Epp, Frank H. -- 74. Law, 77. Medicine, 78. Music

Classification scheme:

Hist. Mss. 1.26.1

Epp subject files homepage

74 Law

74 - g General, 1959-1962, 1968-1972. Includes an undated essay "The Mennonite and the Law"; press release on an address of the Canadian Minister of Justice, Otto Lang on "Lawyers In An Open Society" 1972. 
Removed: magazine articles regarding the law, the courts, the police and crime from: Maclean's Magazine, Aug. 30, 1958, p9f.; Feb. 14, 1959, p.13f.; Mar. 12, 1960, p.13f.; Apr. 9, 1960, p.24f.; Apr. 23, 1960, p.26f.; "Robert Kennedy speaks out on civil rights..." in Look Magazine, Mar. 28, 1961, p.23f.;  New York Times Magazine, Sept. 11, 1960, p.30f. & June 11, 1961, p.31f.; 25 of over 40 news clippings.

74 - g General, 1960-1976, 1985. Complements the above file, news clippings only. Includes 2 undated articles by Aaron Klassen, "Should Mennonites prepare to enter the legal profession?" in Der Bote; article "Winkler Farmer Told Doctors Can Bar Him From Delivery Room" in Red River Valley Echo, Mar. 19, 1961.

74 - g - AI Amnesty International, 1983-1985. Removed: The following issues of Amnesty International Bulletin Canadian Section: for 1983: May, June, Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec. 83/Jan. 84; for 1984: Mar., Apr., May, July, Oct.; for 1985: Feb., Mar., Apr., May, June; The Candle A Journal of International Human Rights, Fall 1984.  

74 - g - AI Amnesty International, 1980-1984. Complements the above file. Includes news clippings and an issue of  The Candle A Journal of International Human Rights, Winter 1984.  

74 - g - CJL Committee for Justice and Liberty,1965. Includes a news release from the committee; booklet: "Submissions of the C.J.L. Foundation and the Christian Labour Association of Canada to the Royal Commission Inquiry into Civil Rights in the Province of Ontario"; notes of Epp's regarding the committee. 

74 - A American Statutes and Cases, 1962-1965. Removed: "Effect of the Supreme Court's Prayer Ruling Uncertain" in Gospel Messenger, Aug. 18, 1962, p.22f.; articles from the Winnipeg Free Press in June & July 1962 on banning prayer in the schools.

74 - C Church, 1960s?

74 - Ca - Canada - De Deschenes Commission, 1982-1985. Included 40 news clippings, the majority between Feb. and June 1985 on the issue of Nazi war criminals, from: Globe and Mail, Toronto Star and the Kitchener-Waterloo Record, most of which were removed.

74 - Ca - Canada - De Deschenes Commission, 1980-1985. Complements the above file, news clippings only.

74 - Ca - EA Elections Act, 1982-1984. Includes a copy of the Canada Elections Act and other materials related to Frank Epp's role as a crown witness on election expenses in a Calgary court.

74 - Ca - KJ Keegstra, Jim, 1984-1985. Included 48 clippings mostly from Globe and Mail and Toronto Star, 6 of which were kept.

74 - Ca - ZE Zundel, Ernst, 1985. Included over 40 news clippings of this case from Jan. to May, mostly from Globe and Mail and Toronto Star with a few from Toronto Sun and the Kitchener-Waterloo Record, most of which were removed.      

74 - Ca - ZE Zundel, Ernst, 1985. Complements the above file, news clippings only.     

74 - Ci civil, 1957-1967. Removed: "The Story of a Marriage Law" in Christian Century, July 17, 1957, p.869f.; "Human Background of the Civil Rights Issue" in New York Times Magazine, Feb. 14, 1960, p.10f.; "The Mood Of The South - And The Status Now Of Civil Rights" in New York Times, Sunday, Mar. 6, 1960, p.E3; "The Label Story" booklet of the Canadian Food and Drug Directorate (Dept. of National Health and Welfare), 1961; "`It is time NOW...' some questions and answers on the civil rights bill" US government pamphlet, 1963.  

74 - Ci - Pr Privacy, 1968. Includes articles on bugging and wiretapping.

74 - Cr Criminal, 1957-1965, 1974. 

74 - Cr - CP Capital Punishment, 1951-1957, 1960s? Includes a 10 page statement on "Capital Punishment, The Mission of Church and State" by H. (Harvey?) Taves, 1960s?. 
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives, Leo Driedger's  (assoc. exec. sec. of Board of Christian Service) compilation of 17 articles on capital punishment, May 6, 1960, 53p.

74 - Cr - Pr Privacy - Included one article: "Wiretapping and bail, Views on a new law to protect privacy" in Globe and Mail, July 15, 1969, p.7 which was removed. File withdrawn.

74 - I International, 1960-1961, 1984. Removed: 2 Globe and Mail articles: "Sea law treaty would allocate riches," Jan. 28, 1984, p.B1 & "An environmental first, 20 nations sign pact to protect Earth's ozone," Mar. 23, 1985, p.1. 

74 - L Legal Actions, 1957.

74 - L - Er Error, 1956-1969, 1983-1985. Includes a page of Frank Epp's notes "Jesus on Trial" with several "Points for discussion." 
Removed: 5 news clippings; 3 Maclean's Magazine articles: "London Letter, Memories of a famous hanging long ago" Mar. 28, 1959, p.10f; "Do Our Courts Dispense True Justice?" Aug. 1, 1959, p.13f; (in Maclean's Reports) "How Jacques Hebert, single-handed, resurrected the Coffin murder case" Feb. 8, 1964, p.1.   

74 - Mi military, 1966. Includes news clippings from July 1966 on prisoners of war in Vietnam.

74 - Mos mosaic, 1960s? Includes a quote noted by Frank Epp on love of the neighbor.

74 - P Patents, Copyrights, Trade marks - Included one article: "Why the copyright law needs revision" in Saturday Review, Sept. 18, 1965, p.126f. which was removed. File withdrawn.

74 - T Titles, Abstracts, Deeds, Wills, 1957-1965. Includes pamphlets by Mennonite conferences on making wills. 
Removed: "Making Christian Wills" in Evangelical Visitor, Sept. 18, 1961, p.5f. 

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77 Medicine

77 - g General, 1958-1962. Includes program of the Assoc. of Mennonite Hospitals and Homes, Jan. 1959; program of Mennonite Medical Assoc. annual meeting, Sept. 1962; revised constitution of the Mennonite Medical Assoc. 
Removed: most of the more than 40 news clippings and magazine articles; an issue of Mennonite Medical Messenger, Spring 1962, Vol. 14, No. 2; promotional materials (including photographs) on dental health from Colgate-Palmolive in N.Y.; booklet "Why? Medic-Alert" from the Canadian Medic-Alert Foundation; an issue ofHarper's on "The Crisis in American Medicine, Oct. 1960.

77 - g General, 1958-1961, 1971-1972, 1983. Complements the above file, news clippings only.

77 - g - CMA Canadian Medical Association, 1969-1973. Includes 6 of 16 news clippings that were in the original file.

77 - g - Hi History - Included one article: "In the next 25 years, medical electronics will give new life to you body" in Look Magazine , Jan. 16, 1962, p.51f., which was removed. File withdrawn.

77 - g - Ho Horizons, Mennonite Health and Welfare - Included one issue of this journal, Mar.-Apr. 1962, which was removed. File withdrawn.

77 - g - IPPNW International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, 1983-1984. Includes materials and copies of this journal, sent to Frank Epp in response to his letter on behalf of the Mennonite Central Committee Peace Section concerning the involvement of the Mennonite Church in the world movement for disarmament. Removed: International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, Inc. Report, June 1983, Vol. 1, No. 2. 

77 - g - Pe Personal, 1982. Includes a letter to Frank Epp regarding medical tests and appointments.

77 - g - Qu Quackery, 1964-1965.

