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dcss is a Python package accompanying John McLevey (2021) Doing Computational Social Science.

dcss is a Python package accompanying John McLevey (2021) Doing Computational Social Science.

simkit is a Python package for generative modelling (esp. agent-based computational models and probabilistic models) of cultural learning and social influence, structural identity and affect control, and institutional emergence. Developed by John McLevey. Currently in beta and under active development.

M2C3 is a Python package implementing methods and models (M2) of cultural cognition and change (C3), with an emphasis on belief network analysis, relational class analysis, correlational class analysis, and other approaches to analyzing and modelling shared cultural schemas from survey data. Developed by John McLevey. Currently in beta and under active development. (The alpha version was called dems.)

Nate is a Python package designed to facilitate research at the intersection of social network analysis / network science and applied natural language processing. It scales efficiently for large and complex datasets. Nate offers functionality for seamlessly connecting state-of-the-art machine learning models used in natural language processing workflows using spaCy with network analysis workflows using packages such as networkx, igraph, and graph-tool. Nate has carefully-designed data structures that connect these two types of research workflows, and offers a set of tools for quickly producing descriptive reports and visualizations.

metaknowledge is a full-featured Python package for doing computational research on science and knowledge. It was designed and developed by John McLevey and Reid McIlroy-Young. Jillian Anderson, Tyler Crick, and Rachel Wood have also contributed and to varying degrees are involved in maintaining the package.