Epp, Frank H. -- 60. History

Classification scheme:

Hist. Mss. 1.26.1

Epp subject files homepage

60 History

60 - g General, 1958-1983. This file originally measured 2.5 cm & contained newspaper & magazine articles of a general nature, most of which were removed. See file for list of withdrawals. It includes the article: "Theological Implications in History" by Waldemar Janzen, address at the Rhineland Teacher's Association, Oct. 8, 1965, 8p.

60 - g - 60-70 1960s and 1970s, 1969, 1979

60 - g - 83 1983, 1983-1984

60 - g - 84 1984, 1984

60 - g - AHA American Historical Association - Included: AHA Newsletter, Vol.VI, No.1 (Oct. 1967) & a small booklet "The American Historical Association Organized 1884" both of which were removed.

60 - g - Ar Archives, 1968-1971, 1979

60 - g - Ar - Ep Epp Archives - Included "Authors and Archives: A Short Guide" by The Writers' Union of Canada (Robin Skelton, Committee Chairman) which was removed.

60 - g - Bi Bibliography - Included "The Combined Book Exhibit A Bibliography on Ancient and Modern History" from the AHA meeting in Toronto 1967.

60 - g - CESA Canadian Ethnic Studies Association, 1972-1985. There were 2 files with this label, each of which measured 2.5 cm. (Frank H. Epp was on the executive 1979-1981.)

60 - g - CHA Canadian Historical Association, 1969, 1977-1978.

60 - g - CHA 80 Canadian Historical Association 1980.

60 - g - CHA 81 Canadian Historical Association 1981, 1981-1984. Original measurement: 3.8 cm. 

60 - g - CHA - PC Peace Committee, 1984.

60 - g - COCTA Committee on Conceptual and Terminological Analysis, 1983. Original measurement: 2 cm. See file for list of withdrawals. 

60 - g - CPPME Canadian Professors for Peace in the Middle East, 1980-1983. Includes several papers related to meetings of this association. 

60 - g - CPPME, 1983-1984. Includes articles, mainly from the University of Waterloo Gazette regarding the CPPME.

60 - g - CPRC Canadian Plains Research Centre, 1977-1985. 

60 - g - CPREA Canadian Peace Research Education Association, 1984-1985. 

60 - g - CPRH Conference on Peace Research in History, 1974-1984.

60 - g - CUA Canada USSR Association, 1984-1985.

60 - g - CUA - KW Kitchener Waterloo Canada-USSR Association, 1984-1985.

60 - g - Fu Future, 1971-1980. Included "Science Section" of the Globe and Mail, July 14, 1980, F1-F12, which was removed.

60 - g - GCHC General Conference Historical Committee, 1958, 1963-1969. Includes minutes of meetings of the Mennonite General Conference Historical Committee of which Epp was a member; Frank H. Epp's "Report From GC Historical Committee To Historical and Research Committee of Mennonite General Conference" given at the May 25-26, 1967 meeting. 

60 - g - GR Germans from Russia, 1976.

60 - g - He Heritage Canada, 1975.

60 - g - HCMC Historical Committee of the Mennonite Church, 1972-1974.

60 - g - IMS Institute of Mennonite Studies -  Meeting minutes, reports and correspondence for the years Frank H. Epp was an executive council member (1964, 1967-1976) were kept. Correspondence for 1980-1985 re the Mennonite Encyclopedia was kept; other records for these years were not kept. Additional IMS records are located in XV-22.2.

60 - g - LS Learned Societies, 1974-1986.

60 - g - MBHSC Mennonite Brethren Historical Society of Canada, 1982-1984.

60 - g - MCC MultiCultural Centre, 1978-1983. 

60 - g - ME Mennonite Encyclopedia, 1983-1984.

60 - g - MHC Mennonite Heritage Centre, 1982-1984.

60 - g - MHS Manitoba Historical Society, 1964-1966.

60 - g - MHSO Mennonite Historical Society of Ontario, 1966-1985.

60 - g - MHSO - Film, 1972-1973.

60 - g - MHSO MultiCultural History Society of Ontario, 1979. 

60 - g - MHSO MultiCultural History Society of Ontario, 1980. Includes: program and papers from a conference of the society held in May 1980 in Toronto at which Frank H. Epp was registered; "Publications supported by the Multiculturalism Directorate, Government of Canada" (May 1980) which includes a number of Mennonites on the list of authors, editors and translators.
Removed: Wsevolod W. Isajiw, "Definitions of ethnicity," (Toronto: Multicultural History Society of Ontario, 1979) in the series, Occasional papers in Ethnic and Immigration Studies, March 1979:6.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.

60 - g - MMHS Manitoba Mennonite Historical Society, 1966, 1984-1985.

60 - g - MMHS - Film, 1972.

60 - g - Mi Minorities, 1972. Removed: a draft of 'The law knows no heresy' : marginal religious movements and the courts / John Richard Burkholder. Paper was published in Religious Movements in Contemporary America, 1974.

60 - g - MP Meetingplace, St. Jacobs, 1979-1980. Included newspaper articles on Mennonites in Ontario from the Elmira Independent (April 30 & May 21,1980); the Kitchener-Waterloo Record (May 22 & 23, 1980); the Toronto Star (May 24, 1980) which were transferred to the Conrad Grebel College Library & Archives.

60 - g - OGFS Ontario German Folklife Society - Included only one article: "New Group no threat to Oktoberfest" inKitchener-Waterloo Record, Feb. 18, 1980, p.3, which was transferred to the Conrad Grebel College Library & Archives. The file was withdrawn. 

60 - g - Or Oral History - Included only one article, a book review by Loudon Wainwright of  Studs Terkel, `The Good War' An Oral History of World War Two in The New York Times Book Review, p.7 & 9, 1985? which was removed. The file was withdrawn

60 - g - PH Public History, 1983.

60 - g - PS Pennsylvania German Folklore Society, 1975, 1985.

60 - g - Ri Ripley's Believe It Or Not - Included only 4 clippings from an unidentified newspaper (in the 1950s?): 3 from the "Ripley's Believe it or Not" column (1 from Sept. 17, 1958) & 1 from a column called "Nothing But The Truth" which were removed. The file was withdrawn.

60 - g - SP Science for Peace, 1983-1984.

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60 - g - Tr Transition, 1963. Included a full page article by Erwin D. Canham: "On the Edge of Mankind's Greatest Age 1. Forces of Change" in The Christian Science Monitor, Jan. 3, 1964 which was removed.

60 - g - WHS Waterloo Historical Society, 1970-1980. Includes: correspondence; membership renewals of Frank H. Epp; notices of meetings; some of the society newsletter; constitution and by-laws, attached to notice of annual meeting of Nov. 30, 1971.
Removed: Heritage Canada Annual Report 1973-1974 and Heritage Canada Awards 74 Autumn 1974.

60 - g - WOM - Waterloo Ontario Mennonites - Amish Anniversary, 1972.            

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60 - A Ancient, 1976. Included Dept. of Northern Affairs and National Resources 1963 booklet: "Alexander Graham Bell Museum, Baddeck, Cape Breton Island, N.S." which was withdrawn. 

60 - Af Africa, 1957-1963, 1972, 1982-1985. The file originally measured 5 cm & contained newspaper & magazine articles 3/4 of which were removed. Includes Mennonite Central Committee Report on East Africa dated May 1982;Work for Justice, Feb. 1985, No. 6 (published by Transformation, A Resource Centre for Justice and New Community in Southern Africa).

60 - Af Africa, 1959-1975, 1983-1985. Complements the above file, includes news clippings only. 

60 - Af - A1 Algeria, 1960, 1971.

60 - Af - An Angola - Included only one article: "Angolan rebel leader rejects U.S. Proposal" in The Globe and Mail,June 8, 1985, p. 14 which was removed. The file was withdrawn.

60 - Af - Co Congo, 1959-1964.15 of the 23 items in this file were removed. 

60 - Af - Eg Egypt, 1968. Included "Tut's Treasures" full page in colour showing items on display at the Art Gallery of Ontario in the Sunday Star, Nov. 4, 1979, p.A20 which was removed.

60 - Af - Et Ethiopia, 1984-1985. 10 of the 14 news clippings in this file were removed. 

60 - Af - Ho The Horn, 1981-1985. Includes Mennonite Central Committee correspondence on Somalia, Ethiopia, the Horn of Africa. 

60 - Af - Li Libya - Included only one article: "Libya's Qaddafi: emerging power broker" in The Christian Science Monitor, Apr. 19, 1972, p. 7 which was removed. The file was withdrawn.

60 - Af - Ni Nigeria, 1967-1969, 1984-1985. Included "Africa Fact Sheet" (Sept. 15, 1964) published by the Church World Service, Division of Foreign Missions & "Nigeria: A Time to Heal" in the Weekend Magazine, Sept. 30, 1972, pp. 2-7, both of which were removed. Also, 7 of 11 news clippings were removed. 

60 - Af - NB Nigeria-Biafra, 1968-1969. Original measurement: 2.5 cm. Includes "Nigeria's War of genocide on Biafra" An address by the Biafran delegation to the Conference of the World Council of Churches at Uppsala, Sweden, July 1968.

60 - Af - NB Nigeria-Biafra, 1968-1969. Complements the above file, news clippings only. Two-thirds of  the news clippings originally in this file were removed. 

60 - Af - Rh Rhodesia, 1967. Original measurement: 2 cm. 

60 - Af - Rh Rhodesia, 1968-1979. Complements the above file, news clippings only; 24 of  32 were removed. 

60 - Af - So Somalia, 1973. Includes "Observations on Somalia" A personal observation/report (not for publication) by David Shenk, 6 p.

60 - Af - SA South Africa, 1960, 1968-1971, 1980-1983. Original measurement: 4.cm.  

60 - Af - SA South Africa, 1968-1972, 1983-1985. Complements the above file, news clippings only; 105 of 130 were removed.

60 - Af - Ug Uganda - Included only one article: "The obscenity of Gen. Amin" in The Globe and Mail, Sept. 18, 1972, p. 6 which was removed. The file was withdrawn.

60 - As Asia,  1957-1975. Original measurement: 2 cm; 25 newspaper and magazine articles were removed.

60 - As - Af Afghanistan, 1980, 1985.

60 - As - Ar Armenia, 1983-1985.

60 - As - Au Australia, 1972.

60 - As - Ba Bangladesh, 1972, 1985. Three newspaper articles from 1971 & 1972 were removed.

60 - As - Ca Cambodia, 1968-1970, 1985 - Removed: 2 newspaper articles (1970, 1985) on US involvement in Cambodia; article: "Why They Call Lon Nol `The Mayor of Pnompenh'" in The New York Times Magazine, June 27, 1971, p.27f.

60 - As - Ch China, 1960-1984. Includes: China Notes, Vol. III, No. 2, April 1965; article: "Chinese Aggression Myth or Menace?" published by The Study Group on China Policy, Vancouver, B.C.; Society for Anglo Chinese Understanding News, May 1966, Vol. 1, No. 8. Three-quarters of the newspaper and magazine articles on religion and politics, etc. were removed. 

60 - As - Ch - CEE China Educational Exchange, 1983-1984. Includes minutes of meetings; address of Bert Lobe at Mennonite Central Committee Annual Meeting Banquet, Jan. 25, 1984.

60 - As - Ch - RN Richard Nixon, 1972. Includes popular articles on his visit to China.

60 - As - HK Hong Kong, 1983-1984.

60 - As - In India, 1966-1972, 1983-1984. Includes address by Rev. R. M. Bennett to Tenth Annual Churchmen's Seminar, Jan. 25-27, 1967, 12 p. Eight of 12 newspaper clippings & articles were removed including: "Rajiv the Son" in The New York Times Magazine, Dec. 2, 1984, p.39f.

60 - As - Ind Indonesia, 1967-1972, 1983. Five of 9 newspaper & magazine articles were removed.

60 - As - Ir Iran, 1971, 1979. Nine of 13 newspaper & magazine articles were removed including: an issue of IMAM (publication of the Press & Information Dept. of the Embassy of  Iran) entitled "They May Kill Muslims But They Cannot Kill Islam," Vol. 3, No. 4 (April 1983).

60 - As - Ja Japan, 1947, 1957-1960, 1967-1974, 1983. Original measurement: 2.5 cm. Includes a booklet Kimono Japanese Dress (Japan: Japan Travel Bureau, 1947), 101p. Nineteen newspaper & magazine articles & booklets were removed including a pictoral book on cities & important sites in Japan (from the 1950's?), 54p.

60 - As - Ko Korea, 1971-1974, 1983-1984.

60 - As - La Laos, 1975-1984. The following newspaper articles on Laos were removed: "Luang Prabang: Royal capital of Laos" Mar. 14, 1972, p. 9 & "Cambodia's children of troubled times" Mar. 17, 1972 both in The Christian Science MonitorThe New York Times, Feb. 22, 1973, pp.16-17.

60 - As - Ne Nepal - Included only one article: "Nepal: 15th century is still close by" in The Ottawa Citizen, Jan. 25, 1968, p.7 which was removed. The file was withdrawn.

60 - As - NZ New Zealand - Included only one article: "N.Z. warns against U.S. retaliation" in The Toronto Star, Feb. 12, 1985, p.A8 which was removed. The file was withdrawn.

60 - As - NK North Korea, 1968-1972. Twenty-seven of 36 newspaper clippings were removed.

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60 - As - Ok Okinawa, 1968-1969. Four newspaper clippings were removed.

60 - As - Pa Pakistan, 1971-1972. Original measurement: 1.5 cm. Includes a statement on East Pakistan sent out by the Mennonite Central Committee. The following articles were removed: "Why They Fled Pakistan - And Won't Go Back," Aug. 1, 1971, p.12f. & "A Lament For Pakistan," Jan. 9, 1972, p. 11f. both in The New York Times magazine. 

60 - As - Pa Pakistan, 1971-1972. Complements the above file, news clippings only. Thirty-one of 39 newspaper articles were removed.

60 - As - Ph Philippines, 1983. Original measurement: 1 cm. Includes copy of article on naval bases by Esther Epp-Thiessen in Mennonite Reporter, May 30, 1983, p.2.

60 - As - Ph Philippines 2, 1982-1985. Original measurement: 2.5 cm.

60 - As - Ph - Aq Aqunio, Ben, 1983. Includes a copy of "Marcos wanted Aquino dead: Epp" in Kitchener-Waterloo Record, Dept. 6, 1983, p. B1. 

60 - As - Ph - Aq Aqunio, Ben, 1981-1984. Complements the above file, news clippings only. Thirteen of 18 newspaper articles were removed. Also includes a copy of Multinational Monitor, Vol. II, No. 2, Feb. 1981.

60 - As - Ph - Ch Church, 1983-1984 - Includes: an issue of Columbian Mission,  Jan. 1983; United Church Letter,Vol. XXVIII, No. 4, July -Aug. 1983.

60 - As - Ph - HR Human Rights, 1983-1985. Original measurement: 3 cm. Includes: Political Detainees Update, Vol. 7, No. 17, Sept. 15, 1983; The Human Rights Advocate, Vol. 1, No. 2 & 3, 1983; Statement of Dr. Dante C. Simbulan to the Foreign Affairs Subcommittee, US House of Representatives, June 23, 1983; Canada Asia Currents, Vol. VI, No. 3, Autumn 1984.

60 - As - Ph - IEC International Ecumenical Conference, 1983. Includes: information from A.C. Lobe, Sec. for East Asia, concerning the conference; Cry of the People, Challenge to the Churches A Report of the International Ecumenical Conference on the Philippines, Stony Point, New York; notes of Frank H. Epp from the conference.  

