Nastaran Mosavari, PhD (Water), Civil and Environmental Engineering

Contact Nastaran Mosavari
- Chief elected officer of the student chapter
- Coordinate, attend and conduct all meetings
- Act as a liaison with the student chapter and the YPC and attend YPC meetings
- Ensure decisions, orders, and resolutions of the executive committee
- Maintains the annual budget
- Ensure student chapter continuation through succession planning
- Assist other officers of the executive committee
Co-Vice Presidents
Marjana Chowdhury, PhD & Ruyel Miah, PhD, Sustainability Management

Contact Marjana Chowdhury & Ruyel Miah
- Advertise the chapter and respective events
- Familiarize with the duties of the president and other officers
- Collaborate with and support fellow executive committee members in their respective roles
- Carry out any additional tasks as delegated by the chapter president
Kushani Abesekara, MASc (Water), Civil and Environmental Engineering

Contact Kushani Abesekara
- Document meeting minutes of all meetings
- Keep the membership roster up to date
- Maintain chapter files of correspondence and program materials, including the chapter by-laws
- Ensure all materials and promotional items use the correct logo, chapter name, etc.
Communications Director and Website Coordinator
Kalani Sachinthana De Silva, PhD (Water), Civil and Environmental Engineering

Contact Kalani Sachinthana De Silva
- Maintain chapter website
- Maintain communication with membership
- Work with other organizations to publicize chapter events
- Supports the advertisement and logistics of events organized by other officers
Events and Social Media Director
Omar Sadab Chowdhury, PhD (Water), Civil and Environmental Engineering

Contact Omar Sadab Chowdhury
- Organize social and academic events
- Design flyers and other promotional material for events
- Seek out collaboration with other student organizations on campus
- Electronic advertising of events (Instagram/LinkedIn)
- Assist other officers in promoting the organization
Sarah Rezaei, MASc, Chemical Engineering (Nanotechnology)

Contact Sarah Rezaei
- Maintains all financial records
- Assist in preparation of the annual budget and monitor chapter expenses
- Update the executive team with relevant financial information
- Assists other officers in organizing and promoting events