Classification scheme:
- Tape prepared to Wired World Community Radio, 1972 by Ruth Klaassen, Marilyn Lambright and Orland Gingerich. It includes traditional hymns sung by an inter-church choir at Steinmann Mennonite Church; discussion of the hymns by Allan Yantzi, Mabel Litwiller and Orland Gingerich; also Ruth Klaassen interviewing Orland Gingerich, Lorraine Roth and Urie Bender
- Western Ontario Mennonite Conference German hymn sing at Steinmann Mennonite Church, Sept. 30, 1984. Orland Gingerich, leader; Elmer Schwartzentruber, devotions; Vernon Zehr, benediction
- Inter-Mennonite Children's Choir. For more recordings see Hist.Mss.20.
- Concert, 16 May 1983. - Digitized from audio cassette in 2019
- Side 1: Concert, Christmas, 1986
Side 2: Concert, Spring, 1987 - Side 1: Concert, Spring, 1987, cont.
Side 2: Concert, Christmas, 1987 - Joint Concert, 26 May 2002
- Concert, December 2002
- Concert, December 2006
- Concert, December 2007
- Concert, May 2008
- Concert, December 2008
- Concert, Spring 2009
- Inter-Mennonite Children's Choir Sings German Favorites, 1992
- Concert, 17 Apr 1988
- Mennonite Hour Choir (eight tapes; reel-to-reel)
- Hutterite parallel singing / recorded by Helen Martens. - [ca. 1965] - 1 audio reel (13 min) : 3 3/4 ips, stereo. - Notes on back: " Herzag Ernst ; Hand Hills Colony ; [?] Colony (Wurz Anna) ; [?] suchen alle Wolder (Bench) ; 114ths Mensch gedenke taglich 114ths Wie ein [?] ; Von Himmel Hoch ; Baptismal song at Bapt Ser ; Ich stund [?]" - Donated to the Archives by Conrad Grebel University College. Digitized from audio reel in 2013. Digital copy located in Hist.Mss.20/17.
- Inter-Mennonite Children's Choir
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Choral competition, [19--], 1 audio reel (ca. 30 min) - Girls singing at the Altenheim in Cuauhtemoc, Mexico,29 April 1999 ; 1 sound recording in .wav file. 14 min. 40 seconds. Digitized from cassette tape loaned by Helen Epp in 2010. The girls sing "Lange Wiess" and also songs from a Mennonite Brethren hymn book.
- Jubliation Male Chorus
- St. Catharines United Mennonite Church choirs