Below are recruitment posters and investigator contact information for studies that are currently recruiting participants.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to the study's investigator.
University of Waterloo parkinson's database (UW-PD)
Want to get involved in Parkinson's related research?
We are recruiting participants to join our research database (UW-PD). The purpose of this database is to compile a list of individuals that will be contacted for future Parkinson's-related research studies.
You are eligible to join our UW-PD if:
1. You have been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and/or idiopathic REM sleep behaviour disorder, or;
2. you are a caregiver to someone with Parkinson's disease.
The Neurocognition and Mobility lab focuses on reducing the impact of neurodegeneration by preserving mobility and studying walking behaviour in an effort to predict future brain health and prevent disease progression.
This has been reviewed and has received ethics clearance through the University of Waterloo Research Ethics Board.
Sign up!
Click this link to access more information and a pre-screening survey.
You can also contact us at: