogespraech, 1983 - Includes article by Frank H. Epp: "The Importance of Genealogies" pp.5-6.
7 - MN Mennonitische Blaetter, 1974
7 - MN Die Mennonitische Post, 1977, 1979, 1981-1984 - The April 22, 1977 issue includes article by Frank H. Epp: "Ein einleitendes Wort zu Die Mennonitische Post," p.1.
7 - MN Mennonitische Rundschau, 1971
7 - MN The Mennonite, 1970 - Includes index printed Dec. 29, 1970.
7 - MN Mennonite Brethren Herald, 1985 (June 14) - May 3, 1985 issue withdrawn.
7 - MN Mennonite Life - 6 issues withdrawn from 1946, 1971, 1972, 1976, 1978, 1980
7 - MN Mennonite Mirror - 4 issues withdrawn from 1971, 1973, 1974.
7 - MN Mennonite Reporter, 1981, 1984 - The Aug.3, 1981 issue includes article by Frank H. Epp: "Mennonite Reporter: The Story of its Founding," p.10; the Oct.15, 1984 issue includes article by Esther Epp-Tiessen, "The Philippines: Del Monte on the move again," p.14.
7 - MN Message to Israel, 1971, 1975, 1976, 1982, 1984
7 - MN The Middle East, 1974, 1985
7 - MN Middle East Focus, 1981 - Includes article by Frank H. Epp, "The Middle East After Camp David," pp.12-18.
7 - MN Middle East International, 1971-1972, 1974, 1976
7 - MN Middle East Monitor, 1971-1972
7 - MN Middle East News, 1980
7 - MN Middle East Perspective, 1969-1985
7 - MN Missionary Messenger, 1974
7 - MN Montreal Star, 1979
7 - MN Moscow News, 1972 - Includes special section "50 Years of the USSR"
7 - MN Motive, 1967
7 - MN National Catholic Reporter, 1970
7 - MN National Geographic, 1984
7 - MN NECEF, 1985
7 - MN New Internationalist - 6 issues from 1984 and 1985 withdrawn.
7 - MN New Outlook, 1979-1980
7 - MN New Republic, 1969
7 - MN Newsday, 1978 (a new newspaper in Kitchener-Waterloo)
7 - MN Newsweek, 1968
7 - MN New York Times, 1969, 1971, 1972
7 - MN Nitzotz, 1972
7 - MN Observer, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1976
7 - MN OECD Observer, 1969 - Includes an issue of The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
7 - MN On The Line, 1972-1973
7 - MN Ontario Mennonite Evangel - Jan. 1969 issue withdrawn.
7 - MN Open Road, 1979, 1982
7 - MN The Other Israel, 1983
7 - MN The Other Side, 1983
7 - MN Ottawa Report, 1967. Includes an 8-page brief to Alan MacEachen, Minister of Manpower and Immigration, [1969] requesting a statement on the government's policy towards prospective immigrants to Canada who are deserters from the United States armed forces.
7 - MN Palestine, 1975, 1978
7 - MN Palestine Digest, 1975, 1978
7 - MN Palestine Human Rights Bulletin, 1979-1980
7 - MN Palestine/Israel Bulletin, 1978-1980
7 - MN Palestine Perspectives, 1978
7 - MN Palestine Refugees Today. Removed: issue numbers 54-5, 86-92, 93-96, 98-110
7 - MN Peace Exchange, 1970
7 - MN Peace Press - 2 issues from 1971 withdrawn
7 - MN Peace Section Newsletter (Mennonite Central Committee) - 16 issues withdrawn from 1979-1985.
7 - MN Perspectives, 1982-1985
7 - MN Plain Truth, 1982-1983
7 - MN Playboy, 1971, 1972
7 - MN Ploughshares Monitor, 1981, 1982, 1984 - Includes Dec. 1981 issue (missing in CGC Library); 4 Project Ploughshares working papers from 1984.
7 - MN Presbyterian Life, 1971
7 - MN Post American, 1971-1974 - The Sept./Oct. 1973 and the April 1974 issues include articles by John Howard Yoder.