77 - g - Re Religion, 1969-1972, 1978. Includes Prof. A. Becker's presentation, "Theological Critique on Human Life" to the Mennonite Hospitals and Homes meeting, Jan. 18, 1968. 
Removed: "The Oral Roberts empire, university television programs, home for the aged, magazine publishing, direct mail, computer center and old-time religion all under one tent" in New York Times Magazine, Apr. 22, 1973, pp.14f.  

77 - g - W World Health Organization, 1958, 1983.

77 - A Anatomy, 1950, 1961, 1972, 1981. Removed: "The Human Neck" in Christian Century, May 16, 1956, p.609; 2 Maclean's Magazine articles: "What you see and how you see" in Feb. 2, 1957, p. 14f. & "The unseen world of taste & smell" in Sept. 28, 1957, p.38f.

77 - A - Ha Hands, 1958. Includes a number of quotations noted by Frank Epp. 
Removed: 3 Gospel Messenger articles: "Hands and their uses" in July 28, 1956, p.3; "No place for lazy fingers" in Nov. 9, 1957, p.1; "Hands that serve" in Jan. 17, 1959, p.2f.

77 - A - He Heart, 1958-1968, 1984. Includes articles on heart disease.

77 - D Dentistry, 1972, 1979.

77 - DD Disposal of Dead, 1958-1964, 1975. Includes: Notes collected by Mrs. Ora Hoggof Toronto, Ont.. on "Funerals and Cremation - II," 1964? 28p. 
Removed: "Dying, two out of three Canadians say they are not afraid of death" in Weekend Magazine (Globe and Mail) Oct. 28, 1978, p.3-4, 8f.; "Famous (and not so famous) last words" in Globe and Mail, Aug. 4, 1979, p.10.

77 - DD - Fu Funerals, 1957, 1970. Includes: Kenneth Bagnall, "Requiem for a nobody" in Globe Magazine, Aug. 8, 1970. 
Removed: "Chains threaten family-run funeral homes" in Toronto Star, Sept. 6, 1983, p.A7.

77 - Di Diets, 1956-1961, 1980. Includes diet information for Frank Epp.

77 - DM Diseases of Man, 1954-1961. Removed: 4 newspaper and magazine articles on: polio, the Asiatic flu (inLife Sept. 2, 1957) and asthma, all from the 1950s and one on malaria (New York Times Jan. 24, 1960).

77 - DM - Ca Cancer, 1952-1961. Removed; "Background for hope, a fifteen year progress report of the American Cancer Society" in New York Times, Mar. 27, 1960, Section 10; "With hope and happiness" in The Mennonite, Jan. 25, 1958, p.118.

77 - E Equipment - Included one article: "Too many people have died waiting..." in Kitchener-Waterloo Record, Weekend Magazine, Apr. 29, 1972, p.2f., which was removed. File withdrawn.

77 - ET Ethics, 1983. Removed: "gynecologist who has practiced, candidly talks about fee splitting, knife-happy surgeons and mercenary doctors" in Look Magazine June 19, 1962, Vol. 26, No.13.

77 - F Fees, 1957, 1980-1983. Removed: "The battle for your health dollar" in Look Magazine, 1960s? p.24f.

77 - H Health & Religion, 1957-1967, 1977-1979. Includes booklet: Sickness and Health issued by the Board of Evangelism and Social Service, United Church of Canada (1967), 25p. 
Removed: Paul M. Miller, How God Heals (Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1960), 23p.; "Ministering to the sick" in The Mennonite, Sept. 22, 1959; "Does your doctor dare tell you the truth?" in Christian Herald, March 1960, p.21f.;"Initiate full-time chaplaincy program at Illinois Hospital" (with photo of Rev. Ben Krahn) in Mennonite Weekly Review, May 4, 1961, p.5; Living with dying" in Newsweek, May 1, 1978, p.52f. 

77 - H - Fe Fear, 1958-1961.