60 - As - Ph - Ma - Marcos, 1982-1985. Article: "Twilight of the Marcos Era" in The New York Times Magazine,Jan. 6, 1985, p.30f. was removed. Twelve of 15 newspaper articles were removed.

60 - As - Ph - MCCPS Mennonite Central Committee Philippines Consultation, 1983? - Includes Frank H. Epp's handwritten memo & notes on plans for this consultation.

60 - As - Ph - Mi Militarization, 1983. Original measurement: 2.2 cm. Includes 2 papers on the subject, by the Philippine Secretariat & Jose W. Dionko.

60 - As - Ph - Min Mindanao, 1983? Includes magazine: The Expanding Strategic Hamlets of Mindanao, produced by The Mindanao Documentation Committee for Refugees, 54p. 

60 - As - Ph - PD Political Detainees, 1983? Includes paper "Political Detainees: Living Evidence of Repression," author unidentified, 74p.

60 - As - Ph - Sol Solidarism II, 1984. Includes 2 issues of Solidaridad II,  published by the Resource Center for Philippine Concerns: June 1984 news supplement & Vol. 8, No. 3, July-Sept. 1984. The April-June 1984 issue ofSolidaridad II was removed. 

60 - As - Ph - USB US Bases, 1982-1983.

60 - As - SK South Korea, 1968, 1974, 1984.

60 - As - Sri Sri Lanka, 1985.

60 - As - Ta Taiwan, 1968-1971. Removed: Chi-Oang : Mother of the Taiwan Tribes Church / by Margaret L. Copland. Taipei: Presbyterian Church of Formosa, 1962; "The Unity of the Church : A message to all Christians" / by Presbyterian Church of Taiwan; Taiwan Lutheran Church, Taiwan Sheng Kung Hui; Methodist Church in Taiwan. [S.l. : s.n.], 1965. 

60 - As - Th Thailand, 1967-1972, 1979.

60 - As - Vi Vietnam, 1965?-1984. Original measurement: 13 cm. Includes church related literature, Mennonite Central Committee and other mailings, etc. Also includes: "The Facts About the War in Viet Nam, published by the World Federalists of Canada, 1965?; 2 articles by Frank H. Epp, "War compounds problems," and "The Church was there," in Vietnam Report, articles compiled by the Mennonite Central Committee, Akron, Pennsylvania, 1967. See also, 103 - Ar - 68 Vietnam, History of, 1968 for, Frank H. Epp, "A Brief History of Vietnam" Jan. 17, 1968, 17p., a copy of which was removed from this file, and the section, 103 - H - V Vietnam.

60 - As - Vi Vietnam, 1969-1983. Complements the above file, newspaper clippings only. One in 4 clippings were removed which were from the Globe and Mail, The New York Times and the Kitchener-Waterloo Record.

60 - As - Vi - Con Consultation, 1972-1973. Also includes a letter of  Sept.  14, 1972  discussing the Mennonite Central Committee and the Neuland School in the Neuland Colony, Paraguay.

60 - As - Vi - Pr Prisoners, 1973.

60 - As - Vi - 85, 1985.

Scope and Content
This note refers to the following files, starting with60. History – As Asia – Vi Vietnam – N North and ending with, 60 As – Vi – War – Sa Saigon & Other Cities, which were processed in 2011, at a later date than the main collection. These files may have been resource materials for a book manuscript which Frank H. Epp planned to write. The materials are predominantly from 1966 and1967 with a few earlier papers. These materials were likely collected by him during and after his trip to Vietnam in 1966. For related files on Vietnam in this collection see: 8. Biography and 90. Self Expression, especially PSR Public Speaking Requests, 1966, regarding presentations done by Frank H. Epp following his trip to Vietnam.

60. History – As Asia – Vi Vietnam – N North, 1965-1968. Includes: List of export and import goods of state foreign trade enterprises, 2nd edition (Hanoi: Chamber of Commerce of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, 1965), 55p.; the following issues of Vietnam Courier: Nos. 48, 49, 50, 65 (March 3, 10, 17, June 30, 1966); press release published by the Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam in Djakarta, No. 9/66 (March 8, 1966), 2p.; article by James Cameron, journalist and author of Mandarin Red (1954?); brief outline of talk given by Frank H. Epp at the Harrow United Church in Winnipeg, June 2, 1966; newspaper clippings from Christian Science MonitorGlobe and MailWinnipeg Free PressSaturday Evening Post and newspapers in Minneapolis. 
Removed: Van Dong, Pham, Government Report Submitted by Premier Pham Van Dong to the National Assembly,3rd Legislature,  2nd Session, 1965 (Hanoi, Viet-Nam (Democratic Republic): Foreign Languages Publishing House Van Dong, Pham, 1965.

60 As – Vi – N – B Bombing, 1967-1968.  Includes: “U.S. prisoners in North Vietnam and visits with their families at home” in Life Magazine, Vol.63,  No.16 (Oct. 20, 1967), p.21f.; newspaper clippings.

60 As – Vi – Pr Protest, 1965-1968. Includes: letter of Jan. 24, 1967 from William T. Snyder, executive secretary of Mennonite Central Committee, to D. P. Neufeld, in Winnipeg, Manitoba, regarding a visit to North Vietnam (cc to Peace Section Executive Committee); booklets, articles and newspaper clippings.

60 As – Vi – Pr – Ca Canada, 1967. Includes: correspondence of Frank H. Epp and papers related to a march and meetings in Toronto Oct. 21, 1967; newspaper clippings. 

60 As – Vi – Pr – LBJ (Lyndon B. Johnson), 1965-1968. Includes: “Norman Mailer on LBJ,” Speech given by Norman Mailer at University of California at Berkeley, May 1965, Reprinted by Student Union for Peace Action, Toronto, Ontario, 10p.; newspaper clippings (a few have parts underline​​d). 

60 As – Vi – Pr – RFK (Kennedy, R. F.), 1968. Includes: Robert F. Kennedy, What we can do to end the agony of Vietnam” in Look Magazine, Nov. 28, 1967, p.34f.; newspaper clippings.  

60 As – Vi – Pr – LM Leading Men, 1967-1968. Includes: articles and newspaper clippings.

60 As – Vi – Pr – Mc McCarthy, E., 1967-1968. Includes: newspaper clippings.

60 As – Vi – Pr – Or Organizations, 1965-1967. Includes: information from various organizations such as National Council of Churches, the Hiroshima Day Committee, Veterans for Peace in Vietnam; Newsletter of the Manitoba Peace Council Vol.2, No.2 (March-April 1967); newspaper clippings.

60 As – Vi – Pr – Ot Ottawa, 1967. Includes: information from the Ottawa Committee to end the war in Vietnam, articles; newspaper clippings.

60 As – Vi – Pr – Poems, 1966-1967. Includes: poems in newspapers; correspondence of Frank H. Epp regarding publication of a poem in The Canadian Mennonite.

60 As – Vi – Pr – Ro Romney, 1967. Includes: flyer for rally in Toronto, Oct. 21, 1967; newspaper clippings.

60 As – Vi – Pr – 10-21-67, 1967. Includes: flyer for rally in Ottawa, Oct. 21, 1967; newspaper clippings on the anti-war demonstrations on this day.

60 As – Vi – Pu Publications – Removed: one issue of The Minority of One, Independent Monthly for an American Alternative – Dedicated to the Eradication of all Restrictions on Thought, Vol. VIII, No. 10 (Oct. 1966).

60 As – Vi – Pu – Ad Advertisements, 1965-1968. Includes: “Stop the war” ads from various newspapers,  many with lists of names. 

60 As – Vi – Pu – B Books, 1965-1968. Includes: reviews and ads for books on Vietnam; “Vietnam Selected Reading List” which includes books and articles on Vietnam written before and after 1954 and the 1960s, 15p. 

60 As – Vi – Pu – Ca Cartoons, 1968. Includes: 2 newspaper cartoons.

60 As – Vi – Pu – CM The Canadian Mennonite, 1965-1967.  Includes: articles and editorials by Frank H. Epp published in The Canadian Mennonite, 1965-1966, including reprints of the series, “Asia at our doorstep” in which many of the published photos are slides taken by Frank H. Epp (see photo collection); letter of Frank H. Epp of Oct. 4, 1966 to the Minneapolis Star and Tribune with a publication suggestion; Frank H. Epp, “War compounds problems” in The Messenger, Jan. 5, 1967, pp.10-11; articles by Frank H. Epp in the following 1966 issues of  MCC News Service: Aug. 8, Aug. 16, Sept. 2, Sept. 6, Sept. 27.    Removed: Linford Gehman, “A Message from Mennonite General Conference to the congregations concerning the war in Vietnam,” and Hans A. de Boer, “A Man who talked to the Viet Cong suggests 15 responses to Asian war,” both in The Canadian Mennonite, Oct. 5, 1965, p.6 (see also p. 5 of this issue for “American position on Vietnam” under Letters to the Editor).

60 As – Vi – Pu – CVN Canada Vietnam Newsletter, 1967. Includes: letter of Frank H. Epp requesting literature from the March 1967 issue of this newsletter which was attached. 
Transferred to University of Waterloo Library: the following issues of The Canadian Far Eastern Newsletter: 187 (February 1966, 194 (January 1967), 195 (February 1967).
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: the following issues of Canada Vietnam Newsletter: Vol. 1, No. 2 (June 1966); Vol. 1, No. 4 (August 1966); for 1967: January, February, March, April, June. 

60 As – Vi – Pu – EFH Epp, Frank H., 1966-1968. Includes: notices of Frank H. Epp’s presentations: to a peace committee and the Quakers, Sept. 25, 1966, at a conference “Ethical implications of Vietnam,” Dec. 12, 1966, at the United Mennonite Church in Waterloo, Ontario, April 26, 1966? and to a student group Sept. 25, 1966?; newspaper articles in which he is quoted: “Viet Cong” in Ottawa Citizen, Feb. 20, 1968; “2 Christians: `dove’ vs. `hawk’” in Toronto Daily Star, Nov. 19, 1966; “Canada should seek de-escalation of Vietnam war says city churchman” in Ottawa Citizen, Sept. 29, 1967; “Carleton students told withdrawal only answer” in Ottawa Citizen, Feb. 12, 1968. 

60 As – Vi – Pu – Mag Magazine Articles, 1965-1967. Includes: articles from the New York Times Magazine,RampartsNewsweekLife magazine, etc.; “Information Service” sheets of the National Council of Churches of the United States of America, Vol.XLV, No.21 Part 1 (Dec. 31, 1966).

60 As – Vi – Pu – Me Mennonite, 1966-1967. Includes: The Mennonite, 81:14 (January 25, 1966) issue on  Vietnam; Gospel Herald Vietnam issue, Vol. LIX, No. 4 (January 25, 1966); Vietnam Report, articles compiled by Mennonite Central Committee, which includes two articles by Frank H. Epp: “War compounds problems” and “The Church was there” and photos from his Vietnam slide collection.

60 As – Vi – Pu – Pam Pamphlets, 1964-1966. Includes: “The Facts about the war in Viet Nam” Victoria Branch of the World Federalists (June 1965); David Arnold, “Vietnam: symptom of a world malaise” in A Fellowship (May 1964); program, report and “Statement of assumptions and a call for an international conference” for the “Alternative perspectives on Vietnam” conference held Sept. 14-18, 1965 in Ann Arbor, Michigan; “Vietnam The US war and the two German states” A Current press documentation (1966); “Vietnam vital issues in the great debate” issue of the Foreign Policy Association (Sept. 1966), 16p.; Henry David Thoreau, “What to do? About Vietnam”; John W. Warnock, Unversity of Saskatchewan, “Canada and Viet Nam” (1966?); James Steele, Rationale for war in Vietnam The Canadian minority judgment in the Fourth Interim Report of the International Commission for Supervision and Control, pamphlet authorized by The Conference on Canada’s Role in Vietnam, 1960s.

60 As – Vi – Pu – Pap Papers, 1966. Includes: whole issues and excerpts from newspapers, from Vietnam, The China NewsPacific Stars and StripesDaily WorkerSaigon Daily News.

60 As – Vi – Pu – Sp Speeches, 1965-1967. Includes: among the speeches and lectures are: “Statement of the Venerable Nhat Hanh,” June 1, 1966; Statement by Senator J. W. Fullbright, “The Vietnam Fallout,” April 28, 1966; Frank H. Epp, “Why I protest the war in Vietnam” (Address given on International Days of Protest on Parliament Hill, Aug. 6, 1966), 7p.; James Steele, “The Diplomacy of escalation” (A speech delivered to the “Assembly to tell the truth about the war in Vietnam” in Convocation Hall, University of Toronto, March 11, 1867), 19p.; materials sent to Frank H. Epp from Goshen College.

60  As – Vi – Pu – USNWR US News and World Report, 1966. Includes: 3 articles: May 23, May 30 and Nov. 14, all from 1966. 


60 As – Vi – S South, 1966-1968. Includes: Unofficial map of 1966; newspaper clippings including 2 from the 1967Globe and Mail: regarding Rabbi Feinberg in the Oct. 4 issue and regarding Reform Jewish delegates in the Nov. 16 issue.  

60 As – Vi – S – Bu Buddhists, 1966-1967. Includes: article: “Let us change the trend and step up the party building task in order to insure the successful carrying out of the anti-US struggle for national salvation” (Feb. 6, 1966); newspaper clippings.

60 As – Vi – S – Co Corruption, 1966-1968. Includes: 2 articles from US News and World Report, May 30 1966 and Dec. 25, 1967; newspaper clippings.

60 As – Vi – S – De Delta, 1966. Includes: newspaper clippings.

60 As – Vi – S – El Elections, 1966-1967. Includes: newspaper clippings.

60 As – Vi – S – Re Resistance, 1967-1968. Includes: Newsweek, Oct. 9, 1967, p. 44f.; newspaper clippings.

60 As – Vi – S – VC Viet Cong, 1965-1968. Includes: among the articles is one from a German journal: Probleme des Friedens und des Sozialismus, 9 Jahrgang (1966?); newspaper clippings. 


 60 As – Vi – UN – Ca Canada, 1965-1967. Includes: transcript of Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson’s Address on accepting an award in Philadelphia, April 2, 1965; Statements and speeches, Dept. of External Affairs, Nos.: 65/8, 65/9, 66/1, 66/2 (“Toward a Vietnam Settlement,” Statement Prime Minister by Lester B. Pearson, January 20, 1966), 66/3, 67/8 and 67/10 (with the lecture given by the Hon. Paul Martin in New York on April 27, 1967 attached); “On the Canadian involvement in the Vietnam war An open letter to the 27th parliament and the government of Canada,” 15 February 1966; House of Commons of Canada, Bill C-243, First reading, November 4, 1966; letter of Jan. 27, 1966 from Frank H. Epp as editor of The Canadian Mennonite requesting government materials; Winnipeg Free Press, June 10, 1967article regarding an award to a US marine in Winnipeg, MB, June 10, 1967; Farley Mowat speaks out on Canada’s role in Vietnam, pamphlet authorized by The Conference on Canada’s Role in Vietnam, 1960s..      
Removed: House of Commons Debates: Official Report, 26th Parliament, 3rd session, Vol. 110, No. 31 (May 28, 1965), pp.1761-1808; House of Commons Debates: Official Report, 27th Parliament, 1st session, Vol. 111, No. 11 (Feb. 1, 1966), pp.491-561; House of Commons Debates: Official Report, 27th Parliament, 1st session, Vol. 111, No. 113 (July 8, 1966), pp.7373-7445; House of Commons Debates: Official Report, 27th Parliament, 1st session, Vol. 111, No. 149 (Nov. 7, 1966), pp.9589-9660;
House of Commons, Standing Committee on External AffairsMinutes of Proceedings and Evidence, No.1, June 9 and 10, 1965, pp.1-109.

