How will the same quality learning be given during online classes than for on campus courses?

We have offered online courses for many years at the same tuition fees (corresponding to the student’s program) as in-person courses. The high-quality online courses our instructors develop have always been recognized by the University and our students as equivalent to our on-campus offerings and are popular with many students because of the flexibility they afford. 

Transitioning to online delivery does not change the effort we will invest to ensure academic integrity and quality for our students. Learn more about student funding and fees

There are some components of some courses that cannot be offered at all, or that can only be offered with a significant effect on quality, if they are not done in person. To the extent that public health conditions will allow it, we will offer such courses, or parts of courses, in person in Fall 2020.  

Waterloo is home to the largest Co-op education program in the world. One consequence of this is that the University has always run many more courses in the Spring Term than do many universities, in order to accommodate the patterns of work and study terms for students. We have never had a break in summer in the way that some other schools do.