77 - H - He Healing, 1956-1960. Removed: Special issue on "Divine Healing" in The Christian Ministry, April-June, 1950; "What about Oral Roberts?" in Christian Century, Sept. 5, 1956, p.1018f.; 2 Maclean's Magazine articles: "Oral Roberts" in Oct. 27, 1956, p.12f. & "Joseph Anatole Desfosses, He takes your money - and thinks of you" in June 15, 1954, p.10f.

77 - H - Eu Euthanasia, 1957-1961, 1971-1975, 1983-1985. 
Removed: most of the 20 articles from newspapers and magazines.

77 - H - Em Emotions, 1956. Removed: "The dangers of over-stimulation" in Mennonite Observer, Oct. 24, 1958.

77 - H - Pa Pain, 1960-1961. Removed: "How much pain can you stand?" in Maclean's Magazine May 25, 1957, p.22f.

77 - H - Pr Prayer - Included one article: "Prayer helps maintain health" in Christian Century, Jan. 16, 1957, p.73f. which was removed. File withdrawn.

77 - H - Lo Loneliness, 1957-1963. Includes "The anatomy of loneliness" in Gadfly, Oct. 1961, pp.1-4. 
Removed: Billy Graham, "The Despair of Loneliness," pamphlet (1952); "Solitude" in Bethel College Bulletin, June 1956, p.3; "Loneliness" in Maclean's Magazine, Jan. 2, 1960, p.22f.

77 - H - Su Suffering, 1953, 1960. Removed: "Nurses and Invalids" in Christian Century, Dec. 5, 1956, p.1416; "Rediagnosis of history's great men" in New York Times, Feb. 7, 1960, p.38; "Everybody's favorite nurse... is Barbara Llyod of Boston" in Look Magazine, Mar. 15, 1960.

77 - H - S1 Sleep, 1957-1960. Includes some quotations written down by Frank Epp.

77 - H - VD Venereal Disease, 1963-1972. Removed: "The venereal disease pandemic" in New York Times Magazine, Nov. 7 1971, p.62f.

77 - H - Wo worrying, 1956-1959.

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77 - Ho Hospitals, 1964, 1972-1977, 1982. Includes bill for consultation services to Frank Epp at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, 1977. 

77 - Ho - SK Sick Kids, 1985. Removed: articles related to the baby deaths at this hospital in Toronto in: Toronto Star, Jan. 4, 1985, pp.A1, 6, 7, 18, 19, B1-8, also, Section C, Sports/Business/Classified, 24p. & Section D, Life/Entertainment, 16p., of the Jan. 4, 1985 issue. 

77 - Hy Hygiene, 1957-1964. Removed: brochures from: the American Heart Assoc., insurance companies (on heart and mental disease) and the American Dental Assoc.; "The trouble with middle-aged men..." in Maclean's Magazine, June 4, 1960, p.25f.

77 - O Obstetrics, 1952, 1958-1959, 1965-1967, 1984. Includes booklet: Helen Heardman, Relaxation and Exercise for Natural Childbirth (Edinburgh: E. & S. Livingstone Ltd., 1952), 32p. 
Removed: 3 articles from Look Magazine: "Dramatic photographs of babies before birth" June 5, 1962; "Cesarean"  Aug. 27, 1963, "Natural Childbirth" undated. 

77 - Ob Obesity, 1972. Includes letter of request from Epp to the American  Medical Assoc. for a booklet advertised in Saturday Review.

77 - Op Optometry, 1957-1959. Removed: "Eye for an Eye" in Winnipeg Tribune, Weekend Magazine, Nov. 3, 1956, p.2f.; "The color-blind child" in Look Magazine Jan. 19, 1959.

77 - P Pharmacy (Drugs), 1956-1975. Removed: "What about the high cost of medicine?" in Christian Living, June 1958, p.20-21; 2 Saturday Review articles: "The case of the substituted drug" Sept. 5, 1959, p.45f. & "Amphetamines reconsidered" July 8, 1972, p.33f.; "The dangerous diet pills" in Life, Jan. 26, 1968; "Pot, hard drugs and the law" in New York Times Magazine, Feb. 15, 1970, p.4; "Why we pay  so much for prescription drugs" inToronto Star, Feb. 24, 1985, p.A1f.  

