Mennonites conferences

"Conferences" is the term used by Mennonites that compares to a "Synod" or "Presbytery" in other denominations. The conference is a organized group of congregations that holds regular meetings. In larger conferences there may be paid staff; in small conferences there may only be periodic meetings of ordained congregational leaders.

The authority of the conference varies among Mennonite groups. It most Mennonite groups it will establish a confession of faith, and a "polity" (way of doing business) for the business of congregations within the group. The conference stipulates who is recognized as an ordained leader within the conference, and has the power to add or remove congregations from its membership. If there is conference programming, for example in missions, there will be a budget that member congregations contribute towards. In some cases the conference is only a consultative group, with primary authority residing in the local congregation

The Mennonite Archives of Ontario is the official archival depository for Mennonite Church Eastern Canada, and the predecessor conferences that became of Mennonite Church Eastern Canada in 1988.

The Archives also holds some records from a variety of other conferences. The Mennonite Church and General Conference Mennonite Church were binational conferences in which Mennonite Church Canada congregations participated prior to 1999. Mennonite Church Canada is the national denomination with with Mennonite Church Eastern Canada is affiliated. MC Canada's earlier name was Conference of Mennonites in Canada.

The other listed conferences are not formally related to the Archives, but materials are gathered from these groups as opportunity presents itself.