60 As – Vi – UN – Ca Canada, 1965-1968. Complements the above file, newspaper clippings only.

60 As – Vi – UN – OG Overseas Governments, 1961-1967. Includes: The West German government involved in Vietnam, Vietnam Committee of the Afro-Asian Solidarity Committee of the German Democratic Republic, 1966; “There goes Asia” in Look Vol. 25, No. 12 (June 6, 1961); newspaper clippings regarding Vietnam and Japan, the Philippines, India, Australia and England. 

60 As – Vi – UN – OG Overseas Governments, 1965-1968. Complements the above file, newspaper clippings only. 


60 As – Vi – US United States, 1965-1967. Includes: Congressional Record Proceedings and Debates of theUS Congress, 1965-1967; one newspaper clipping.

60 As – Vi – US – Ec Economics, 1965-1968. Includes: newspaper clippings and popular articles.

60  As – Vi – US – Mi Military, 1965-1968. Includes: news releases, news magazine articles and newspaper clippings; Joel Aber, Jules Benjamin, Robin Martin, Germ Warfare Research for Vietnam Project Spicerack on the Pennsylvania Campus, Philadelphia Area Committee to end the war in Vietnam, 1965, 31p.; a communiqué from the “Headquarters United States Military Assistance Command, Vietnam,” March 1966; “General Omar Bradley My visit to Vietnam” in Look, Vol. 31, No. 28, Nov. 14, 1967. 

60 As – Vi – US – OS Official Statements, 1965-1967. Includes: “U.S. white paper on Vietnam” Student Union for Peace Action, Toronto, ON (1965?); “The significance of the state department white paper on Vietnam” May 2nd Committee Harvard – Radcliffe (April 1965); A clear and direct commitmentStatements to the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee on budget request for Vietnam January 28, 1966,United States policy statement series, 1966; Robert Scheer and Warren Hinckle, “The Vietnam lobby” in Ramparts (July 1966), pp. 17-24; newspaper clippings and popular articles.
Removed: Hoàng, Văn Thái, Some Aspects of Guerilla Warfare in Vietnam (Hanoi: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1965), 39p.; Aggression from the North The record of North Viet-nam’s Campaign to conquer South Viet-Nam (Washington,United States: Dept. of State, 1965), 64p. 

60 As – Vi – US – Pr Press, 1965-1968. Includes: Malcolm W. Browne, “Viet Nam Report” in True (April 1967); newspaper clippings.

60 As – Vi – US – RI Role Interpretations, 1965-1967. Includes: American policy vis-a-vis Vietnam Memorandum of Law, Lawyers committee on American policy towards Vietnam, Inserted into the Congressional Record, 1965, 43p.; Robert Scheer, How the United States got involved in Vietnam A Report to the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions (1965), 80p.; Bertrand Russell, “An appeal to the American conscience,” Broadcast Independence Day, July 4, 1966, New York City, 12p.; several popular articles. 
Removed: D. F. Fleming, “What is our role in East Asia?” in The Western political quarterly (March 1965), pp. 73-86.; whole issue of U.S. News & World Report (March 6, 1967) on the theme “Why America carries the world’s burden.”

60 As – Vi – US – Su Support, 1965-1967. Includes: “Pattern of Conquest,” 2 printings by The Canadian Loyalist Movement, 1965, 1966; newspaper clippings. 


60 As – Vi – War, 1965-1967. Includes: popular articles and newspaper clippings.

60 As – Vi – War – Combined File, 1965-1968. Includes: newspaper clippings that were originally in separate files on the following topics: Cambodia, Casualties, China, Refugees, Khe Sanh, Nuclear Weapons.

60 As – Vi – War – Pac Pacification, 1966-1968. Includes: “The President’s next big decision,” in The Saturday Evening Post, 1960s, pp. 25f.; popular articles and newspaper clippings.

60 As – Vi – War – PTN Peace Talks North, 1967-1968. Includes: newspaper clippings.

60 As – Vi – War – PTV Peace Talks Viet Cong, 1967. Includes: newspaper clippings.

60 As – Vi – War – Sa Saigon & Other Cities, 1967-1968. Includes: newspaper clippings.

60 - C Canadian (History), 1957-1972, 1979-1983. Original measurement: 6 cm. Includes: The Canadian Member of Parliament, A Satire, Larry Wilson (Montreal: The Momus Press, 1958), 20p.; "Report To The Board of Directors Of The Canadian Centenary Council From The Research Committee," 1957-1972, 1979-1983. 

60 - C Canadian (History), 1961-1967, 1979-1980. Complements the above file, a selection of newspaper clippings.

60 - C - Ar Arctic - The file contained only 3 newspaper clippings which were removed: "Arctic Sovereignty not recognized: PM" in The Globe and Mail, May 21, 1969; "Seasonal Look at Canadian character" in Toronto Star, Jan. 8, 1982; "Canada: the real land of the free, Portrait of a national identity" in The Globe and Mail, Sept. 21, 1982. The file was withdrawn. 

60 - C - BB Bilingualism and Biculturalism, 1969, 1979. Includes copies of newspaper articles.

60 - C - CA Canada - America Relations, 1963-1971. Original measurement: 1 1/2 cm.Includes: "Canadian Defence Policy and the American Empire" by Philip Resnick; The Canadianization of America, Viewpoint" from Dec. 13, 1971. 

60 - C - CA Canada - America Relations, 1960, 1967-1971. Complements the above file, newspaper clippings only. Includes: "For an Independent Socialist Canada, Resolutions prepared by The Waffle Movement in the New Democratic Party" April 1971. 

60 - C - CC - 1 Constitutional Conference #1, 1981. The newspaper clippings were removed; see list in file.

60 - C - CC - 2 Constitutional Conf. #2, 1980-1982. Original measurement: 2 1/2 cm. Includes 5 newspaper articles.

Return to top

60 - C - CCCM Can. Consult. Coun. on Multiculturalism, 1981-1982. Includes: selected materials from the Canadian Consultative Council on Multiculturalism, of which Frank H. Epp was a member for Ontario; News Release from the Minister of State Mulitculturalism, Mar. 11, 1981, which mentions the priorities of the council and gives biographies for each of the members, including Frank H. Epp, p. 8; correspondence, including a letter of Frank H. Epp of Mar. 12, 1981 to the Hon. Jim Fleming mentioning two talks given by Frank H. Epp in Alberta, "How Canada became a multicultural society" and "How Canada can become a multicultural society," and published by the Alberta Teachers' Association; membership lists of the council and of the sub-committees, where Frank H. Epp was a member of the “Multiculturalism on the international scene”; minutes of meetings. Also included is the Annual Report 1981/82 Canadian Consultative Council on Multiculturalism, which includes Frank H. Epp’s name on pp.21 and 23. 
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.

60 - C - CCCM Can. Consult. Coun. on Multiculturalism, 1982. Includes: selected materials from the Canadian Consultative Council on Multiculturalism, of which Frank H. Epp was a member for Ontario; news releases from the Minister of State Mulitculturalism; membership lists; correspondence, including a letter of Frank H. Epp of Aug. 25, 1982 to the Hon. Jim Fleming which mentions two proposals, one of which concerned the role of religion; minutes of meetings; one issue of Cultures Canada, Newsletter of the Multicultural Directorate, Dept. of Secretary of State, Vol.3, No.5 (1982).
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.

60 - C - CCCM Can. Consult. Coun. on Multiculturalism, 1983. Includes: Frank H. Epp, "Heritage Languages and education," 1982 or 1983?; selected materials from the Canadian Consultative Council on Multiculturalism, of which Frank H. Epp was a member for Ontario; news releases from the Minister of State Mulitculturalism; minutes of meetings; 1 page report submitted by Frank H. Epp as a member of the Heritage Language Committee of the council, in Appendix I of the minutes of Feb. 11-12, 1983; correspondence, including a letter of Frank H. Epp of May 25, 1983 to the Hon. Jim Fleming regarding the future of the council in which Epp critiques the government’s position on restructuring the council and the method of operation. 
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files. 

60 - C - CH Church, 1970. Includes one item: "The Christian Church in Canada, A Survey of Protestant Churches and Organizations" compiled by Charles A. Tipp & Terry Winter, Aug. 1970.

60 - C - In Independence - One news clipping: "Nationalists meet to set up lobby" in The Toronto Star, Feb. 10, 1985, p. A1 removed. File withdrawn.

60 - C - Mi Minorities - Empty, withdrawn.

60 - C - Mi - Ja  Minorities - Japanese, 1983-1985. Includes correspondence of Frank H. Epp, secretary of Mennonite Central Committee Canada and the National Association of Japanese Canadians regarding the apology of Mennonites in Canada to Japanese Canadians and copies of related newspaper articles.  

60 - C - Pr Provinces - Empty, withdrawn.

60 - C - Pr - A1 Alberta - 3 news clippings removed: 2 articles from The Globe and Mail, one on resource-based projects in Alberta in Jan. 24, 1969, p.B5 and one on Lougheed in Mar. 3, 1979; "A Sad Triumph in Alberta" in The Toronto Star, Mar. 15, 1979, p.A8. File withdrawn.  

60 - C - Pr - BC British Columbia - Article on business in British Columbia in The Globe and Mail, Jan. 25, 1969, p.B5 removed. File withdrawn.

60 - C - Pr - Ma Manitoba - Article on business in Manitoba in The Globe and Mail, Jan. 22, 1969, p. B5 removed. File withdrawn. 

60 - C - Pr - Ont Ontario - Article removed: "Ontario's heading into tough times" in The Toronto Star, Mar. 22, 1980, p. B1. File withdrawn.

60 - C - Pr - Qu Provinces - Quebec, 1968-1969. 

60 - C - Pr - Qu Provinces - Quebec, 1961-1971, 1980. Complements above file. 33 of 48 news clippings removed. 

60 - C - Pr - Qu FLQ, 1970-1972, 1980. Original measurement: 3 cm. Includes: Several press releases of the Prime Ministers statements in the crisis of Oct. 1970; articles related to the War Measures Act; an issue of the newsletter Affairs of the Moment, Background for Canadian Women, Oct. 22, 1970.

60 - C - Pr - Qu Sovereignty Association, 1980. News clippings on the Quebec Referendum.

60 - C - Pr - Sa Saskatchewan - 1 article on business in Saskatchewan in The Globe and Mail, May 8, 1968, p. B5 and cover story in Canadian Weekend on Saskatchewan in Kitchener-Waterloo Record, Feb. 23, 1980,  pp. 1-6 were removed. File withdrawn.

60 - C- Qu - FLQ Removed: The FLQ : Seven Years of Terrorism / by James Stewart. A Special Report by the Montreal Star, 1970. 

60 - C - Va Vatican, 1969. Includes articles on Vatican envoy to Canada.

60 - C - WK Waterloo-Kitchener - Special issue of Kitchener-Waterloo Record on "Kitchener's First 100 Years" June 22, 1954, pp.1-40 was removed. File withdrawn.

60 - Ce Censorship, 1960-1961, 1984. Includes newspaper article on violence in movies.

Return to Top

60 - Ch Church (History), 1956, 1962-1970. Includes: booklet, Christian World Facts, 1956;  course outline and bibliography for university seminar by Cornelius Dyck, 1962; several articles on Communist China as well as House of Commons minutes regarding diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China (1970).  

60 - Ch - Ca Canada (Church History), 1956-1957.

60 - Ch - Mn Mennonite, 1933-1948, 1957-1965. Article: "Should you send your child to camp? in Maclean's Magazine, May 24, 1958, pp. 24-26f. was removed. Includes: Memo of Agreement between government of British Honduras and the Mennonite churches in Chihuahua, Mexico (1957) and 7 pages in German describing the history and various other aspects of British Honduras; An "Information Summary from the Wiens Family Reunion (1963); a copy of the Bethel Evangel, Vol. XII (June-July) 1964 which includes statistical information on Bethel, one of the older churches; Frank Epp's notes from a talk by Jacob Durksen from Paraguay; article from Mennonite Writers Conference, "How Springstein Got its Name" (1963); essay by Herta Fransen, "The Development of Education Among the Russian Mennonites of Ontario after 1923 to the Present" (1962); a memoir by Mrs. Maria (Schellenberg) Klassen, 11p. (1933); a letter  from the General Conference Mennonite Mission Board on Mexico (1965). 

60 - Ch - Mn - Ca Mennonite - Canadian, 1936, 1957-1958. Includes: Statistics on Mennonites in Canada in 1936 by Benjamin Ewert; A short history of Mennonites in Canada by P. A. Rempel, Altona, Man., 1957; A summary of students from Lena, Manitoba, "Was kann von Lena Gutes kommen?" 1957or 1958; Edna Staebler, "Why the Amish want no part of progress" in Maclean's Magazine, Sept. 27, 1958, pp. 20-21f. (photos by David L. Hunsberger.

60 - Ch - Mn - Ca - Hu Hutterites, 1957, 1969-1976. Includes: a 1957 agreement between Manitoba government and the Hutterites; personal accounts by Hutterites, 1969; copies of news clippings on Hutterite issues; John W. Friesen, "Mennonites and Hutterites in Twentieth Century Alberta Literature With Special Reference to Educational Implications" in The Alberta Journal of Educational Research, Vol. XXII, no. 2 (June 1976). A note  attached to this file stated: "Hutterite Material - For use in Library only."

60 - Ch - Mn - Ca - Hu Hutterites, 1960-1976. Complements the above file; news clippings only.

60 - Co Communism, 1957-1962. 

60 - Co - MC Missile Crisis - 3 news clippings from Nov. 1968 were removed; one was from the Ottawa Citizen: "Soviet Ships got nearer and war fears mounted." File withdrawn.

60 - D Days, 1956, 1959. 

60 - D - Ch Christmas,  1947, 1953-1985. Original measurement 5cm. Two items from 1956 were to be files by Larry for future use, indicating this file was a resource for The Canadian Mennonite newspaper. Includes inspirational materials (some undated) and poems (one in German) as well as the Epp family's lists of people from whom they received Christmas cards from 1967-1983, 1984-1985 and Epp Family Christmas letters (in 1972 a card) from 1978-1981, 1984-1985.  

60 - D - Ch Christmas, 1956-1961, 1972, 1978, 1984. Complements the above file; news clippings only.

60 - D - Ea Easter, 1954? 1955-1958. Some materials undated, some in German. Includes a greeting card sent by family members with Easter meditations; article by Bishop Fulton J. Sheen in Look magazine, 1954.

60 - D - Fa Father's Day, 1954-1961, 1978. Includes materials on generational differences and youth; An address, "The War of the Generations" given by Calvin W. Redekop at Hesston College in 1959. 

60 - D - GF Good Friday - Contained only one news clipping: "The Most Truly Christian Day" in a Winnipeg newspaper, April 8, 1955 which was removed. File withdrawn.

60 - D - Lo Lord's Day, 1956-1960, 1972. Includes articles on Sunday sports and Sunday shopping.

60 - D - Mo Mother's Day, 1955-1964, 1972-1973. Includes poem "A Kitchen Prayer" that belonged to The Canadian Mennonite newspaper ; a note by Frank Epp recording a positive comment by their daughter Marianne about Helen Epp. A magazine article from the 1950s: "Queen Elizabeth and her daughter...Royal look alikes" pp. 48f. was withdrawn. 

60 - D - Ne New Year's, 1955-1960. Includes a German poem.

60 - D - SP St. Patrick's - 2 articles were removed: "The Breastplate of Saint Patrick" in Moody Monthly, undated; "St. Patrick's Day" in Youth's Christian Companion, Mar. 16, 1958. File withdrawn.