77 - Pe Pediatrics - Included 2 articles: "Will your child have a birth abnormality?" in Minneapolis Sunday Tribune, Apr. 23, 1961, p.9 & "Baby survives four-floor fall" in Winnipeg Free Press, July 11, 1962, p.1, both of which were removed. File withdrawn.

77 - Pe - BS Babies and Swallowing, 1958-1961. Removed: "A sad note..." about a 7 year old boy who died, inEvangelical Visitor, Sept. 15, 1961, p.22.

77 - Phy Physiology, 1959-1962. Removed: most of more than 10 news clippings and magazine articles, most of which concerned the drug thalidomide. 

77 - PR Public Health and Research, 1955-1961. Removed: 2 Maclean's Magazine articles: "How sick/or healthy/ are Canadians?" Sept. 27, 1956 & "Too much health is making us sick" Sept. 27, 1958; "Public health at 7 1/2 per cent" in Saturday Review, June 4, 1960; "You had to be tough...to survive the old methods of artificial respiration" in Minneapolis Sunday Tribune, July 16, 1961. 

77 - PR - F1 Flouridation, 1958. Removed: "New Facts on Fluoridation" in Saturday Review, Mar. 1, 1969.

77 - S Surgery, 1957. Removed: "Superstar surgeon separating siamese twins" in The Saturday Star, pp.A1, A13; "Making individuals of siamese twins" in Globe and Mail, Aug. 6, 1984, M7; "Why surgeons operate" in Maclean's Magazine, Sept. 23, 1961. 

77 - S - Tr Transplants, 1968. Removed: "The Hunt for the beating heart" in Maclean's Magazine, Jan. 1969, p.51f.; The Telegram, Oct. 30, 1968, p.42 with articles on kidney and heart transplants.

77 - T Therapeutics - Included one article: "Can you trust a chiropractor with your health?" in Maclean's Magazine,June 6, 1962, p.22f. which was removed. File withdrawn.

77 - T - BT Blood Transfusions, 1958-1959. Includes: Harold Parker, "Why blood transfusions are not wrong," pamphlet, 1950s, 7p. with name, H.H. Stoez,, Horndean, Man. written on it. 
Removed: 2 Winnipeg Free Press articles: "`They obeyed the Bible' - witness minister" Nov. 14, 1958, p.6 & "Witnesses laud boy's parents" Nov. 17, 1958, p.1; 2 Maclean's Magazine articles: "Religious beliefs mustn't shackle human welfare" Feb. 28, 1959 & "Three blood transfusions out of four are more likely to harm than to heal" Aug. 26, 1961.

77 - To Tobacco, 1954-1972. Original file measured 3.5cm. Includes: Roscoe C. Evans (Oklahoma City), Tobacco Facts For Teachers and Youth Leaders, Third Edition (Washington, D.C.: American Temperance Society, 1957), 24p.; Harold F. Dorn, "Tobacco Consumption and Mortality from Cancer and Other Diseases," Paper presented to the Seventh International Cancer Congress, London, England, 1958, 20p.; "Votes and Proceedings of the House of  Commons of Canada," June 27, 1969, No. 179, pp.1267-1281. 
Removed: Loren Linda and Willard Krabill, M.D., Tobacco and your life (Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1964), 31p.; brochures on smoking and health from the Michigan Cancer Foundation & the American Cancer Society; "Smoking and lung cancer" in The Mennonite, Sept. 9, 1958; 2 Gospel Messenger articles: "What about smoking?" Aug. 1, 1959 & "A Plea to Limit cigarette advertising" Jan. 19, 1963; "I helped 2,200 Canadians give up smoking" in Liberty, July 1956; "The cigarette" in McCall's, Nov. 1959; "Showdown coming in cigarette advertising - the cigarette companies would rather fight than switch" in New York Times Magazine, May 4, 1969.

77 - To Tobacco, 1957-1967, 1979, 1984. Complements the above file. Includes a selection of the more than 60 news clippings that were in the file.