7 - MN Provident Book Finder, 1971, 1972
7 - MN Quest, 1984
7 - MN Quill and Quire, 1978
7 - MN Ramparts, 1968, 1972
7 - MN Reader's Digest, 1972, 1982
7 - MN Reconciliation Quarterly, 1970, 1971
7 - MN Red River Valley Echo, 1967, 1970, 1973 - Includes Second Centennial Section featuring towns in southern Man. where Mennonites lived; Souvenir Supplement Commemorating Manitoba's 100th year.
7 - MN Release, 1979
7 - MN Report on Business, 1985
7 - MN Rolling Stone, 1970
7 - MN Remnant Newsletter, 1969
7 - MN Saturday Evening Post, 1971
7 - MN Saturday Night, 1972
7 - MN Saturday Review, 1970, 1971
7 - MN Seeds, 1984
7 - MN Shmate, 1983, 1984
7 - MN Social Thought, 1970
7 - MN Sugar Creek Budget, 1972, 1976
7 - MN Surprise, 1968
7 - MN Swasia, 1975-1977
7 - MN Synapses, 1983-1985
7 - MN This Day, 1967, 1970
7 - MN Thrust, 1969-1973 - March 1971 (Vol.3, No.2) issue has photo of Man. Evangelical Fellowship including Victor Adrian on p.7.
7 - MN Time, 1979, 1985 - The 1985 issue is a special edition on "Vietnam Ten Years Later."
7 - MN The Times of Israel, 1974
7 - MN Toronto Star, 1983
7 - MN Toronto Sun, 1971, 1984
7 - MN Toronto Telegram, 1971
7 - MN Transnational Perspective, 1974
7 - MN Underground Evangelism, 1973
7 - MN Underground Press, 1969-1972
7 - MN Underground Press - Christian, 1970-1971
7 - MN Vietnam International, 1970, 1971
7 - MN Viewpoints, 1983, 1984
7 - MN Vista, 1971
7 - MN Voice - Apr./May 1973 issue of Voice, WMSC withdrawn.
7 - MN War/Peace, 1969
7 - MN Washington Memo - 16 issues from 1979-1985 withdrawn.
7 - MN Washington Times, 1985
7 - MN Waterloo Chronicle, 1979, 1982 - Aug. 29, 1979 issue includes article on Herbert Enns, p.13; Souvenir edition for 125th anniversary of city of Waterloo.
7 - MN Weeds and Seeds, 1984
7 - MN Winnipeg Free Press, 1972 - Includes Centennial edition 1872-1972.
7 - MN Winnipeg Report, 1972
7 - MN With - 2 issues withdrawn: Aug. 1969 7 May 1971.
7 - MN Women's Activity Newsletter (MCC), 1972
7 - MN Women's Concerns Report (MCC) - 8 issues from 1983-1985 withdrawn.
7 - MN Women in Church and Society (MCC Peace Section Task Force Report on), 1979
7 - MN World, 1972
7 - MN World Federalist, 1966, 1968, 1970-1973 - The following issues include articles by or about Frank H. Epp: Aug. 1966, p.23f.; Jan./Feb. 1970, p.C3; Mar./Apr. 1970, p.C1; Nov./Dec. 1970, p.6f.; May/June 1972, p.8f.. For the issues between March/Apr.1971 and July/Aug.1972 Ernie Regehr was involved in editing this journal; see article by him in the Jan./Feb. 1972 issue, p.13. Also included is a UN News Report No.10 by Donald F. Keys (July 1973), 17p.
7 - MN World Vision, 1968
7 - P Poetry - Satire, 1957, 1960, 1965, 1967
7 - P - Mn Mennonite Author Poetry, 1957-1958
7 - P - Pe Personal Poems. Poems by Frank H. Epp
7 - Pr Proverbs, 1956-1961
7 - R Reading Courses, 1960s?
7 - RL Religious Literature, 1957-1963
7 - RL - De Devotional Literature, 1961-1962
7 - RL - De - CMBC Pieces, 1950s?
7 - RL - Pe Peace Literature, 1956, 1965-1967
7 - RL - Pe - OT (Book orders, etc.), 1967-1970
7 - RL - Tr Tracts, 1957
7 - RL - Yo Youth Religious Literature, 1960-1961
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