Classification scheme:
Hist. Mss. 1.26.1
9 Biology
9 - g General, 1957-1962, 1969
9 - A Anthropology, 1957-1960 - Includes a number of articles on Canada's Native people.
9 - A - JAL Jacob A. Loewen, 1963-1965 - Includes 4 unpublished articles by him relating to Native Indians of Paraguay and an offprint of his article in The Bible Translator: "Culture, Meaning and Translation." Removed: 9 offprints of articles published by him between 1963-1965 in Practical Anthropology on evangelism in South America.
9 - B Birds, 1957-1962
9 - Et Ethnology, 1942, 1959-1975, 1984 - Includes booklet "Races of Man" 1942, published by the Newspaper Information Service Inc. in Washington, D.C.
9 - Et - ECO Ethno Cultural Organization, 1980 - Includes text of an address of the Minister of State for Multiculturalism to a national conference of this organization.
9 - Et - Es Eskimos, 1960s, 1972 - Includes an essay by Esther Epp: "Canadian Eskimos"
9 - Et - In Indians, 1963-1984 - Includes book: The Way of the Indian (Thirteen Documentary Programs Broadcast on CBC Radio).
9 - Et - In - Dene Consultation, 1979 - Includes the Project North publication of Mar. 1979 "Northern Native Rights Campaign" & Vol.7, No.4 1979 of "Northern Perspectives."
9 - Et - In - PN Project North, 1963, 1977-79 - Includes April 1963 issue of "Committee for Justice and Liberty Newsletter" & booklet: Together Today... For Our Children Tomorrow Vol. II Council For Yukon Indians, 1977?
9 - Ev Evolution (Genes), 1950s, 1965-1970, 1980-1983
9 - F Fish and Water Animals, 1957-1963 - Includes booklet by Gregory Clark, Game Fish in Canada, 1950s?
9 - I Insects, 1956-1962
9 - N Nature Study, 1972 - Includes a newspaper article related to the energy crisis.
9 - R Rodents, 1955 - Includes a newspaper article on the "Pied Piper" of the west.
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11 Botany
11 - g General, 1979
11 - F Flowers and Shrubs, 1959-1967
13 Buildings
13 - g General, 1958, 1970, 1978
13 - g - Hi History of Construction, 1942 - Includes booklet No. 205 by Clarence A. Holden, "Famous World Structures (Washington, D.C.: Educational Research Bureau, 1942), 31p.
13 - A Architecture, 1956-1961, 1971-1972, 1978 - Includes booklet: "Dedication of The John S. Umble Center For The Performing Arts Goshen College" Nov. 4, 1978
13 - C Churches, Schools, Hospitals, 1955-1972, 1980 - Includes: booklet "Environment for Worship"; brochure on "Contemporary Church Architecture"; & The Christian Century, journal issue on Church Architecture 1957 (Mar. 27, 1957).
13 - F Financing, 1957, 1969 - Includes Crosstown Credit Union Ltd. brochure: "cross town topics" May 1969
13 - H Housing, 1968, 1975 - Includes The United Church of Canada "Brief on Housing and Urban Development" 1968 & unpublished paper by David A. Good, "The Homeowners' Mortgage Interest Tax Write-off: A Tax Shelter Subsidy? (An Evaluation of the Write-off and Its Alternatives), may 1975.
13 - H - Ep F.H. Epp, 1959-1968
13 - H - Ep - 68 F.H. Epp '68, 1968-1972
13 - H - Ep - 71 F.H. Epp '71, 1971- 1985
13 - H - Ep - 83 Wpg. '83, 1983-1985 - Includes papers related to Kona Enterprises Ltd. of Winnipeg.
13 - H - FR Fort Richmond, 1965-1967
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15 Business
15 - g General, 1963, 1971-1972, 1979
15 - Ad Advertising, 1957-1978, 1985
15 - Ad - Ch Church, 1957-1971 - Includes Information and Action Papers on "Corporate Responsibility and Religious Institutions" published by the National Council of Churches, April 1971, 78 p.
15 - Ad - Et Ethics, 1971, 1978, 1983
15 - Ad - Po Political - The 1 article in this file: New York Times magazine, Sept. 20, 1959: "If the Labor Party Wins" where Labor leader Hugh Gaitskell outlines the party platform, was withdrawn.
15 - Ar - WR Arms - Waterloo Region, 1984
15 - B Banking, 1957-1964, 1979-1983
15 - B - In Interest Rates - Included only 1 news clipping which was withdrawn.
15 - C Corporations, Co-ops, Partnerships, 1962-1979 - Includes several government publications on credit unions and coops in Canada; Frank Epp's talk "The Public Image of the Coops" Feb. 7, 1964 to coop leaders in Altona.
15 - C - ITT International Telephone and Telegraph, 1972
15 - E Ethics, 1956-1984 - Includes 14 papers on "The Christian in Business" by: C. J. Dyck, Harley Stucky, O. C. Krehbiel, Herb Regier & Ray Funk, Edwin J. Schmidt, Paul Albrecht, Harold Zehr, H. R. Schmidt, Ray Schlichting, Lloyd Spaulding, Mrs. J. Millard Fretz, John G. Stucky, Waldo Kaufman, George Stoneback
15 - E - Am Amway, 1983
15 - E - BB Better Business Bureau, 1959-1961, 1985
15 - E - Cor Corruption, 1972
15 - FP Financing and Promotion, 1957-1963, 1974
15 - FP - CF Church Financing, 1953-1961, 1971 - Includes a paper by Carl M. Lehman: "Lessons From Our History in Fund Raising" 1956.
15 - FP - Re Religious, 1956
15 - I Investments, 1960
15 - Ma Marketing - Included 1 article from Marketing magazine June 25, 1965: "Supermarkets - and how they make money" which was removed.
15 - Ma - Wr Marketing Writing, 1954
15 - MB Management of Business - Included 7 book ads on the subject & one article from McLean's Jan. 27, 1962: "Is it The Boss that's wrong with business" all of which were removed.
15 - Pe Personal Finances, 1957-1965
15 - Pe - CU Credit Union, 1964-1977 - Includes a number of issues of "Cross Town Topics" of the Crosstown Credit Union in Wpg. as well as their 25th Annual Report.
15 - Pr Promotions - Included 1 article from This Week Magazine Jan. 10, 1960: "How you can win a promotion in 1960" which was removed.
15 - S Salesmanship, 1957, 1972
15 - Sm Small Business, 1983
15 - SS Success Stories, 1957-1962, 1985 - Six of 10 articles from the series "Men Who Make America Great" & 24 of 32 New York Times articles from the series "Personality" featuring different businessmen were removed.
15 - SS - Mn Mennonite Businessmen, 1956-1960?
24 Chemistry
24 - g General
24 - A Atomic Energy, 1972