60 - D - Th Thanksgiving, 1956-1961. Includes various inspirational articles and an article about a Mennonite family: "The Derksen family knows the meaning of Thanksgiving" in The Winnipeg Tribune, Oct. 6, 1956. 

60 - D - Va Valentine's, 1954-1956, 1960-1964. Includes "The Real Meaning of Valentines" from Editor's Digest, Feb. 10, 1964.

60 - Di Disasters, 1958-1962, 1970, 1981-1985. Original file measured 1.5 cm. 24 of 32 news clippings were removed.

60 - Di - Ai - 85 1985 Air India, 1985. Includes 2 news clippings of this event.

60 - Di - Bh Bhopal - Included only one article: "Assessing the risks of a `Bhopal' here, the poisons around us" inThe Sunday Star, Mar. 17, 1985, pp.A1 & A14, which was removed. File withdrawn.

60 - Di - Fi Fires, 1956-1961.

60 - Di - Fi - So Soccer, 1985.

60 - Di - Mis Mississauga 1979, 1979. Includes one newspaper story.

60 - Di - Ph Philadelphia 1985. Includes 3 clippings on fire of black cult headquarters. 

60 - Di - To Tornado, Barrie, 1985. Includes clipping on tornado in Barrie, June 1985.

60 - Eu Europe, 1959-1960. Original file measured 2.5 cm. 

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60 - Eu Europe, 1958-1971, 1978. Complements the above file. News clippings only. Includes Our Voices, English independent Czechoslovak newspaper, Feb. 22, 1958.

60 - Eu - Au Austria - Included only one clipping: "Austria's success a lesson in Cold War bargaining" in The Toronto Star, May 17, 1985, p.A16, which was removed. File withdrawn.

60 - Eu - Cy Cyprus, 1974, 1983-1985.

60 - Eu - Cz Czechoslovakia, 1968-1971. Original file measured 3 cm. Includes correspondence and materials sent by Soviet Peace Committee and MCC Peace Section. 

60 - Eu - Cz Czechoslovakia, 1968-1969, 1983. Complements the above file. News clippings only. Includes an issue of Moscow News, Aug. 31, 1968, 16p. 24 of 40 news clippings were removed.

60 - Eu - Cz - Int Czech. International, 1968-1969.

60 - Eu - ECM European Common Market, 1962.

60 - Eu - Fr France, 1982-1985.

60 - Eu - Ger Germany, 1956-1971, 1984-1989. Original file measured 6 cm. Includes: "Church Peace Mission - Documents on the Contemporary German Church Struggle, 1958?; essay by Hugh B. Hester, "The German General Staff Plots the Take Over of NATO and World War III?" May 1962; correspondence of Frank H. Epp with the "Gesellschaft Neue Heimat in Berlin, Germany, 1967; An issue of Dokumentarische Information: "Respect and equality for Christians in the GDR" 6-IX-89/1.7 published in Berlin (1989?) by Panorama DDR; several issues ofInformation, newsletter published by the Peace Council of the GDR. 

60 - EU - Ger Germany, 1960-1961, 1966-1971, 1978, 1983-1985. Complements the above file. News clippings only; 15 of 60 were kept. 

60 - Eu - Ger - Bi Bitburg, 1985. Includes news clippings only (10 of 20 were kept), on the controversy surrounding Pres. Reagan's visit to the Bitburg cemetery in Germany.

60 - Eu - GB Great Britain - 3 news clippings were removed: "British Forces out of Far East by 1971 - Wilson" inThe Ottawa Citizen Jan. 16, 1968, p.1; "U.K. slashes defense, welfare spending for planned saving of $865 million" in The Globe and Mail Jan. 17, 1968, p.3; "Empire leftovers that give Britain indigestion" in The Globe and Mail Mar. 25, 1969, p.7. File withdrawn. 

60 - Eu - Gre Greece, 1967-1968.

60 - Eu - NI Northern Ireland, 1968-1972, 1983. 6 of 12 clippings and magazine articles removed.

60 - Eu - Pol Poland, 1972, 1983. 3 of 6 news clippings were removed.

60 - Eu - Por Portugal, 1971-1974. Includes an issue of newsletter: Affairs of the Moment, Background Information for Canadian Women Aug. 2, 1974, 11p.

60 - Eu - Sp Spain - Included only one news clipping: "Spanish church now opposes government" in Kitchener-Waterloo Record July 12, 1971, p.6 which was removed. File withdrawn. 

60 - Eu - Yu Yugoslavia, 1983.

60 - G Genealogy, 1961-1962, 1968, 1977. Includes a genealogy for the Mennonite family of Franz F. Enns and Anna Duerksen.

60 - G - Mn Mennonites, 1963-1966.

60 - G - Na Names, 1941, 1956-1960, 1978. Includes: booklet Surnames A Dictionary of One Thousand Common Family Names and Their Meanings and Nationalities published by the Newspaper Information Service Inc., 1941; undated notes by Frank H. Epp on the significance of names in the Bible; undated notes on names (some possibly from 1968) that were misfiled in a subsequent section and added in here. 

60 - In Inventions, 1946. Includes one brochure "History of Great Inventions" published by the Educational Research Bureau, Washington, D.C., 1946.

60 - LA Latin America, 1960-1961, 1967-1968. Original file measured 2.5 cm. Includes excerpt from House of Commons debates, Nov. 29, 1968.         

60 - LA Latin America, 1960-1961, 1967-1974, 1984-1985. Complements the above file. News clippings only. 

60 - LA - Ar  Argentina - Included 3 news clippings, 2 from The Globe and Mail: "Missing the missing, Nightmares of parents being taken" Feb. 25, 1984, p.20; "`Doubly disappeared' 10 year-old one of hundreds" June 3, 1985 and 1 from The New York Times: "Argentines Vote Today in Twilight of Army Rule" Oct. 30, 1983. All 3 clippings were removed. The file was withdrawn. 

60 - LA - Bo Bolivia - Included 3 newspaper and journal articles: "U.S. aid props up Bolivia as it fights poverty, unrest" in Ottawa Citizen Oct. 12, 1967, p.7; "Bolivia, A Tangled Story of the C.I.A." in New York Times Aug. 25, 1968, p.E6; "Bolivia, The Guevara Adventure Ends" in The Christian Century Apr. 3, 1968, pp.430-32. All 3 clippings were removed. The file was withdrawn.

60 - LA - Br Brazil, 1968-1972, 1982. News clippings only. 12 were kept, most of them dealing with the church in Brazil.  

60 - LA - CA Central America, 1983-1984.

60 - LA - Ch Chile, 1973-1974, 1983-1984. 9 of 14 news clippings were removed.

60 - LA - Co Costa Rica, 1982? Includes newspaper issue on hunger.

60 - LA - Cu Cuba, 1960-1962, 1972. Original file measured 1.5 cm. 

60 - LA - Cu Cuba, 1960-1961, 1967-1970, 1983-1985. Complements the above file, newsclippings only.

60 - LA - ES E1 Salvador, 1983-1985. 8 news clippings and the article: "A Plan to Win in El Salvador" in Newsweek, Mar. 21, 1983, p.18f. were withdrawn.

60 - LA - Gr Grenada - 3 news clippings, 2 from the Toronto Star: "Invasion of Grenada,"Oct. 26, 1983, p.A16-17 and "U.S. should have left Grenada alone, aid workers say," Nov. 1, 1983, p. A11; "Grenada Aftermath," in The New York Times, Nov. 6, 1983, p.8. All 3 were removed, the file was withdrawn.  

60 - LA - Gu Guatemala, 1966, 1983-1984.

60 - LA - Ha Haiti, 1969. Includes one issue of Le Combattent Haitien, Feb. 1969.

60 - LA - Hon Honduras, 1973, 1984-1985.

60 - LA - KWSP Kitchener-Waterloo Support Group, 1984-1985. Includes materials related to Frank H. Epp's contacts with the local Latin American Support Group. 

60 - LA - MCC (Mennonite Central Committee) Interest Group - Contained only 2 items: Memos containing information sent to the Latin America Interest Group: from Herman Bontrager/Rich Sider, Mennonite Central Committee, Jan. 11, 1983 and from Urbane Peachey, Peace Section, June 21, 1984/130. The memos were removed and the file was withdrawn. 

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60 - LA - Me Mexico, 1972, 1984.

60 - LA - Ni Nicaragua, 1983-1985. News clippings only. 

60 - LA - Pa Paraguay, 1981-1985.

60 - LA - Pe Peru - File contained only one news clipping: "Civil War grows in `Corner of the Dead,'" in the Toronto Star, Sept. 2, 1984, p.H4, which was removed. File withdrawn.

60 - LA - Sym Symposium 1983 MCC PS, 1983. Includes papers from the symposium on: "Repression and Revolution in Central America" by Hugo Zorilla; Synopsis of Case Studyon Nicaragua" by Gerald Schlabach; on El Salvador by Blake Ortman; on Guatemala by William Cook & Pablo Stanfield; on the Church in Latin America by Daniel Jensen; on Protestant theology and Central America by James Dekker.   

60 - LA - Ve Venezuela - Included only 1 news clipping: "20 CF-5 jet fighters sold to Venezuela" in Globe and Mail, Dec. 16, 1971, p.5, which was removed. The file was withdrawn.

60 - Mn Mennonites, 1966-1967. Includes original brochure for the Steinbach Village Museum; article on the Mennonite Reesor settlement in the region of Cochrane, Ontario in German newspaper "Nordwesten."

60 - Mn - An Anabaptists, 1981. Includes only one article: Frank C. Roberts, "The Detestable Anabaptists?" in The Banner, Nov. 2, 1981, pp.8-11.

60 - Mn - Le Leamington - 2 items removed: essay by Robert C. James, "`The City Where God Has Caused Us To Come' The Story of the Leamington Mennonite Community May 9-June 3, 1940: An Examination of Wider Circumstances" (Waterloo, Ont.: s.n., 1982), 162p.; Memories, Sixty Years of Mennonite Life in Essex and Kent Counties 1925-1985, (Leamington, Ont.: The Committee, 1985), 78p. File withdrawn.  

60 - Mn - Pa Paraguay, 1966-1972, 1984. Includes a report on Pres. Stroessner's visit to the Menno Colony in the Chaco sent to Frank H. Epp from A. A. Teichrob.

60 - Mn - Pa Paraguay, 1966-1972, 1984. Complements the above file. News clippings only.

60 - Mn - PS Peace Statements, 1984. Includes correspondence on and planning notes for: Bert Friesen, Where we Stand, An Index of Peace and Social Concerns Statements by the Mennonites and Brethren in Christ in Canada, 1787-1982 (1986).

60 - ME Middle East, 1967-1969, 1977, 1983-1984. Original file measured over 2.3 cm. Includes information of a general nature and: Arnold J. Toynbee's article in The Toronto Telegram, June 17, 1967; Edmund R. Hanauer, "A Single Standard in the Middle East" in Christianity and Crisis, A Christian Journal of Opinion May 16, 1977, pp.110f.

60 - ME - g General, 1968-1974. Includes: correspondence for publishing a special issue on the Middle East in June 1969 in an MCC Middle East Report and various Mennonite periodicals, Frank H. Epp's study paper "Whose Land in Palestine? The Middle East Problem in Historical Perspective" for the MCC Peace Section meeting in Chicago, Jan. 23, 1969, as well as the following articles by Frank H. Epp: "No Peace in the Promised Land" in The Mennonite, Jan. 28, 1969, pp.50-55; "The History of the Palestine Problem" in The Mennonite Brethren Herald, May 30, 1969, pp.2-3; "Heartbreak in the Middle East" in The Mennonite, June 3, 1969; "A Quarrel Over Land" in Middle East Report(Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1969), 10p; "No peace seen in Mideast unless refugees get justice" in Kitchener-Waterloo Record, Oct. 2, 1971, p.35. Also in the Middle East Report: Waldemar Janzen, "A Geography of Faith"; William T. Snyder, "The Six-day War Goes On"; Wilbert R. Shenk, "The Mennonite Church at Work in the Middle East"; Vern Preheim, "MCC's Effort in the Middle East".  

60 - ME - g - Co Correspondence, 1970-1981. Includes: miscellaneous correspondence and mailings sent to Frank H. Epp related to his Middle East work. Filed in a smaller box in this section.

60 - ME - g - CL Confidential List, 1968-1969. Includes some of Frank H. Epp's contacts in the Middle East; some correspondence also. 

60 - ME - g - ER Epp Reports, 1968-1974. Includes correspondence for and reports of Frank H. Epp's 1968, 1969 and 1971 Middle East trips. His report to MCC Peace Section Exec. Committee, Aug. 17, 1968, "The Land of  Promise, A Land Without Peace: A Report on the Middle East Study Trip" (24 p.) was published by MCC News Service Dec. 6, 1968 with the same title (30p.). The file also includes a revision of this report dated Nov. 22, 1968. In addition, the file includes: "A Message from 1969 Mennonite Central Committee Peace Section Middle East Study Tour (June 8-28, 1969) (5p.); "Listening to the Middle East" report on the Epp-Goddard research trip of Aug. 1971 and Epp's 14 page talk to the Canadian Arab Federation in May 1974. 

60 - ME - g - ACF Forrest, A.C., 1968-1973, 1979. Correspondence with A. C. Forest, controversial editor of theUnited Church Observer; copiesofarticles by Forrest. Removed:the whole issue, The United Church Observer, A Special issue "Aftermath in the Middle East" Oct.1, 1967, 31p.

60 - ME - g - ACF Forrest, A. C., 1967-1978. Complements the above file. News clippings only.

60 - ME - g - PJ Paul Johnson, 1968-1971. Correspondence with Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).

60 - ME - g - PK Paul Kidd, 1969. Includes clippings of his column in the Ottawa Citizen.

60 - ME - g - HM Harry Martens, 1968-1969. Correspondence with Harry E. Martens, MCC Country Dir. in Jordon. Includes UN related photos with Mr. Michelmore and women at Women's Activities Centre. 

60 - ME - g - GP Gunther Plaut, 1970-1971, 1978-1981. Correspondence with this Rabbi and clippings by him and about him.

60 - ME - g - RG Reference Group, 1968-1971. Correspondence with MCC Peace Section Middle East Reference Group.