77 - To - Ad Advertising, 1957-1963. Includes: a few notes of Frank Epp; article in Marketing, Canada's weekly newspaper for advertising and sales executives, June 28, 1963; some of the 30 magazine ads that were in the file.

77 - To Ad Advertising, 1958-1963, 1969-1971, 1984-1985. Complements the above file, news clippings only.

77 - To - CA Campaigns Against, 1958-1963, 1983.

77 - To - Ci Cigars, 1958. Includes 3 of 6 clippings that were in the file.

77 - To - La Law, 1960.

77 - To - Me Medical Findings, 1948, 1956-1963, 1984. Includes: Glen R. Miller, "Whatabout tobacco?" pamphlet, 1948; "Cigarette smoking and school children" in Manitoba School Journal, Nov.-Dec. 1961; Paul Harvey, "Why quit smoking?" brochure (1958?). 
Removed: 25 of the news clippings; articles on smoking in: Youth's Christian Companion, Nov. 4, 1956, p.357 & Aug. 31, 1958, p.1f.;  The Mennonite, Aug. 29, 1961, p.547; Maclean's Magazine, Aug. 10, 1963; Smoking and its relationship to health and disease, A Resource Guide for Michigan Teachers of Grades 5-12 (Michigan: Michigan Council on Smoking and Health, 1963), 30p. 

77 - To - Qu Quitting Tobacco Habit, 1964, 1984. Includes: a copy of Bill C-32, The House of Commons of Canada, 1964. 
Removed: 8 of 10 articles on "Overcoming the Tobacco Habit" from 1964; "Butting Out" full page article in Globe and Mail, Feb. 4, 1984, p.L2.

77 - To - SGR Surgeon General's Report, 1964. Includes report on smoking and cancer in The Chicago Tribune, Jan. 12, 1964, pp.1-10; "Cigarette smoking research, results, action" in Winnipeg Tribune, Jan. 13, 1964, p.8. 
Removed: "The cigarette issue" in Saturday Review, Oct. 21, 1967, p.58.

77 - To - SS Smoke Signals, 1957-1960. Includes: German essay, "Ist Tabakrauchen Suende?" by D. D. Klassen, 1959?; a selection of the 7 issues of  Smoke SignalsQuarterly Newsletter of the American Temperance Society,1957-1960, that were in the file.

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78 Music

78 - g General, 1958-1961, 1969-1973. Includes souvenir program of the Moscow State Symphony, New York City (1959?). 
Removed: an issue of The Music Bulletin, published by the Canadian Mennonite Brethren Conference, Vol.1, No.1, Feb. 1963, 4p.; an issue of The Canadian Composer, No.1, May 1965, sent to Frank Epp as editor of The Canadian Mennonite.

78 - g - SS Song Sheets, 1961, 1973. Includes: song sheet from the engagement of Adolf Ens and Anna Epp, Dec. 1961; copy of program presented by the young people of the Society of Brothers, Woodcrest, Rifton, N.Y., 1973; song sheets from the "Ploughshares and Pruning Hooks" Study Conference, 1973; booklet with copies of words for various hymns and folk songs. 
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: A. G. Sawatsky, ed., Lieder-Quelle fuer Kirche und Haus Nummer III, Juli, Aug., Sept. 1930 (Hillsboro, Kan.: M.B. Publishing House, 1930).
Removed: 2 copies of Celebration in song : selected hymns for the 70th session of the Conference of Mennonites in Canada, July 5-9, 1972, Waterloo, Ontario (Ontario?: The Conference, 1972). 

78 - A Appreciation, 1958. Includes some undated notes of Frank Epp on activist singing. 
Removed: "Twenty Years of Recordings" in Saturday Review Aug. 26, 1967, pp.47-76.

78 - A1 Albums - Removed: Book-of-the-Month Record Catalogues, 1984, 1985; article on Raffi, a favorite children's singer, in Toronto Star, Oct. 11, 1983, p.F1. File withdrawn. 

78 - C Cassettes - Included only a brochure from Mennonite Brethren Communications for their German Music Library Collector Series Cassettes (from the 1960s?), which was removed. File withdrawn.

78 - D Dramatic, 1955, 1961. Includes 2 programs of the Killarney Glee Club, 1950s?; Youthspiration Handbook No.3, For Young People's Meetings, Youth Rallies And Radio Broadcasts (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1955); program of the Metropolitan Opera in Minneapolis, Minnesota, May 1961. Removed:Metropolitan Opera Libretto, Martha, Opera In Three Acts (New York, N.Y.: G. Schirmer, Inc., 1961), 59p. 

78 - F Folk Music, 1967-1971. Includes: booklet "Deutsche Lieder zusammen gestellt fuer die Ottawa Mennonite Church von L. & U. Gerbrandt." 
Removed: "Folk singers and their fans" in Look Magazine, Aug. 27, 1963; "Rock as Salvation" in New York Times Magazine, Aug. 25, 1968; "`Won't you listen to the lambs, Bob Dylan?'" in New York Times Magazine, Nov. 28, 1971.

78 - H History of Songs - Hy Hymns, 1962. Removed: "Hymns we love" in Youth's Christian Companion, Sept. 10, 1961, p.590f.; "O God, Our Help in Ages Past" in Gospel Messenger, Dec. 29, 1962, p.17f.

78 - I Instrumental Ensembles, 1957-1959. Removed: "Muzak, Muzak, Everywhere" in The Christian Century, Sept. 25, 1957; "The organ - instrument of controversy" in Gospel Messenger, Jan. 5, 1963; "See the synthesizer - ain't it something?" in Globe and Mail, Jan. 4, 1972, p.11.

78 - S Sacred Music, 1957-1966. Includes: program for conference, "Mennonites in conversation with the Fine Arts" at which Frank Epp was a presenter; letter from Esther Wiebe that was attached to a complimentary copy of her book: Canticles and Psalms for Church Choir (Winnipeg, Man.: CMBC Publications, 1979 (the latter was removed). 
Removed: 7 ads for church hymnals from various denominations; "Music in Worship" in The Mennonite, July 15, 1958, p.421; "Church Music, Religious or Jazz?" in The Christian Witness", Aug. 21, 1958, Vol. XVIII, No. 17, p.1f.; articles on church music in the following issues of Gospel Herald: Jan. 3, 1956, p.11; Mar. 6, 1956, p.225; Nov. 5, 1957, p.945; Aug. 5, 1958, p.733; Sept. 2, 1958, p.829f.; Nov. 4, 1958, p.1045; Mar. 3, 1959, p.201.  

78 - S - Hy Hymn Stories, 1956-1959. Includes: "Twelve New World Order Hymns" (New York, N.Y.: The Hymn Society of America, 1958). 
Removed: "How a famous hymn was written" in Gospel Herald, Feb. 7, 1956; articles on hymns in Youth's Christian Companion in: Sept. 16, 1956, p.304; Oct. 21, 1956, p.344; Nov. 25, 1956; Mar. 12, 1961, p.170f.; Aug. 27, 1961, p.556f.

78 - Se Secular Music, 1957-1960. Removed: "We don't have to put up with rock 'n roll" in Maclean's Magazine, Sept. 28, 1957, p.10f.; "Rock 'n Roll" in The Evangelical Mennonite, Nov. 15, 1958, p.7f.; "A Doctor Champions Rock 'N' Roll" in Winnipeg Free Press, May 11, 1957, p.5; Blue Bomber Song Sheet in Winnipeg Free Press, Nov. 29, 1957, p.38; "The Great Elvis Presley Industry" in Look Magazine, 1957?

78 - V Vocal, 1958-1963. Includes a souvenir book for the Obernkirchen Children's Choir of Germany, 1958? 
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: "Choirs And Music In Our Churches" Konferenz-Jugendblatt der Mennoniten Bruedergemeinden in Kanada, Maerz-April 1956, 11 Jahrgang, No.64 (photo of Kitchener Mennonite Brethren Church Choir on the cover).

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