60 -ME - g - S- B Sources - Books, 1955, 1962, 1969-1978. A selection of published sources were integrated here including: David E. Hirsch, A Record of American Zionism, Zionist Organization of America, pamphlet No.13 (1955); M. H. El-Farra, The Palestine question The refugee problemAmman, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (1968), 26p;The Near East School of Theology Quarterly, Beirut, Lebanon (Jan. and Apr. 1969); Mallakh, Dr. Ragaei El, Some dimensions of Middle East oil: The producing countries and the United States, American-Arab Association for Commerce and Industry Inc. (1970), 19p.; Fayez A. Sayegh, A Palestinian view, 2nd World conference on Palestine, Amman (Sept. 1970); I. Robert Sinai, ed., "Modernization and the Middle East," American Academic Association for Peace in the Middle East (Spring 1970); William H. Brownlee, Rights and wrongs in Palestine, published by the Near East Ecumenical Bureau for Information and Interpretation (1972); Antonio R. Gualtieri, "A Theological perspective on nationalism," reprint from The Anglo Welsh Review (Spring 1973); Faris Yahya, Zionist relations with Nazi Germany (Beirut: Palestine Research Center, 1978). The following sources which had an MCC Peace Section label: A. G. Mezerik, ed., Energy Developments, New York International Review Service (1962); M. D. Japheth and P. K. Rajiv, The Arab Israeli Conflict (Bombay: Pearl Publications Private Ltd., 1967); Ray L. Cleveland, The Middle East and South Asia 1969, Washington, Stryker-Post Publications; Controlling conflicts in the 1970s A Report of a national policy panel established by the United Nations Association of the United States of America. Filed in a smaller box in this section.
Transferred to CGUC Library: two booklets published by the University Christian Center Forum, Dr. Elie A. Salem, "War and peace in the Middle East The Role of the university and the intellectual" (1967) and Peter Dodd, "Suffering humanity the refugees of the Middle East (1967).
Removed: Richard Wolff, Israel Act III, The Bible and the Middle East ( Wheaton, Illinois: Tyndale House, 1967). 
Removed: Michael Selzer, with an introduction by Rabbi Elmer Berger, Israel as a factor in Jewish-gentile relations in America : observations in the aftermath of the June, 1967 war (New York: American Council for Judaism, 1968), 27p.; The Arab-Israeli armistice agreements, February-July, 1949 : U.N. texts and annexes (Beirut, Lebanon, Institute for Palestine Studies, 1967), 40p.; Nadav Safran, Israel today A Profile, No. 170, New York, Foreign Policy Association, World Affairs Center (April 1965); Y. Harkabi, "The Position of the Palestinians in the Israeli-Arab conflict and their national covenant (1968)," New York University Journal of International Law and Politics, Vol.3, No.1 (Spring 1970), pp.209-244. 
Also removed, the following sources which had an MCC Peace Section label on the inside cover: two issues of the New York International Review Service edited by A. G. Mezerik: The Crisis in the Middle East: Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq; Un Action (1958), Kuwait - Iraq Dispute, 1961 United Kingdom Relations, Chronology, UN Action (1961); the following issues published by the New York, Foreign Policy Association, World Affairs Center: John B. Christopher,Middle East, national growing pains, No. 148, (July-August 1961), 62p.; Malcolm H. Kerr, Egypt under Nasser, No.161 (Sept.-Oct. 1963), 64p.; Donald N. Wilber, Iran: oasis of stability in Middle East?, No. 137 (Sept.-Oct. 1959), 62p. 

60 -ME - g - S- SP Sources - Serial publications, 1960-1979. A variety of serial publications (individual copies as well as series) were integrated here including: Christian News from Israel, Jerusalem Vol.XIX, No.1-2 (May 1968); an issue of Issues published quarterly by the American Council for Judaism, New York (Winter 1963) and some offprints from this journal from 1960 and 1965-1967; the following issues of The Arab Case, Vol.1, Nos. and 2 and Vol.2, Nos.3 to 6, all from 1968 and Vol.2, Nos.7 and 8 for 1969; the following issues of The Facts about the Palestine problem, for 1968 Vol.1, Nos. 1 to 4 (Jan. to Apr.), Nos. 7 (Oct.) and 8 (Nov.), for 1969 Vol.2, Nos. 1 (Jan.), 2 (Feb.) and 5 (May), 1970 Vol.3 (Nov.), 1971 Vol.4, No. 1 (Jan.) and June Supplement, 1972 supplements for June, July and Nov.; a few issues of Israelis reply Bulletin published by Israeli students of Middle East affairs, Sept. 1969 and three different reprints from June 1973; 2 issues of Information briefing 1973, Nos. 12 and 15; The Holy Cross Quarterly (Summer 1972), focusing on the Middle East; the following issues from 1974 of Facts Today in the Middle East Bulletin published by the Lebanese Association for information on Palestine, Apr. 15 and 29, May 13 and 27, June-July and June supplement; an issue of Christianity and Crisis, Vol.39, No.7, Apr. 20, 1979, which includes an article by John A. Lapp on the Middle East, "Liberation or Humiliation?"; an issue of The Arab World,Special on crisis (Summer 1967). See 7 - MN The Arab World, 1968-1972 for more issues of The Arab World
Removed: The Arab World: May-June 1968, Jan.-Feb. 1969 and Sept. 1969. Filed in a smaller box in this section.

Return to top

60 - ME - AB Arab Boycott, 1976-1979. Details about the boycott and a page of notes by Frank H. Epp.

60 - ME - AC Arabs-Canada, 1971-1979. Includes some issues of the Arab Canada newsletter and an address by Heath Macquarrie to the Canadian-Arab Friendship Society of Toronto, 1975.

60 - ME - AC Arabs-Canada, 1970. Complements the above file. One issue of newspaper Arab-Canada, July 20, 1970.

60 - ME - ACIID A Critical Insight into Israel's Dilemma, 1971. An issue of this student newspaper which includes an address by Noam Chomsky, p.20f.

60 - ME - ACJ American Council for Judaism, 1967. Only1 item, on issue of Christian support for Israel.

60 - ME - ACJME American Committee for Justice in the M.E, 1971-1973. Some of their newsletters and reports.  

60 - ME - ADC Anti-Discrimination Committee, 1981. Includes 2 issues of their reports. ADC Report #8, Summer's End 1981 was removed.

60 - ME - AF A1 Fateh, 1968-1970. Original file measured 2 cm. Sample copies of their publications and unused stamps labeled Al-Fateh.

60 - ME - AF Al Fateh, 1968-1972. Complements the above file. News clippings only; 8 of 11 were removed.  

60 - ME - Afr Africa - Included only 1 news clipping: "Israel woos black Africa" in Toronto Star, Oct. 18, 1983, p.A14. The file was withdrawn.

60 - ME - AIC Arab Information Centre, 1973. 

60 - ME - AID American - Israeli Dialogue, 1972. One issue of their bi-weekly journal, March 10, 1972.

60 - ME - AJ Arabs and Jews Together, 1973. Includes only 1 clipping. 

60 - ME - AJC American Jewish Committee, 1968-1969. Includes information sent to Epp from them.

60 - ME - AM Annual Meeting, 1967-1969. Includes: correspondence for Jan. 1969 meeting of MCC Peace Section; Waldemar Janzen's paper: "The Theological Implications of the Arab-Israeli War" June, 1967.

60 - ME - AM Al  Montada, 1968-1975. Original file measured 6 cm. Includes journal index, 1967-1974.

60 - ME - AMEU Americans for Middle East Understanding, 1968-1975, 1983. Includes Epp's correspondence with this organization; his article "Frank Epp Reports to Fellow-Mennonites" in The Link, Nov. 1968, p.5; A review of his book Whose Land is Palestine? in The Link, May/June 1969, p.6f.
Removed: The Link, Vol.VI, No.3, May/June 1973

60 - ME - APA Arab Palestine Association, 1971?, 1985

60 - ME - APPME American Prof. for Peace in the M.E, 1967-1979. Original file measured 3 cm. Includes issues of their newsletter and materials from their 1968 conference.

60 - ME - Ar Arabs, 1964-1984. Includes an issue of Arab News and Views, March 1969 and various types of information as well as some news clippings.

60 - ME - Ar - Ad Advertising, 1968-1972. 3 New York Times ads and one Globe and Mail ad.

60 - ME - AY Andy Young '79, 1979. News clippings on issue of Andy Young's resignation as the US ambassador to the UN. 

60 - ME - BD Balfour Declaration, 1967. Includes: J.M.N. Jeffries, The Balfour Declaration (Beirut: The Institute for Palestine Studies, 1967), Monograph Series No. 7, 20p.

60 - ME - Be Bedouin - Included only 1 news clipping: Robert D. Kaplan, "Negev Bedouins being pushed into a corner" in The Globe and Mail Sept. 13, 1980, p.9, which was removed. The file was withdrawn.

60 - ME - Bi Bibliography, 1968-1971. Includes booklet: Israel According to Holy Scriptures with various contributors, published by IP, 1960s?

60 - ME - Br Britain - Included 2 news clippings: Review of British Empire in the Middle East 1945-1951 by Paul Kennedy, 1980s? and "Lord Carrington, the Mideast and EEC in The Canadian Jewish News, April 30, 1981, p.5. Both clippings were removed. The file was withdrawn.

60 - ME - Ca Canada, 1971, 1981-1985. Includes excerpts from parliamentary debates and governmental foreign affairs statements on the Middle East.

60 - ME - Ca Canada, 1979-1985. Complements the above file. News clippings only. 

60 - ME - Ca - Ex External Affairs, 1968-1975. Includes governmental statements and speeches.

60 - ME - CAABU Coun. for the Advancement of Arab-British Understanding, 1975-1976. Includes 2 of their reports.

60 - ME - CAF Canadian Arab Federation, 1980-1984

60 - ME - CAMEU Canadians for M.E. Understanding, 1967, 1971-1972. Includes correspondence regarding Frank H. Epp joining the executive; minutes of this organization; report from a conference held at Yale University, Nov. 3, 1967: "America and the Middle East from Nov. 3, 1967.

60 - ME - CCI Christians Concerned for Israel, 1971-1973. Includes Franklin H. Littell's Israel trip reports of 1971 and 1973 as well as his essay "The Meaning of the Holocaust: A Christian Point of View." 

60 - ME - CCJPME Xians Comm.to Justice & Peace in the M.E., 1971-1972, 1983-1984. 

60 - ME - Ch Churches, 1967-1975. Includes statements and letters from the World Council of Churches and Dr. John Nicholl's Booth, "The Middle East: No escape from Armageddon?" an address to the First Unitarian Universalist Church, Detroit, Sept. 24, 1972. 

60 - ME - Cho Chomsky, Noam, 1969. Includes his article "Nationalism and Conflict in Palestine" in Liberation, Nov. 1969, 12p.

60 - ME - CI Canada - Israel Committee, 1968-1971, 1981-1982. Includes Frank H. Epp's dinner speech at Holy Blossom Temple, Toronto, Apr. 1971 and Epp's correspondence with the dir., Sol Litman. 

60 - ME - CJ Christians and Jews, 1967-1977. Includes Frank H. Epp's review of the film "`His Land' in New Testament Perspective" May 1, 1971; 2 essays by Humphrey Walz; an article by Otis Yoder from the Gospel Herald sent to Epp; the address of Waldemar Janzen to the B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation, Winnipeg, MB, Oct. 1969; various clippings and journal articles including several giving Billy Graham's point of view.

60 - ME - CJ Interreligious Conf. on the M.E., 1971. The conference was postponed. 

60 - ME - CL Canadian Church Leaders, 1978. Includes some correspondence with A. C. Forrest, editor of theUnited Church Observer.

60 - ME - Com Committees, 1972-1974, 1980-1982. Includes some correspondence with the Presbyterian Church in Canada, Board of World Mission; a newsletter, "Affairs of the Moment, Background Information for Canadian Women;" an issue of Facts, Today in the Middle East, published by the Lebanese Assoc. for Information on Palestine. 

60 - ME - CONAME Comm. on New Alternatives in the M.E., 1974-1977.

60 - ME - CP Canada-Palestine Solidarity Committee, 1983-1984. One item: an invitation to a celebration.

Return to top

60 - ME - CPME Can. for Peace in the M.E. (London), 1980-1984. Documentation for a controversy in which Frank H. Epp was somewhat involved, over lack of  recognition of a student club at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario. 

60 - ME - CPPME Can. Prof. for Peace in the M.E., 1977-1985. Memos of meetings of the Waterloo Chapter.

60 - ME - Dr Druze, 1983-1985. Includes 2 news clippings.

60 - ME - Eg Egypt, 1957-1960, 1970-1975, 1983. Original file measured 2 cm. Includes News Bulletins from the Ottawa Embassy of the United Arab Republic.

60 - ME - Eg Egypt, 1960, 1970-1976, 1982-1985. Complements the above file. News clippings only.

60 - ME - Em Embassies, 1968. Includes letters of request for information on Lebanon, Israel and the United Arab Republic and replies from these 3 embassies.

60 - ME - Fa False History - Included only one item: an 8 1/2 x11 size booklet called "The Story of Israel" drawn and written by Ranan Lurie especially for young people aged 8-14, published by the embassy of Israel in Washington, D.C., 1979, 20p. The booklet was removed. The file was withdrawn.

60 - ME - FJS Fifth of June Society, 1973. Includes information on obtaining audio-visual aids; the Lebanese Assoc. for Information on Palestine and 4 publications of the society (one by the Arab Women's Information Committee).

60 - ME - FPF Foreign Policy and Federalism, 1982-1983. Information on the conference sponsored by this joint centre of the University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Ontario. 

60 - ME - Fr France - Included only 2 clippings: "France: An upsurge in sentiment against Israel noted" in The Gazette Montreal, May 21, 1970, p.7; "Time runs against Israel, Pompidou says; sees no hope for Indo-China settlement in Globe and Mail, July 3, 1970, p.7. Both were removed. The file was withdrawn.

60 - ME - Ga Gaza, 1968-1971, 1983-1985. Includes an issue of The Facts About the Palestine Problem,Supplement April 1971, bulletin produced by The Arab Women's Information Committee, Beirut, Lebanon.

60 - ME - Ger Germany - Included 5 clippings, 2 of which were: "Israeli-German gulf is growing wider" in Globe and Mail, Sept. 18, 1979, p.7; "Prosecuting Nazi war criminals in the United States" in Toronto Star, Feb. 17, 1985, p.B7. All 5 clippings were removed. The file was withdrawn.

60 - ME - He Hezballah - Included only one set of newspaper articles: "Massacre of the Peacekeepers" in theToronto Star, oct. 24, 1983, pp.A10-A11 which were removed. The file was withdrawn. 

60 - ME - Hi85 Hijacking 1985, 1985. Includes the Time cover story, June 24, 1985, of this event.

60 - ME -  Holocaust, 1969, 1982-1985.

60 - ME - Holy Places, 1968-1970.

60 - ME - ID Inter-Religious Dialogue, 1979-1984. See box, Inter-Religious Group Meeting Minutes. Filed separately.
Related to this topic, see also, 1 - Co - R Resnick, Martin, 1980-1982, 88 - CR - Ju - ER Epp-Resnick Dialogue, 1980-1982 and 103 - Ar - 83 Dialogue - Resnick & Epp. 
Located in Series 3: Miscellaneous files. 

60 - ME - INTCOM International Commission - Israel/Lebanon, 1982-1983. Includes 2 newsletter from the International Center for Peace in the Middle East.

60 - ME - IPS Institute for Palestine Studies - Included promotional material from the institute, which was withdrawn; a book: The desecration of Christian Cemeteries and Church property Basic Documents for Palestine Studies No. 5 (Beirut, Lebanon: The Institute for Palestine Studies, 1968) which was transferred to the CGUC Library. The file was withdrawn.

60 - ME - Ir Iran, 1983.

60 - ME - Ira Iraq, 1983. Includes information on martyr monument.

60 - ME - Ira Iraq, 1983-1984. Complements the above file. Includes 2 copies of the Baghdad Observer.

60 - ME - Ir/Ira Iran - Iraq War, 1984-1985.

60 - ME - IS International Seminar, 1967-1968.

60 - ME - Is Israel, 1957-1974, 1982-1985. Original file measured 5.5cm and included over 100 news clippings, most of which were removed. See clipping file below. 

60 - ME - Is Israel (2), 1971-1974. Original file measured 4.5cm and included over 100 news clippings and magazine articles on Israeli economics and politics as well as tourist brochures, most of which were removed. Includes: article by Urbane Peachey: "Munich or Phantoms" Oct. 18, 1972, 4p. Removed: Georges Corm's lecture, "Israel in the International Strategy of the Western Powers" published by the Fifth of June Society, Beirut, 1970, 23p.; Walter Lehn, "The Jewish National Fund" reprinted from Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol.3, No.4, Summer, 1974, pp.74f.; Larry Kehler, "Israel faces a new reality" in The Mennonite, Aug. 6, 1974, p.469-70.  

60 - ME - Is Israel, 1960, 1969-1972, 1980-1985. Complements the above 2 files. News clippings only (10 from each file).

60 - ME - Is - Ad Advertising, 1982? Includes a wall map "The Israeli occupation of the West Bank Gaza Strip" subtitled "The Economic and Political Geography of Oppression." Removed: brochure published by the American Zionist Youth Foundation "Programs in Israel 1984." Of the 18 items in this file, most were full page newspaper ads related to Israel, 5 of which were kept. See file below.

60 - ME - Is - Ad Advertising, 1969-1970. Complements the above file. News clippings only. 

60 - ME - Is - Ch Christian's News from Israel - Removed 1 issue of journal: New Series Christian News From Israel, 1971, Vol.XXI, No.4 which  included, Roy Kreider, "Account of Anglican, Protestant and Ecumenical Happenings in Israel," p.13-16. File withdrawn.  

60 - ME - Is - DY Deir Yassin, 1969-1973, 1983. Includes: The facts about the Palestine Problem bulletin produced by "The Arab Women's Information Committee" Beirut, Vol.3, No.3, 1970. 
Removed: The Arab Case Documents and Testimonies published by The Arab Information Center, Ottawa, Ontario (April 1969) Vol.2, No.10, pp.73-84. Documents from Israel 1967-1973, Readings for a Critique of Zionism (Ithaca Press, 1975), pp.43-55; 74-75; 148-151; pages on the Deir Yasin Massacre in the book Bitter Harvest (1979); pp.162-65 on "The Revolt" from book by Menachem Begin (1977).

60 - ME - Is - Ec Economics, 1981-1985. Includes news clippings only. Removed: 9 news clippings and 1 article reprinted from Canadian Middle East Digest (Sept./Oct. 1984). 

60 - ME - Is - Ka Kahan Report, 1984. Includes: United Nations booklet, 1984. Removed: copies of Ch. 6 inPalestine Comes First (London: SCM Press Ltd., 1977); "Special Feature The Kahan Report" in Middle East Research and Information Project Reports (hereafter MERIP Reports), No. 115, June 1983.

60 - ME - Is - Kah Kahane, Meir, 1981-1984.  Removed: the following news clippings on Meir Kahane from theToronto Star,1984: July 25, p.A4; Aug. 27, p.A14; Sept. 2, p.H1; Sept. 7, p.A7; Oct. 7, p.1; Nov. 3, p.B7; microfilm copies of the clippings in the Toronto Star, May 19, 1984, p.A8 and May 22, 1984, p.A5.

60 - ME - Is - Kib Kibbutzim, 1965, 1971. Includes: "the kibbutz and introduction for participants in summer programs" published by the youth and hechalutz department of the world zionist organization jerusalem; Lillit, July 1971, No.5 published by the Students' Union, Hebrew University, Jerusalem; a map of the towns and villages on the Golan Heights, 1970; Aug. 1971 greetings from a kibbutz for the Jewish New Year. Removed: 45 rpm record "Sounds of Israel" published by the Israel Tourist Information Office, Jerusalem; "The Kibbutz" booklet No.27 published by Israel Digest, Nov. 1965.

60 - ME - Is - Le Lebanon, 1978-1984. Original file measured 3cm. Removed: 95 news clippings, most from 1982-1985, of which close to half were from the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon. The majority were from the Globe and Mail and The Toronto (and Sunday) Star, a few from the Kitchener-Waterloo Record and the New York Times. Also removed were 2 articles from Newsweek: June 21, 1982, pp.16-31 & Aug. 16, 1982, pp.10-19; Maclean's MagazineJuly 26, 1982, p.33; article by Marianne Heiberg on Lebanon in Journal of Peace Research, Vol.20, No.4, 1983, pp.293f.

60 - ME - Is - Ly Libya, 1973. Clippings only, with notations. Original label was spelled as Lybia. This file was not listed in the guide.

60 - ME - Is - Mi Militarism, 1982-1985. Includes: Eric Hooglund, "Israel's Arms Exports, Proxy Merchant for the U.S." American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, Background Paper #8, 1982? 20p. 
Removed: Esther Howard, "Israel: The Sorcerer's Apprentice" in MERIP Reports, Feb. 1983; "Israel's Defense As Good As Ever?" in New York Times Magazine, May 19, 1985, p.60f.; 2 Globe and Mail clippings: Dec. 1984, p.13, Jan. 19, 1984, p.17.

60 - ME - Is - Ra Racism, 1975. Includes: Prof. Israel Shahak, "The Racist Nature of Zionism and of the Zionistic State of Israel" article in the weekly paper of the students in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 5.11.75, 6p.

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60 - ME - Is - Se Sephardim, 1983-1984.

60 - ME - Is - Te Terrorism, 1973, 1983-1985. Removed: 10 clippings,  3 of which were from the Beirut Daily Star, August 1974; "The Power of the Fanatics" in New York Times Magazine, Oct. 7, 1984, p.32f.

60 - ME - IsL Israeli League for Human and Civil Rights, 1980.

60 - ME - ISP Israel and Palestine, 1968-1972, 1980. Includes: pamphlet by Brother Marcel J. Dubois o.p., "From the Paradoxes of Israel to the Mystery of Israel" St. Isaiah's House, Jerusalem, 1968?, 36p.; "Secure and Recognized Boundaries, Israel's Right to Live in Peace Within Defensible Frontiers" (Jerusalem: Carta, 1971), 48p. with maps; 
 Israel and Palestine A Monthly Review, 1-1972, Special Congress Issue; one clipping on Galil, 1980. Removed: I. F. Stone, "The Future of Israel" in Ramparts, 1968? pp.41-44; Israel: A Collection of Declarations, Articles and Cartoons 1947-1967 (Cairo: Abdine Publications, 1967?).

60 - ME - ISSA Israel and South Africa, 1983-1984. Includes: Richard Lee, (Prof. at University of Toronto) "Ethnicity, Militarism and Human Rights: Israel and South Africa" in Dialectical Anthropology, 8 (1983), pp.121-28; Alfred T. Moleah, "Israel and South Africa Partners in Repression" Jan. 1984, No. 2, Palestine Research and Education Center, Washington, D.C.

60 - ME - JA Jews in Arab Lands, 1968-1973. Includes booklet: Jews of the Arab Countries, Palestine Monographs, No. 82 (Palestine Liberation Organization, Beirut, 1971), 105p. Removed: 4 clippings; reprint of Merlin Swartz, "The Position of Jews in Arab Lands Following the Rise of Islam" in The Muslim World Hartford Seminary Foundation, LX, No.1, 1970, pp.6-24.

60 - ME - JC Jewish Chronicle, 1968. Removed: 2 issues of Jewish Chronicle, The Organ of British Jewry: Sept. 6, 1968, No.5,185, 36p. and Sept. 19, 1969, No.5, 239, 48p. 
60 - ME - JDL Jewish Defence League, 1971-1972, 1983. Removed: 4 clippings; Walter Goodman, "Rabbi Kahane says: `I'd love to see the J.D.L. fold up. But-'" in New York Times Magazine, Nov. 21, 1971, p.30f.

60 - ME - Je Jerusalem, 1968-1972, 1982. Original file measured 6cm. Includes correspondence between Frank H. Epp and Harold Regier, Peace and Social Concerns Sec., General Conference Mennonite Church regarding a statement for the Mennonite Church to the US congressional subcommittee on the Near East which Epp was asked to write in the of Fall 1971; news release of the General Conference Mennonite Church, Jan.28, 1972, with excerpts of Epp's statement. 
Removed: 30 news clippings and magazine articles including: 4 from the Christian Science Monitor, 1970-1972;New York Times Magazine, May 11, 1969, p.30f.; Maclean's Magazine, May 6, 1985, p.33; 2 Time magazine articles, May 18, 1981 and Apr. 12, 1982; The Record, Jerusalem: City of David 1981, 20p. newspaper published by the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith in cooperation with The Israel Interfaith Committee; Chretiens pour la Palestine, May 1971 issue; 5 information booklets from various sources; The Link published by Americans for Middle East Understanding: Sept./Oct. 1971, Nov./Dec. 1971, Sept./Oct. 1972; an issue of The Mennonite, Mar. 30, 1971; an issue of The Christian Century, Oct. 13, 1971; an issue of The Holy Cross Quarterly, Vol.5, No.2 (Summer 1972) Worcester, MA.

60 - ME - Je - Ca Canada, 1979. Includes: Comments on Jerusalem by The Secretary of State For External Affairs, The Honorable Flora MacDonald, June 7, 1979, 1p. and some news clippings related to the the controversy of moving the Canadian embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Removed: 40 news clippings, mostly related to this issue.

60 - ME - Jo Jordan, 1968-74, 1984-1985. Original file measured 5 cm. Removed: 27 of 30 news clippings; "A Visit with Hussein" in New York Times Magazine, Aug.27, 1972, p.10f; 2 Newsweek articles: Mar. 27, 1972, p.41-42 & June 26, 1972, p.41; Ministry of Culture & Information (Amman, Jordan) publications: 5 booklets from 1974 on the people and government of Jordan all around 20p., 4 small booklets from 1967 on Jordan's government, geography, economic development and tourism, all around 20p.; 2 booklets: "Jordan at the United Nations 1972" 44p. & "The United Arab Kingdom King Hussein's Speech, March 15, 1972, 12p.; Jordan, published quarterly by the Jordan Information Bureau, Winter 1982/83, Spring Summer 1983, Fall/Winter 1983-84, Spring/Summer 1984.    

60 - ME - Ku Kuwait, 1971.

60 - ME - L Literature, 1967-1973. Original file measured 4cm. Includes the headings from Frank H. Epp's Aug. 17, 1968 24 page report to the Mennonite Central Committee, "The Land of Promise: A land Without Peace" with a note from Litti Walz in New York. 
Removed: bibliographic lists on Israel; Sir Anthony Buzzard, "Israel and the Arabs The Way Forward" published by The British Council of Churches, Dec. 3, 1967; New Outlook, Middle East Monthly, Feb.-Mar. 1976; a map of Jordan; two envelopes of materials from the Middle East Peace Literature Service (a Jewish Peace Fellowship group) in Nyack, New York, 1970? which appeared to be unused. 

60 - ME - La Langer, Felicia, 1980s? Notes from talk by Israeli Lawyer & Human Rights Activist Felicia Langer.

60 - ME - Le Lebanon, 1970-1985. A few of the 18 news clippings (1970-1972, 1982-1985) were copied. 

60 - ME - Le - 85 1985. Removed: 20 news clippings.

60 - ME - Let Letters, 1983-1985. Includes a letter to the Editor in the Kitchener-Waterloo Record from Marcia and Michael Pascoe, June 8, 1985.

60 - ME - Ma Maps - Included only a photocopy of a map of the Holy Land from Harper's Magazine, Dec. 1984, which was removed. File withdrawn.

60 - ME - MCC Mennonite Central Committee, 1976-1985. Includes correspondence and materials from Urbane Peachey, MCC ME Director; minutes of MCC Peace Section and Overseas Service sponsored Consultation in Chicago, May 24, 25 1976; papers from the ME Consultation in Chicago, Aug. 24-25, 1976; news releases on Israeli, Sept. 23, 1977, Oct. 13, 1978; news items on the ME summarized by Urbane Peachey, MCC Peace Section, 1976-1978; reports and news release from Paul Quiring in Jerusalem, 1980; Memo from Overseas Services, Mar. 1985/143 "Lebanon Update"  

60 - ME - MCC - Int Interest Group, 1976-1984. Includes materials from Urbane Peachey, MCC Peace Section.

60 - ME - MED Middle East Dailies, 1968. Includes: an issue of  The Jerusalem Post, June 26, 1968 on which the word "Mennonites" is written. Removed: an issue of The Jerusalem Post, June 28, 1968 and its Week-End Magazine; an issue of The Daily Star, Beirut, Lebanon, June 23, 1968. 

60 - ME - MEI Middle East Institute, 1970. Includes 1970 conference program and some of the institute's news sheets, sent out every 2 months.  

60 - ME - MEN Middle East Newsletter, 1968. Includes: The Middle East Newsletter Americans for Justice in the Middle East, June-July 1968. Removed: the Oct. 1968 and Jan.-Feb. 1969 issues of this newsletter. 

60 - ME - MER Middle East Review, 1971. Removed: Middle East Review, Vol.IX, No.2, Winter 1976/77.

60 - ME - MERAG M.E. Research and Action Group, 1973-1976. Includes: On Target, Summer, 1976, No. 2, the publication of this British group.

60 - ME - MES Middle East Seminar, 1981.

60 - ME - Mu Munich, 1972. Removed: a dozen news clippings on slaying of Israeli athletes in Munich, all from Sept. 6, 1972 in the Kitchener-Waterloo RecordGlobe and Mail and New York Times as well as  Newsweek, Sept. 25, 1972 p.49f.

60 - ME - NA New Alternatives, 1971-1973. Includes correspondence of Frank H. Epp with the exec. sec. Allan Solomonow; Jameel's Journal, ed. & published by J. Peters, No.4, Summer 1973, attached to April 6, 1973 letter. Removed: article by Eric Rouleau, Supplement to The Middle East News Review from Le Monde Jan.9-13, 1973 andBulletin of the American Professors for Peace in the Middle East, June 1973, both of which were attached to Solomonow's letter of Apr. 6, 1973.

60 - ME - NCC National Council of Churches, 1968-1973, 1983-1984. Includes correspondence and information from the Church World Service, the National Council of Churches, National Council of Churches of Christ,  Dave Kroeker, ed. of The Canadian Mennonite, Tory Pelz of Cambridge, Ont..

60 - ME - NEEBII Near East Ecumenical Bureau for Info. and Inter., 1971-1976. Includes correspondence of Frank H. Epp with members of this organization whom he met on his 1971 ME trip. Translation of Epp's book, Whose Land is Palestine into Arabic and French was discussed.  

60 - ME - NO (New Outlook) - Removed: 2 issues of New Outlook, Middle East Monthly: June 1970, Vol.13, No.5 (115) and March 1977, Vol.20, No.2 (173) (available at University of Waterloo). File withdrawn.

60 - ME - NV Non-Violence and Palestinian Struggle, 1984. A discussion held in Washington, D.C. Includes list of participants and Frank H. Epp's notes.  

60 - ME - O Organizations, 1968-1984. Includes 16 letters from Frank H. Epp to organizations in New York City with whom he wished to meet and to whom he sent his 1968 ME report; his notes on the American Council for Judaism; booklets by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, 1969 and 1970 and The Palestine National Liberation Movement Fateh. A Copy of Frank H. Epp's talk to the Canadian Arab Friendship Society in Hart House, University of Toronto, Mar. 19, 1977, is attached to a Mar. 21, 1984 letter from M. E. Awad, pres. of the National Youth Advocate Program, Inc. 

60 - ME - Oc Occupation, 1968-1978. Includes "Report on the ME Crisis to the Peace Churches of America" 1968?; Asaad Abdel Rahman, A Prisoner of the Israelis (Ottawa: Middle East Research Centre, 1969), 99p. Removed: 2 articles by Michael Adams, "Israel's Treatment of the Arabs in the Occupied Areas" paper presented to symposium on Zionism in Baghdad, Nov. 1976 and "Signposts to Destruction Israeli Settlements in the Occupied Territories" published by the Council for the Advancement of Arab-British Understanding, 1976?; "Israelis versus Israel" Arab League booklet, 1970; "Time Stands Still in an Israeli-Occupied Town" in New York Times Magazine, 1970; 7 of 8 news clippings.

60 - ME - Oi Oil, 1973-1979. Removed: 4 news clippings, most from 1973 & Newsweek, July 23, 1973, p.59f.

60 - ME - Op Opposition, 1969, 1980. Removed: "And Now in Israel A Fluttering of Doves" in New York Times Magazine, July 26, 1970, p.8f. 

60 - ME - Pa Palestinians, 1970-1985. Original file measured 4 cm and included information from different Palestinian organizations from which a few items were kept. A note written by Frank H. Epp attached to a July-August 1974 copy of American Near East Refugee Aid Newsletter reads: "Helen, Illustrated here are camps we visited." 
Removed: Look 6-30-70, p.24f.; Maclean's Magazine Apr. 1982; Newsweek Sept.1970 & Aug. 1972; Christian Century, Nov. 12, 1975, p.1021; a booklet of poetry: "They Claim There is No Resistance" published by Fateh; Walter Lehn, "The Palestinians: Refugees to Guerrillas" in Middle East Forum Vol.68, No. 1, Spring 1972, p.27f.; "Palestinian Life at Ground Level," in Merip Reports Nov./Dec. 1983, p.24f.; reprint of Eugene V. Rostow on Palestinian Self-Determination in Yale Studies in World Public Order, Vol.5 (1979), pp.147-172; 45 rpm P.L.O. Cultural Arts Section record; booklet: "A Confrontation" published by The Association for Peace in Tel Aviv, Israel; 20 of the 23 news clippings including a 2 part advertisement section of The Guardian in 1976, May 14, pp.11-18 & May 15, pp.11-14.    

60 - ME - PC Peace Camp of Israel, 1980-1983.

60 - ME - PHR Palestine Human Rights Bulletin, 1974, 1979. Includes a small book forchildren called Home (1974) published in Beirut, some mailings of 1974, Palestsine Human Rights Campaign (May 1979) and Palestine Bulletinpublished by the Emergency committee for Palestinian rights (Sept. 1974).
Removed: "Civil rights and freedom in embattled Israel" in Christian Century, Dec. 4, 1974, p.1142f. in which Israel Shakak, member of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem in mentioned; "The Expulsion of a West Bank leader" inChristian Century, Dec. 18, 1974.

Return to top

60 - ME - PLO Palestine Liberation Organization, 1968, 1974, 1984. Includes: Beirut Palestine Liberation Organization Research Center's response to Frank H. Epp to send him all their future English publications; Bernard Lewis, "The Palestinians and the PLO A Historical Approach" in Commentary Magazine, New York, N.Y., 1974?; excerpt from Canadian House of Commons Debates, Nov.12, 1974; copies of  a few of the 50 news clippings that were in the file. 
Removed: Bernard Lewis, "The Palestinians and the PLO" published by the Council for the Advancement of Arab-British Understanding; Rashid Hamid, "What is the PLO?" in Journal of Palestine Studies, Summer 1975, pp.90-109;  "A man of Peace, In  Memoriam Said Hammami, 1978, published by the Council for the Advancement of Arab-British Understanding; Michael Adams' speech, "Palestinians Have Rights Too" 1980, published by the Palestine Information Office, Ottawa, Canada; Muhannad Hallaj, "The Palestinians and the PLO" Information Papers Series, Sept. 1983, Palestine Research and Educational Center, Washington, D.C.; "The Dilemma of the PLO in Merip Reports, Nov./Dec. 1983, pp.3-6; Newsweek, July 4,1983, p.26-28; Maclean's Magazine, Nov. 21, 1983, pp.32-34. 

60 - ME - PP Peace Proposals, 1970-1977. Includes: 1975 address of former Senator J. W. Fullbright to ME Institute Conference. "Preliminary Notes on Possible Practical Steps to promote Palestinian Nationhood..." CAABU/ EURABIA Seminar on Palestinian Nationhood; article by Hanna Newcombe in War/Peace Report, Mar. 1971, pp.17-19; issue of WIN News (Women's International Network?), June 15, 1970, pp.1-10. Removed: booklet "To Choose or Not to Choose" booklet of The Association For Peace in Tel Aviv; Leonard Binder's article in The University of Chicago Magazine, Vol. LXIII, No.5, pp. 2-12; 10 news clippings including "Israeli test of Mideast peace accord" in The Globe and Mail, Mar. 21, 1979, p.10f.

60 - ME - Pr Press, 1963-1973, 1984-1985. Includes: "The Arab-Israeli Dispute" TV interview transcript, David Susskind show Dec. 3, 1967; A.C. Forrest, "What happened when I criticized Israel" in The United Church Observer, Apr. 1, 1968, p27f.; "All we know is what we read in the papers" in The Arab Case, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1968; Elmer Berger, "How can Palestine be explained to the West" address of Nov.7, 1968; Elma E. Esau, "Anti-Arab Bias in the American Press as related to the Israeli-Arab War of 1967" graduate student term paper, Dept. of History, Bethel College, Apr. 17, 1969, 32p.; Know (bi-weekly news service from Israel's Hebrew press), Vol. 1, No.5, Aug.17, 1972; newspaper article of Mar. 25, 1985, "Middle East coverage is not fair: professor" in which Frank H. Epp is quoted. Removed: Know, Vol. I, No.4, July 31, 1972 & Vol. I, No. 6, Aug. 31, 1972. 
60 - Pr Press, 1970-1973, 1982. Complements the above file, news clippings only. Includes "Criticism of Israel and Zionism suppressed in Canada, Forrest says" in Globe and Mail, Mar. 5, 1970, p.8.

60 - ME - PRC Palestine Research Centre, 1970-1973. Includes: article on legal aspects of Palestinian resistance; publication list of The Arab Women's Information Committee; publication list of the center, 1970.

60 - ME - PSF Peace Ship Fund, 1972. Includes correspondence of Frank H. Epp with the Canadian Council of Churches regarding the launch of Abie Nathan's Peace Ship on a broadcasting assignment. 

60 - ME - PW Prisoners of War, 1982-1985. Removed: 12 of 16 news clippings. The majority covered the May 1985 freeing of Arab prisoners. 

60 - ME - Q Qatar - Included 1 news clipping: "Quatar 1972 A Progress Report" in The Christian Science Monitor, Mar. 21, 1972, p.5 which was removed. File withdrawn.

60 - ME - Qu Quaker Report, 1970. Removed: 2 copies of report: Search for Peace in the Middle East (Philadelphia, Pa.: American Friends Service Committee, 1970), 75p. Published version transferred to CGUC Library.

60 - ME - R Refugees, 1966-1978. Original file measured 6.5cm. Includes: University Christian Center Forum (Beirut), lectures by Peter Dodd and John Reddaway, 1967; Statement and Recommendations from Consultation on the Palestine Refugee Problem, Cyprus, Sept. 1969, 14p.; UNRWA/UNESCO Education Services for Palestine Refugees booklet, 1970; US House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee Hearing, Apr. 4, 1974 (full record), attached to July 1, 1974 letter from American Near East Refugee Aid pres., John P. Richardson; American Near East Refugee Aid Newsletter, No. 31, Jan.-Feb. 1975; "Near East Council of Churches Committee for Refugee Work Gaza Area, Annual Report, 1978" (includes some photographs). 
Removed: Michael Comay, "The Arab Refugees" and "The Arab-Israel Conflict" 2 addresses at the United Nations, 1968 (Jerusalem: Information Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1969), 32p.
Removed: the following issues of United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) Newsletter, Palestine Refugees Today: 1970 - No. 63; 1971 - No. 69, 70; 1972 - No. 71, 74; 1973 - 75, 76; 1974 - 79; 1977 - 83; 1978 - No. 84, 85. 
Removed: 2 issues of A. G. Mezerik, ed. International Review Service: Vol. IV, No. 44, July 1958 and Vol. 23, No. 110, Nov. 1980; 2 of 3 copies of "Sequel" publication of UNRWA for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, 1968, 32p. of photographs; "Israel, a Threat to Peace" (1968?), illustrations with captions in Arabic, French and English, published by the government of Kuwait; "Remember Karameh" illustrated booklet published by the Karameh Reconstruction Society, Jordan, 1968?; 10 of 11 news clippings, most from 1970 and "A Canadian Explores the human side of the Arab reality" in Globe Magazine, Nov. 21, 1970, p.2-7.

60 - ME - RZ Religious Zionists, 1961, 1977, 1983-1985. Removed: Israel Scene, Zionist Monthly, Jerusalem, Sept. 1984.

60 - ME - SA Saudi Arabia, 1981-1985. News clippings only. Removed: Newsweek, July 26, 1982, p.33.

60 - ME - SB Study Booklet, 1970. Correspondence of Frank H. Epp about a study outline to follow up the Canadian Council of Churches study tour to the Middle East in Sept. 1970 which he was to lead. 

60 - ME - SH Sami Hadawi, 1981. Removed: Sami Hadawi, The Palestinian: Victim of Conspiracy (A Collection of Articles) (Toronto, Ont.: Arab Palestine Association, 1981), 58p.

60 - ME - Si Sinai, 1973, 1985.

60 - ME - SMEC Society for Middle East Confederation, 1979-1980. Includes Frank H. Epp's correspondence with Joseph Abileah of Haifa, Israel.

60 - ME - SP Study Process - MCC, 1968-1969. Includes correspondence with Mennonite Central Committee on conducting a ME study.

60 - ME - Su Suez - 2 items removed: "Route to Settlement may lie in the Suez Canal" in Globe and Mail, Dec. 12, 1970, p.9 and Ragaei El Mallakh, "The United States and the Suez Canal A Study in Economic Mutuality of Interests" a League of Arab States pamphlet, 1973. File withdrawn.

60 - ME - Sy Syria, 1972, 1985. Removed 3 of 5 clippings and "Syria's Assad: His Power and His Plan" in New York Times Magazine, Feb. 19, 1984, p.42f.

60 - ME - TL Twice in a Lifetime, 1968. Removed: 2 of 3 copies of the 60p. color illustrated book "Twice in a Lifetime" on the life of the Palestinian refugees from 1947-1968 published by UNRWA, 1968. 

60 - ME - Tr Transaction, 1970. Includes: a special issue, "The permanent war arabs vs. israelis" in Trans-action Social Science and Modern Society, Vol. 7, No. 9-10, July-Augusts 1970.

60 - ME - TUMEG Toronto Universities ME Group, 1983-1985. Includes notices of the group's meetings and some correspondence of the pres. with Frank H. Epp.

60 - ME - UCC University Christian Center, 1967-1970. Includes: The UCC Review, occasional publication of the center (Beirut), Vol. I, No. 1, Jan. 1970; Elie A. Salem, "War and the Peace in the Middle East, the Role of the university and the intellectual" published by UCC, 1967, 8p.

60 - ME - UCCF University Christian Center Forum - Papers of the University Christian Center's Palestine Seminar for American Students 1969-1970, June 1970 were removed. File withdrawn.

60 - ME - UN United Nations, 1967-1980. Original file measured 7cm. Includes: a poster size map of UNRWA operations in 1967. 
Removed: A. G. Mezerik, ed. International Review Service: Arab-Israel Conflict and the United Nations, Vol. VIII, No. 73, 1962; 2 issues of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dept. of Palestine Affairs: "United Nations Resolutions Disregarded by Israel 1947-Dec. 1969" Dec. 14, 1969 and "The United Nations Condemnations Against Israel [Figures & Facts]" Dec. 17, 1969, 16p.; 1 copy of "Sequel" publication of UNRWA for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, 1968, 32p.of photographs; 2 copies of 60p.color illustrated book "Twice in a Lifetime" published by UNRWA, 1968; booklet, "UNRWA 1969-70 and the Palestine Refugees" 24p.; "The water-road: Highway to regional development at Qala en Nahal, Sudan" UNHCR Report, 1972, 31p.; "United Nations General Assembly Resolutions Regarding Assistance to Palestine Refugees" UNRWA from Nov. 19, 1948 to Dec. 8, 1970; "Report of the Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East" 1 July 1969-30 June 1970, General Assembly Official Records, 25th Session Supplement No. 13 (A/8013); United Nations Press Services, Office of Information, United Nations, New York (for use of information media - not an official record); Press releases from Dec. 2, 1970, financing UNRWA, 2p.; Jan. 2, 1971 financing UNRWA, 2p.; Feb. 12, 1971 (weekly news 5-11 Feb.), 6p.; Feb. 19, 1971 (weekly news Feb. 12-18, 5p.); United Nations General Assembly, 25th Session "Report of the special committee to investigate Israeli Practices affecting the human rights of the population of the occupied territories," Oct. 26, 1970 A/8089, 65p. plus VII Annexes and Dec. 11, 1970 A/8237, 4p.; United Nations Security Council Reports of Jan. 1, 1971 S/10070, 22p.; Feb. 1, 1971 S/10070/Add.1, 2p.; Feb. 18, 1971 S/10124, 6p.; 3 of 4 news clippings.  

60 - ME - UNRWA United Nations Relief and Works Assoc. - Transferred to CGUC Library: United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) Newsletter, Palestine Refugees Today April-May-June 1972.
Removed: the following issues of United Nations Relief and Works Agency Newsletter, Palestine Refugees Today: 1971- No. 66, 67.
Removed: UN General Assembly, Special Political Committee, Report of Commissioner-General of UNRWA, Nov. 11, 1968, A/SPC/PV.612, 22p.; the following Reports of the Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (each 90-100 pp. in length): 1 July 1968-30 June 1969 Supplement No. 14 (A/7614); 1 July 1969-30 June 1970 Supplement No. 13 (A/8013); 1 July 1970-30 June 1971 Supplement No. 13 (A/8413); 1 July 1971-30June 1972 Supplement No. 13 (A/8713); 1 July 1972-30 June 1973 Supplement No. 13 (A/9013); 1 July 1978-30 June 1979 Supplement No. 13 (A/34/13); 1 July 1979-30 June 1980 Supplement No. 13 (A/35/13); 1 July 1980-30 June 1981 Supplement No. 13 (A/36/13); 1 July 1981-30 June 1982 Supplement No. 13 (A/37/13);1 July 1982-30 June 1983 Supplement No. 13 (A/38/13) and 1 July 1983-30 June 1984 Supplement No. 13 (A/39/13); Report of the International Conference on the Question of Palestine, Geneva,29 Aug.-7 Sept. 1983, 165p.; 2 issues of UN High Commissioner for Refugees Newspaper: June 1974, No.3 & Oct. 1974, No.5; 2 copies of UN High Commissioner Report (magazine format) "El Refugio Refugees from Chile" Autumn 1975 and "Airlift The Sub-Continent Repatriation Operations Sept. 1973-June 1974"; Dusan J. Djonovich, ed.,United Nation Resolutions, Vol.I 1946-1948; Milton Viorst, UNRWA and peace in the Middle East (Washington, D.C.: Middle East Institute, 1984); United Nations relief and works agency for Palestine refugees in the Near East, 1983,Unrwa A Brief history 1950-1982, (1983), 304p.; Mordechai Nisan, "The Palestinian features," reprint of Chapter 8 in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza: views on the present and future (Washington: American Enterprise Institute, 1982), pp.191-209; International NGO Meeting on the Question of Palestine (United Nations Division for Palestinian rights, 1984), 164p.; Special Bulletin on the commemoration of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People 1984 (United Nations Division for Palestinian rights, 1984), 109p.; United Nations Division for Palestinian rights, Vol.VI, Bulletin No.9-10, Sept./Oct. 1983; United Nations Division for Palestinian rights, Vol.VI, BulletinNo.11-12, Nov./Dec.1983; United Nations Division for Palestinian rights, Vol.VII, Bulletin No.1-2, Jan./Feb.1984;United Nations Division for Palestinian rights, Vol.VII, Bulletin No.3-4, Mar./Apr.1984; United Nations Division for Palestinian rights, Vol.VII, Bulletin No.1-2, Jan./Feb.1984; United Nations Division for Palestinian rights, Vol.VII,Bulletin No.5-6, May/June 1984; United Nations Division for Palestinian rights, Vol.VIII, Bulletin No.2 Feb. 1985;United Nations Division for Palestinian rights, Vol.VIII, Bulletin No.3 Mar. 1985; Special Bulletin on the Commemoration of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People 1981 (United Nations Special unit on Palestinian rights); Special Bulletin on the Commemoration of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People 1982 (United Nations Special unit on Palestinian rights); The Third United Nations Seminar on the question of Palestine, Theme: "The Inalienable rights of the Palestinian people," Aug. 10-14, 1981, Colombo (United Nations Special unit on Palestinian rights), 144p.; The Fourth United Nations Seminar on the question of Palestine, Theme: "The Inalienable rights of the Palestinian people," Aug. 31-Sept. 4, 1981, Havanne (United Nations Special unit on Palestinian rights), 144p.; The Sixth United Nations Seminar on the question of Palestine, Theme: "The Inalienable rights of the Palestinian people," Apr. 12-16, 1982, Malta (United Nations Special unit on Palestinian rights), 155p.; The Seventh United Nations Seminar on the question of Palestine, Theme: "The Inalienable rights of the Palestinian people," Aug. 2-13, 1982, Dakar, Senegal, (United Nations Special unit on Palestinian rights), 159p.; The Eighth United Nations Seminar on the question of Palestine, Theme: "The Inalienable rights of the Palestinian people," May 9-13, 1983, Jakarta, Indonesia (United Nations Special unit on Palestinian rights), 204p.; The United Nations and the question of Palestine A compilation of essays 1980-1982 (United Nations Special unit on Palestinian rights),May 11, 1983, 96p. Compilation of statements made by eminent persons at the International Conference on the question of Palestine, Geneva Aug. 29-Sept. 7, 1983 (United Nations Special unit on Palestinian rights), 84p.; Special Bulletin on the Commemoration of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People 1983 (United Nations Special unit on Palestinian rights), 120p.; "Annotated preliminary list of items to be included," United Nations General Assembly Thirty-seventh session, A/37/100, June 15, 1982, 378p.; "Resolutions and decisions of the General Assembly and the Security Council relating to the question of Palestine 1982," United Nations General Assembly A/AC.183/L.2/Add. 3, Apr. 6, 1983, 72p.; "Resolutions and decisions of the General Assembly and the Security Council relating to the question of Palestine 1983," United Nations General Assembly A/AC.183/L.2/Add. 4, Apr. 6, 1983, 72p.; papers from "The Fifth United Nations Seminar on the Question of Palestine," theme: "The Inalienable rights of the Palestinian people," Mar. 15-19, 1982, blue folder of materials, measuring 4cm, sent to Frank H. Epp. 
File withdrawn.

Return to top

60 - ME - US United States, 1964-1985. Original file measured 4.5 cm. Includes: Congressional Record, June 16, 1970, No.99; address of J. W. Fullbright, "The Clear and Present Danger" 1975?; Information Papers, Assoc. of Arab-American University Graduates, Inc., Chicago, Ill., 2 issues for 1970, No. 1 (July) and No. 2 (Sept.). Removed: 2 copies of booklet "American Interests in the Middle East" The Middle East Inst., Washington, D.C., 1969; Michael C. Hudson, Willard G. Oxtoby, "America and the Middle East Report of a conference held at Yale University Nov. 3, 1967" New Haven Com. on the Middle East Crisis, Mar. 1968, 36p. "The United States, Israel and the Arab States," in Information Papers, Assoc. of Arab-American University Graduates, Inc., Chicago, Ill., No.3 (Dec.); Special Issue: "The U.S. and the Middle East" of Middle East Information Series, Vol. XX, Sept. 1972, published by American Academic Assoc. For Peace in the Middle East; reprint of Edward R. F. Sheehan, "How Henry Kissinger Did It Step by Step in the Middle East" in Foreign Policy , No.22, Spring 1976 (available at U of W); articles in Time, Sept. 13, 1982, p.16f., Sept. 20, 1982, p.45; Maclean's Magazine, Aug. 2, 1982, p.21f.;Newsweek: July 20, 1970, p.17f., Feb. 15,  1971, p.21f., July 19, 1982, p.16f.; New York Times Magazine, Nov. 7, 1971, p38f. & Apr.8, 1984, p.32f.; over 50 news clippings from the late 1960s to the 1980s. 

60 - ME - USSR Russia, 1972, 1984. Removed: 20 of 22 clippings; Newsweek, Jan. 18, 1971, p.27f.;  Maclean's Magazine, Apr. 23, 1984, p.30f.

60 - ME - Va Vatican - Included - Andrei Kreutz, "The Vatican and the Palestinian question," (1980s?), 36p. and 1 news clipping: "Vatican's report on Israel `regressive'" in Kitchener-Waterloo Record, June 25, 1985, p. A10, both of which were removed. File withdrawn.

60 - ME - Wa67 1967 War, 1969. Removed: Lewis, R. Scudder, Jr., "Arab Intellectuals and the Implications of the Defeat of 1967" unpublished MA thesis, American University of Beirut, July 1971, 315p.

60 - ME - Wa73 1973 War, 1974. Includes essay of The Revolutionary Communist Alliance, March 1974. Removed:Globe and Mail news clipping Oct. 9, 1973, p.10; Vada Hart Nabky, "David and Goliath The June War in the Light of its Aftermath," 47p. booklet. (See above file for another publication of hers.)

60 - ME - WB West Bank, 1973-1985. Removed: over 20 news clippings; Newsweek, Sept. 15, 1980, p.17; Time, May 24, 1982, p.55; "Report from the occupied territories" Merip Reports, June 1983; "`Under occupation... politics slaps you in the face'" in Gospel Herald, June 7, 1983, p.403; New York Times Magazine, July 22, 1984, p.32f.

 60 - ME - WCC World Council of Churches, 1967-1969, 1983. Includes correspondence of Frank H. Epp with WCC and some of the monthly reports he received from them. 

60 - ME - WCCP World Conf. of Christians for Palestine, 1970-1974. Original file measured 3 cm. Includes letter of Ivan Friesen, MCC Dir., West Bank to Vern Preheim, MCC, Pa., June 20, 1970. Removed: reports and presentations of the World Conference of Christians for Palestine, May 9, 1970 (measured 2 cm.). 

60 - ME - Zi Zionism, 1967-1977. Original file measured 5cm. Includes: articles "on Terrorism" The Arab Information Center, 1972, compliments of Yehia Aboubakr, Dir. of the centre in Ottawa, Ont.; materials from the Zionist Assoc. of America. 
Transferred to CGUC Library: Fritz Steppat, "Some Historical Aspects of the Clash Between Zionism and Arab Nationalism" University Christian Center, Beirut, Lebanon, 1968; William Holladay, "Is the Old Testament Zionist?" University Christian Center, Beirut, Lebanon, 1968. 
Removed: Elmer Berger, "Prophecy, Zionism and The State of Israel" with Introductory Note by Arnold J. Toynbee,Issues,  Pre-Print, Summer 1968, American Council for Judaism; Dov Barnir, "The Jews, Zionism, and Progress" inConfrontation Viewpoints on Zionism, World Zionist Organization, Jerusalem, 1970; "Zionism is Racism" published by Norman Bethune Inst., Toronto, Ont., 1975. 
Removed: 7 of 9 news clippings; Saturday Review, Oct. 28, 1972, p.80f.; New York Times Magazine, Jan. 3, 1971, p.6f. & Feb. 3, 1971, p.11f.; Deir Yassin, 1948 Zeita, Beit Nuba and Yalu, 1967 reprint of 2 articles published by The Palestine National Liberation Movement, FATEH, 1968, 1969; Walid Khalidi, "Plan Dalet The Zionist Master Plan for the Conquest of Palestine" reprint from Middle East Forum, Vol.37, No.9, Nov. 1961, Arab Information Center, Ottawa, Ont., pp.22-28; Fayez A. Sayegh, "The `Non-colonial' Zionism of mr. aba eban" reprint from Middle East Forum, Vol.62, No.4, Nov. 1966, Arab Information Center, Ottawa, Ont., pp.43-74.

60 - Mo Months, 1960-1965. Removed 9 of 12 news clippings from New York Times Magazine, most of which were from 1960 and had lists of events for each of the months of the year. The ones removed in the following month files were similar in nature.

60 - Mo - Ja January, 1961.

60 - Mo - Feb February, 1960.

60 - Mo - Ma March - Removed: New York Times Magazine, Feb. 26, 1961, p.17. File withdrawn.

60 - Mo - Ap April, 1960. Removed: New York Times Magazine, Apr. 3, 1960, p.5.

60 - Mo - Ju July - Removed: New York Times Magazine, June 27, 1965, p.11. File withdrawn.

60 - Mo - Sept September - Removed: New York Times Magazine, Aug. 29, 1965, p.36 & 38. File withdrawn.

60 - Mo - Dec December - Removed: "In December" in New York Times Magazine, Nov. 29, 1959. File withdrawn.

60 - R Religion, 1970.

60 - Rev Revolution, 1968. Includes: Frank H. Epp, "On Taking Part in a Revolution" speech prepared for Peace Days at Goshen College, Oct. 20-23, 1968, 14p. A short note of Frank H. Epp's on "The Gospel and Revolution." Removed: "Are We in the Middle of a Revolution?" New York Times Magazine, Nov. 10, 1968, pp.54-70.

60 - SU Soviet Union, 1962-1968. Original file measured 3 cm. Removed: book reviews (from New York Times); book lists on Russian studies; catalogue for "Russian Newspapers, Periodicals And Books," Bell and Howell Company, 1968?; Look Magazine, Oct. 5, 1962, p.32f.; Time, Sept. 12, 1969, p.74f.; Newsweek: Apr. 17, 1972, p.49 & June 26, 1972, p.37; New York Times Magazine: Sept. 18, 1966, p.66f., Mar. 24, 1968, p.25f., April 21, 1968, p.3f., Oct. 13, 1968, p.127f., Feb. 23, 1969, p.3f., Sept. 10, 1972, p.31, Oct. 28, 1984, p.22f., May 5, 1985, p.57f.;New York Times Book Review, Dec. 26, 1971, p.1f.; Saturday Review: Oct. 7, 1967, p.33f., Nov. 18, 1967, p.53f., issue on "Film-Making Behind the Iron Curtain" Dec. 23, 1967, 48p., Feb. 17, 1968, p.19f., Feb. 8, 1969, p.23f., Nov. 28, 1970, p.27f. (book review), Dec. 25, 1971, p.14f.

60 - SU Soviet Union, 1967-1972, 1982-1983. Complements the above file, news clippings only. Includes 15 news clippings mostly on religion in the Soviet Union and a few on Siberia. 35 clippings were removed. 

60 - SU - Rel Religion, 1968-1972, 1979. Includes reports and materials on persecuted Christians in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe: A. Lemberg, compiler, "Christianity in Atheist Chains" (Stockholm: Balt-Press, 1968?); Report sent to UN General Sec. U. Thant from the Council of the Relatives of Prisoners, members of the Evangelical Christian-Baptist Church (ECB) in the USSR; trip report of  Walter Sawatsky's study tour to the Soviet Union, May 2-23, 1979. 

60 - SU - SP Soviet Press, 1983. Includes 6 issues of the newsletter From the Soviet Press which includes excerpts from Soviet newspapers, for eg. New Times and TASS, printed in Ottawa, ON in English. Removed: issues of this newsletter from June 2, 13, 14 & 15.   

60 - SU - 50 Soviet Union '67 - 50th Anniversary, 1967. Includes 4 articles from a series called "50 Years of Red Rule" published in the Globe and Mail between Oct. 2 and Nov. 3. Removed: 13 articles from this series; advertising report in Globe and Mail, Nov. 7, 1967 p.9; "The Father of the Revolution" in Globe Magazine, Sept. 30, 1967, p.14f.; New York Times Book Review Section, Nov. 12, 1967, pp.20-21.   

60 - U United Nations, 1958, 1966.

60 - US United States, 1952-1970, 1983. Original file measured 5.5cm. Includes: John Graham, "The American System" published by Research, Information & Publications Project Student Union For Peace Action, 1965? 15p. 
Removed: some book reviews; "Indian Rights and American Justice" in The Christian Century, Feb. 9, 1955, 24p.;"The True Meaning of the Mayflower" in Gospel Messenger, Sept. 28, 1957, p.10f.; articles from Look Magazine: "America's New Middle West" Sept. 30, 1958, "New England" Sept. 13, 1960, "History in Reverse, If The South Had Won The Civil War" Nov. 22, 1960, "Irish Origins of a President" Mar. 14, 1961, "Life on the New Frontier" Jan. 2, 1962, "We hold these truths...to be self-evident......" Jan. 15, 1963, "Presidents in Danger" Look Book Bonus, Sept. 12, 1961, "The American South, Rise of a New Confederacy" Nov. 17, 1970; "Across Minnesota in 1870" Apr. 17, 1960, p.5f. and "Minnesota and the Civil War - Part 1" Jan. 8, 1961, p.11f., both in Minneapolis Sunday Tribune; articles from The New York Times Magazine: "Jefferson was only 33 when -" Oct. 23, 1960; "Seen Who Set Our Destiny" Feb. 19, 1961, "North Carolina" Advertisement Mar. 5, 1961, "Delaware" Advertisement May 7, 1961, "How the No.1 Power Should Use Its Power" Jan. 14, 1968, "We Can't Resign As `Policeman of the World'" May 12, 1968, "Uncle Sam Has Cried `Uncle!' Before" May 18, 1968, "Six `Big Lies' About America" June 6, 1971, "Is America Falling Apart?" Nov. 7, 1971; U.S. Senator J. William Fulbright, "For A New Order of Priorities At Home And Abroad" in Playboy Magazine, 1968? pp.110f.; articles from Saturday Review: "Reflections on the Great Society" Aug. 6, 1966, "Can We Stay Prosperous?" Feb. 11, 1967, "American Tragedy, 1967" Sept. 16, 1967, "State of Affairs" June 22, 1968, 2 book reviews by Robert Griffith in Apr. 22, 1972; "The Spirit of `70 Six Historians Reflect on What Ails the American Spirit" in Newsweek, July 6, 1970, pp.19-34; 2 complete issues of Newsweek: Special Issue: "Our America A Self-Portrait at 200" July 4, 1976 and Special Anniversary Issue: "The American Dream" Spring 1983.   
60 - US United States, 1959-1961, 1968-1972, 1979-1982. Complements the above file, news clippings only.

60 - US - Ca Canada - Included only 2 news clippings: "Veterans outraged as LIFE ignores Canada's war role" in the Toronto Star, May 21, 1985, p.A1 & 4 and "Canada is bad news in U.S." in the Globe and Mail, May 25, 1985, p.L8, which were removed. File withdrawn. 


Transferred to CGUC Library: a black binder organized with papers and minutes from the meetings of the Mennonite Bicentennial Commission, 1984-1986. Also with the binder are: "Summary of congregational replies to bicentennial events," Jan. 7, 1985 and John W. Friesen, "Concepts of Mennonites in school curricula," Aug. 1984, 36p., which is a study "undertaken as part of the conceived mandate of the Mennonite Bicentennial Commission of Waterloo, Ontario and was undertaken at their request." Also transferred, the seal of the Mennonite Bicentennial Commission.

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